You can search the FAQ by keyword(s). If you can't find what you're looking for, feel free to reach out to staff.

Can I have someone claim my rewards for a submission for me?

Yes, you can! All you have to do is post a comment on said gallery image saying so and so is allowed to claim rewards in your stead. This will allow you to either circumvent the 15 day waiting period or even allow someone who wouldn't normally be allowed to claim to claim on your behalf.

They would still have to use their own consumables, however, and can't use yours.

Last Updated: 5 months and 3 days ago

How are rewards split for collabs?

PT and holiday currency is split 50/50 (or 33/33/33 etc) evenly between the players, however some players may get a little more than others if their characters have any bonuses the others don't.

Item rewards and other bonus rewards are character specific, so you may get one character in a submission getting 10 things, and the other character just getting 2-3. EXP is per character as well.

Last Updated: 5 months and 1 week ago

How do you handle rolling for collabs where one or more collab partners don't have a character in the image?

To be safe, we recommend including in a comment or description of the gallery submission that the person or people that don't have a character in the image are also claiming rewards, as admins may roll it without realizing 

Otherwise, the other player(s) just submitting their end before it's rolled would suffice, however the other player(s) would only get PT and holiday currency. If they are supposed to recieve part of the loot, that needs to be stated clearly.

Last Updated: 5 months and 1 week ago

I had a major life emergency happen, and was gone for a month and missed out on ___, what do I do?

It depends on what you missed.

If there was a submission pending you were unable to submit for and another player submitted for you, you can message that player and hopefully they will be kind enough to toss the items from that your way. If they refuse, depending on what the emergency was an admin can intervene. However, if an admin was the one who submitted for you, there's not much we can do besides comp you a basic amount of PT, EXP, and some basic items.

If it was an event like a world event or holiday event, there is a possibility we can give you a little time to do a basic submission for it to recieve something, but if it was a small activity like Stark's Hoard, Daily Gifts, Tatsu's Auction House, or raffles, there's nothing we can do.

Last Updated: 5 months and 1 week ago

I drew gift art for someone and they didn't claim their rewards, can I claim for them?

Technically, yes. If it is gift art and not a collab or a commission, all you have to do (If you are the artist/person who submitted to the gallery) is edit your gallery submission's description to say you are claiming the rewards, then we will be able to process it and give the rewards to you. If you don't have it stated in the gallery description you, the artist, are claiming the rewards, we will not roll it.

If it's a collab, you have to wait the 15 days or there needs to be a public comment from the other person stating they are letting you claim on their behalf.
If it's a commission, it's the same as the above unless you have no original claim to any rewards.

Keep in mind that only the artist (Or rather the one who submits to the gallery) or collab partners can claim the rewards, not someone else who was also added as a gift recipient/commissioner. If the person who isn't claiming wants someone else to claim on their behalf who normally isn't allowed to, a public comment needs to be posted giving said person permission to claim rewards on their behalf.

Last Updated: 5 months and 3 days ago

Can I hide markings under other markings?

Technically, yes, but only if a regular expression of the marking would be hidden. If you have to do an irregular expression of the marking in order to hide it, it is not legal.

This includes uses of Flicker. While Flicker can be used to hide a marking that would have to show without it, if the flicker has to be used in a large capacity in order to hide it it is not legal.

For example, you can hide Highlight under Boots at a large enough range, but if boots is being effected by flicker to minimize its range to only the toes, that range is too small for regular Highlight, and effecting it with flicker as well would still be too small of a range.

Last Updated: 6 months and 2 weeks ago

Can leg fur be kicked off front legs if genos have wyvern or quetzal wings?

Yes, you are allowed to remove the leg fur on the front legs if Kiji have Wyvern or Quetzal wings; you can also blend it in, minimize it, or have it overtop the wings.

Last Updated: 6 months and 2 weeks ago

How dark can I make markings/the base coat?

As long as we are still able to see the lineart, you should be good. We understand this can change for different monitors, so if an image gets sent to corrections because the approval mod says it's too dark, you can always get a second opinion.

