There are several differences in the way Spliced acts when it's on the geno compared to when it's an added trait.
First off, Summoning. If the spliced is an added trait on the spirit, the spliced half will not impact the summons from that spirit. It'll only impact summons if it's on the geno as dominant or recessive with Cloning Technique.
Secondly, Charity and Envy. If the spliced is on the geno and dominant or recessive, charity will pass from both sides and Envy will take from both sides. However, if it's an added trait, it'll only pass/take boosts from the original side.
Thirdly, removing the splice. If it's an added trait, the spliced side will be the one removed, however if spliced is on the geno as dom or recessive you are allowed to choose which side of the geno is removed. If not stated, the spliced side will be removed by default.
Finally, if spliced is an added trait and gets onto the geno via rebirthing as Occult, it is still treated as an added trait. Just because it's on the geno as Occult does not give it the same permissions as if it were dominant or recessive.
Last Updated: 1 year and 5 months ago