If we cannot see the lineart, it's too dark. This does mean though, if using Heavenly Body, you are allowed to make the character solid pitch black since the trait makes the lines lighter than the base.

The only other exception to this is for small markings along the edges or tips of things; sometimes we will still approve even if we can't see the lines as the marking is generally small enough it's still clear what's going on.

Last Updated: 6 months and 2 weeks ago

What's the difference between Skills and Boosts?

Boosts are innate qualities about a character, rather than a skill or ability, and change how activities function around the character or add qualities. They can be gotten via familiars or equipment, can be put on equipment, and can appear in summons. Boosts can be removed whenever by using skill edits and do not impact skills.

Skills are active abilities a character learns through their life by persuing things, and can only be gotten as a reward for participating in Lore Prompts. They change how activities are rolled and add to the rewards gotten. Skills cannot be individually removed, but they can be wiped with an amnesia tonic. They may interact with boosts.

Last Updated: 9 months and 2 weeks ago

What's the difference between 'Every Submission' and 'Every Activity'?

Every submission means every single art or literature piece you do, including general art, whereas every activity means it usually includes quests, cove, lore, etc but not general art.

Last Updated: 9 months and 2 weeks ago

What happens to a user's characters/genos if they haven't been active for a while?

If a player has NOT deactivated their account but hasn't logged onto the site for a while, we don't do anything to their characters or genos.
If they haven't been active for ~6 months or more, however, we will usually disable their characters if it doesn't seem the user will return anytime soon.
Additionally, if the user has indicated anywhere on their profile that they are no longer active, we will also disable their characters.

If you find a character of yours is disabled, you can always check the notes to see if there's a reason stated, or reach out to an admin via admin requests to ask your characters are un-disabled.

Last Updated: 11 months and 2 hours ago

I accidently bought the wrong tier custom slot, what do I do?

If you've already used the slot, we can't do much unfortunately. However if it's still an item in your inventory, you can submit a request and ask for a refund, and we can give you back your credits for it and delete it from your account.

Last Updated: 11 months and 2 weeks ago

What's the difference between roll luck and item luck?

Roll luck is the luck of the character itself, and boosts that increase the luck of the character/roll. This usually impacts both the rarity of items gotten and the number of items gotten. Item luck, however, ONLY impacts the rarity of items gotten and does not mess with the number of drops.

Last Updated: 11 months and 2 weeks ago

What does the Radiation effect do?

Radiation is a status effect that lasts until the end of the fight, applying 8 damage each turn as well as lowering all perma stats by 5 for each level of radiation.

Last Updated: 11 months and 2 weeks ago

What is the Minimum Amount of Work for an Art/Literature?

Most activities or events will state their requirements. Otherwise for general art, there is no minimum for art, and the minimum for literature is 200 words.

Last Updated: 11 months and 3 weeks ago

Can I commission art/lit for activities?

Yes! You do not have to do entries yourself!

If it is commissioned from someone on the site, they will need to upload it themselves, NOT you! If it is from someone off site, you may submit it but make sure to link the original and the creator in the comments!

If the person does not want it uploaded on this site, you will have to simply create a blank gallery submission with placeholder art/text that links to the actual submission in the description. This way it will still be linked to the character and able to be tracked.

Last Updated: 11 months and 3 weeks ago

Are we allowed to post our art/literature or imports on other sites?

Of course! However in the case of art and lit you will not get rewards unless it is submitted onto this site.

As for posting the imports, you can if it's for ref, like on Toyhouse, however proper credit must be given to this site and the owner!

Last Updated: 11 months and 3 weeks ago

What is Discovery Cove?

Discovery Cove is a special activity members can participate in, in which you do art or literature of your character exploring Discovery Cove. You can get many crafting materials and other cool items, as well as discover new locations and unlock backgrounds for your Kiji and Tally!

Last Updated: 11 months and 3 weeks ago

What are Dens and How Many May I Have/be in?

Dens are basically like clans or guilds which you can level and outfit and make your own. They have their own activities and events accociated with them.

Dens cost materials and PT to build and can be found in the crafting to make a starter den, and yes you can have multiple! You do however need to own a spirit per den though to be the leader. You can create the starter den slot from the item in your inventory, then submit to approvals with the description information filled out.

Additionally, while you yourself can be a part of any number of dens, each of your characters can only be in one max at a time.

Last Updated: 11 months and 3 weeks ago

Can I buy Customs for Other People?

You can, however you have to contact a staff member about it before purchase or trade the character to the person after approval.

Last Updated: 11 months and 3 weeks ago

What's the Difference Between Customs and MYOs?

Customs vary on price and limits depending on what you want. Customs you purchase in the credits shop, then go to the item in your hoard, select it, and use the slot. The slot will be created automatically and available for you to submit to design approvals.

MYOs are usually much more limited but are given for free in raffles or events. MYO slots are created by the admin team for you in which you can then submit to design approvals after.

Last Updated: 5 months and 1 week ago

What Happens if One of the People in a Collab Doesn't Post Their Half to Submissions?

In the case of collabs or commissions that include spirits owned by multiple people, they need to have a submission posted one per character/person in the collab before we can roll it, however if one or more members in the collab do not post their submission/part, we cannot roll the person who has.

If another party has not posted their part in 15 days since the other(s), another member of the collab can submit in their stead. In this way, the member that didn’t submit for themself forfeits their rewards to the other preson, but we are still able to roll the submission.

Do keep in mind if not all members submit, or another member doesn't submit for the one that hasn't after the 15 days, we cannot roll until they have. If a month has passed without all the people in the submission being submitted for, an admin will submit in the players' stead and all rewards, including PT and EXP, will be forfeited.

Last Updated: 5 months and 1 week ago

How do I Message other Players?

Unfortunately we do not have private messages set up on this site.

To message another user, you can either comment on their profile or message them through their alias, or anything else that might be linked.

Last Updated: 5 months and 1 week ago

What Does a Marking Mean When It Says the Color Must Be 'natural to the Base'?

That means the color must be next to the color on the hue/value slider. For example, if you have a crimson base, the marking that is "natural to the base" can be any shade of red, or a same value purple or orange. For White and Black, it would have to remain on the greyscale slider, or can have the hue changed as long as the value is not.

The only exception to this is Starry, in which albino and nighted bases can share any colors as being natural.

Last Updated: 11 months and 3 weeks ago

What is the Difference Between When Spliced is Added or on the Geno?

There are several differences in the way Spliced acts when it's on the geno compared to when it's an added trait.

First off, Summoning. If the spliced is an added trait on the spirit, the spliced half will not impact the summons from that spirit. It'll only impact summons if it's on the geno as dominant or recessive with Cloning Technique.

Secondly, Charity and Envy. If the spliced is on the geno and dominant or recessive, charity will pass from both sides and Envy will take from both sides. However, if it's an added trait, it'll only pass/take boosts from the original side.

Thirdly, removing the splice. If it's an added trait, the spliced side will be the one removed, however if spliced is on the geno as dom or recessive you are allowed to choose which side of the geno is removed. If not stated, the spliced side will be removed by default.

​Finally, if spliced is an added trait and gets onto the geno via rebirthing as Occult, it is still treated as an added trait. Just because it's on the geno as Occult does not give it the same permissions as if it were dominant or recessive.

Last Updated: 11 months and 3 weeks ago

What Does It Mean in the Trait Info if It Says It's an 'addon' Trait?

Addon refers to the fact that trait is independent from the rules of 'only one of this kind of trait'. These traits are usually Unique traits. For example, you're only allowed to have one kind of legs trait, however even if you have leg fur, you're also allowed to have Gryphon Talons or Webbed feet.
​However, if the addon trait interferes with another addon trait, you will be forced to choose one or the other.

Last Updated: 11 months and 3 weeks ago

Can the Base Coat have a Gradient, Shading, or Nuances?

In the case of spirits, no. The base coat must be the same the whole way unless it has a marking changing it.

Centaurians, however, are allowed to have nuances.

Shading is not allowed for our imports to make color picking easier for players and admins. Lighting is allowed, however, for mutations such as Shiny or markings such as Varnish.

Last Updated: 11 months and 3 weeks ago

Can Markings be the same Color as Other Markings?

Markings can be the same or similar color, but be aware that if it is hard or impossible to tell markings apart from each other, design admins may cancel or reject your submission. Likewise, the base coat of your spirit should be easily identifiable at a glance.

Last Updated: 11 months and 3 weeks ago

Can I Hide Markings Under Other Markings?

Certain markings you are allowed to do so with. Make sure to pay attention to the Marking Tier guide to double check what goes over/under others!

Last Updated: 11 months and 3 weeks ago

What is the Difference Between Hard and Soft Edge Regarding Markings? What about Soft and Blended? Blended and Gradient?

A hard edge has absolutely no blur to it. The edge is very sharp and easy to distinguish between other colors because there is no blurring. A soft edge, on the other hand, has blurring so that it "blends" into what it sits on top of, but isn't blended so much it looks like a gradient.

Soft, as opposed to blended, could look similar to hard edged from a distance having a clear border, whereas blended there is no mistake to it being soft edged and the border is not as well defined.

The difference between blended and gradient, however, is that while blended you can tell the general area where the marking is situated, gradient edges don't seem to have a clear edge at all and are so blended that it's hard to tell exactly where the marking starts/ends.

If an admin requests the edge to be softer, then it needs to be closer to a gradient, whereas if they ask for it to be harder, it needs to be closer to a hard edge.

Last Updated: 11 months and 3 weeks ago

How Do Base Coat Modifiers Work?

The rare base mods (Silver, Neon, Bloodstained, and Skinned) essentially dictate the saturation and lightness levels of a base coat.

Secondary base coats however (the legendary ones) can be shown by making the base one color while having the markings be another, or making all but one marking the other color, or even making half one color and half the other! This DOES NOT allow you to make the base itself or markings multiple or blended colors.

Calico allows you to choose two other colors of equal or lesser rarity for the base or markings as long as all three colors show (if possible).

Technicolor requires every marking to be a different color from everything else.

Last Updated: 11 months and 3 weeks ago

Why Are Centaurians on This Site? What Do They Do?

Centaurians are only on this site for tracking purposes and provide nothing for the ARPG aspect besides currency when drawn.

Last Updated: 11 months and 3 weeks ago

How Do You Tell Whether Traits in Centaurian Genos Are Dominant or Recessive?

At the bottom on the genostring is a series of letters that generally come in sets of 2 or sometimes 4. If they are both capital (AA or AaAa) the gene is dominant. If one is capital and the other is lowercase (Aa or Aaaa) the trait is recessive. In the case of gender the XX, XY, or YY is always capital and doesn't matter much, in the case of the mutt mutation, if it shows both lowercase (mn) that means the gene is not active.

If a marking shows all lowercase (aa or aaaa) that means it was a randomly occuring marking and will not pass in breeding.

You can also tell this by looking at the traits in the traits section.

Additionally, because there is no way to put a note for subtypes, the Dominant/Recessive after the gender on Centaurians refers to the breed.

Last Updated: 11 months and 3 weeks ago

What Does It Mean When It Says a Trait/Boost is Added?

That means the trait/boost isn't actually on the character, and does not pass in summoning. Usually traits are applied by the owner of the character for aesthetics, while boosts come from items, familiars, or equipment.

For Centaurians, added markings are markings that randomly appeared upon generation/breeding and were not inherited, nor can they be passed.

Last Updated: 11 months and 3 weeks ago

What does the letter before the character's traits in the description mean?

D. and R. for summoning purposes only.

- D. stands for Dominant and means the trait can pass. The passing rate depends on the rarity of the trait.
- R. stands for Recessive and means the trait cannot pass, unless a boost changes that.

O. stands for Occult. This means the trait DOES NOT show physically on the Kiji, and it has a 50% lower chance to pass in summons than dominants.

Last Updated: 11 months and 3 weeks ago

Do I Have to Draw the Wisps/Charms?

You are not forced to draw the wisps or charms, however if you neglect to draw them, or any other trait or marking, points will be docked generally.

Last Updated: 11 months and 3 weeks ago

Can a Kiji's Eyes Be Any Color Except Red? Or a Tally's Any Other Except Blue?

Unless they have the mutation Energy Soul, they cannot. A Kiji's eyes reflect the burning of the Core, and a Tally's the cold of the abyss, and cannot be changed unless the character has a trait allowing it to be. However you are allowed to slightly shift the eye color to be slightly more orange/purple respectively or slightly darker or lighter, as long as it is still close to red or blue.

Last Updated: 11 months and 3 weeks ago

Can I make my characters disabled?

It depends on the disability. Centaurians are exempt from this rule, but for Kijis and Tallies, physical disabilities like a crooked leg or a weak back are perfectly fine, as well as mental disabilities and issues with energy (As long as it's not too serious, as in preventing it to do its job at all). You may also make your spirit blind or mute, even deaf, however missing an eye, ear, or limb is not allowed without the zombify mutation.

Last Updated: 11 months and 3 weeks ago

Can my characters die?

If you wish to pronounce your character as dead you can. They will not be labeled as dead, however, unless you ask an admin to change their status.

Last Updated: 11 months and 3 weeks ago

Can others design my character for me?

Of course! Just make sure to list them in the designer section when getting approval or the submission will be cancelled!

Last Updated: 11 months and 3 weeks ago

How many spirits can be used in a summon?

Lore-wise there is no limit.

Game-wise, if you have a Kiji with Gaia's Summoning III or a Tally with Yile's Summoning III you can preform a summon with just that character, otherwise a summon must be done with at least 2 characters, and at max 5.

Last Updated: 11 months and 3 weeks ago

Can Kiji and Tallies Crossbreed (Cross-Summon)?

They can! In order to cross-summon, a Core Soul or Unhatched Egg will be required though. No, you can't do both.

Last Updated: 11 months and 3 weeks ago

How is Summoning Different than Breeding?

Kiji and Tallies cannot breed, nor have the organs capable of it. Instead, Kiji and Tallies summon other Kiji/Tallies. This also means inbreeding isn't a thing, as they are not genetically tied to their summons.

The easiest way to explain the difference between summoning and breeding is that while breeding is a baby based on the genes of the parents, summoning is a new life form appearing that is adjusted by the traits of the ones summoning. Unlike breeding, in which the baby looks like the parents, in summoning, the summon has no biological ties to the summoners and might look completely different to them.

Last Updated: 11 months and 3 weeks ago

What is Summoning?

Summoning is where you summon a new Kijikaiaku or Subtalleon using the energy from 2-5 others. The energy from the ones summoning might impact the traits of the summon. This can only be done if you have a Core Soul or Unhatched Egg.

You can also summon a new Kijikaiaku or Subtalleon if you have an item or Kiji/Tally with the Gaia's Summoning or Yile's Summoning Stat Boosts as a replacement for the Core Soul, however that route adds a chance of the summon failing. Using characters to summon a new geno will give them a summoning cooldown for a week, or shorter if their stamina is high enough or they have a familiar or boost that will lower the time.

Last Updated: 11 months and 3 weeks ago

What is Rebirthing?

Rebirthing is basically evolving your character. When it is rebirthed, it doubles your current stats (If possible) and has a small chance of evolving boosts or adding/changing current physical traits and markings your character has. It costs 5,000 PT for your first rebirth and 10,000 PT after. If the character gets their genes changed, you will be required to add those markings/traits to it before the character will be allowed to participate in activities, unless you use items to remove them/change them back.

Last Updated: 11 months and 3 weeks ago

What is the Profile Link Section on a character's bio for?

That is a section for people to add an offsite link to a profile of their character, such as Toyhouse, a ref sheet, or a larger image that cannot be posted on site due to the file size.

Last Updated: 11 months and 3 weeks ago

Do you do Activity Checks?

It depends on what you mean by activity checks.

We understand some people are slower than others, or that IRL gets in the way, or that motivation can sometimes be hard.

We do not punish people for not doing submissions of their characters or participating in the game. We do not ban or suspend people for not participating. We do not delete characters or genos, or prevent people from grabbing them. As long as you are logging into the site at least once in a while, we will never touch anything.

However, if you haven't even logged into the site in about half a year or more, we may disable some designed characters of yours IF they have their gift art or literature set as 'yes'. This is solely to prevent people from seeing them on the front page and doing gift art, as we assume you're not going to be logging in again for a good long while. It would suck for someone to see a pretty character on the spotlight, draw them, and it turns out the owner isn't even active on the site. Thus, we disable them so players know 'don't draw this character.'

If you do come back and see a character disabled due to your absense, we'd be happy to undisable them!

Last Updated: 5 months and 1 week ago

Am I required to have Trackers?

Trackers are not required for Gaia's World, everything is tracked by admins on site!

Last Updated: 5 months and 1 week ago

How do I Level my Character?

Kijikaiaku and Subtalleons are leveled by gaining EXP, or through training. You can get EXP through art and literature, whereas Training requires specific art or literature pieces and doesn't give anything besides stats.

Centaurians do not level.

Last Updated: 11 months and 3 weeks ago

Are There Any Items That Allow Lineart Edits to Any Degree for the Import Base? Or That Allow for Custom Lines?

Small edits to the lineart are allowed, such as trimming lines or adding some wrinkles, adjusting the expression to appear more happy or angry, or moving traits slightly so they don't clip. Some traits, like uniques from packs or bosses, charms, wisps, or even some mutations like shiny or scaled, can be redone by your own hand as long as they fit the description of the trait.

Otherwise you will need a Glam Kit for any line edits or custom traits, and the edit must still follow the trait requirements in the Custom Trait Guide. An admin will look over the custom trait when doing your approval. We ask that you list in the comments what the Glam Kit(s) are effecting to be sure.

To do a full custom import, you will need the item called Legacy from the credits shop.

If the admin looking over your design rejects it for whatever reason, you are allowed a second opinion from another admin.

Last Updated: 11 months and 3 weeks ago

I Have a Hex Seal on My Kiji, and Yet When I Rebirthed a Trait Added Itself. Why Did This Happen?

Hex seals only prevent visual changes. This means you don't ever have to worry about redesigning a Kiji after rebirthing it if you have a Hex Seal applied, unless you want to.

However, it still allows boosts to upgrade or add related boosts, and for added traits and markings to get applied to the geno or even apply related traits or markings. These related traits can sometimes be annoying, but are always added onto the geno as occult, so you don't have to worry about redesigning it. Traits that cannot be added as occult will not appear unless you have it as an added trait already.

Last Updated: 11 months and 3 weeks ago

Is There Anything I Can Apply to Centaurians?

No, Centaurians are not a part of the ARPG and do not benifit from any items on site. We only have them on here for hosting purposes. You can however get currency from doing art of them!

Last Updated: 11 months and 3 weeks ago

What's the Difference Between an Active and a Passive Familiar?

The difference between active and passive familiars are simple...

     - Active familiars must be included in the submission to gain their effect. Even with an Ares' Favor, the effect is not able to get onto the geno.
     - Passive familiars, on the other hand, apply their effects whether or not they're included. These effects are also able to get onto the geno, sometimes.

Last Updated: 11 months and 3 weeks ago

Can Hex Seals be Removed from a Character's Inventory?

No, Hex Seals cannot be removed from a Kiji/Tally, so think carefully before attaching it.

Unfortunately, this includes characters gotten via trades.

Last Updated: 11 months and 3 weeks ago

How do I Remove an Item From my Character's Inventory?

You must reach out to an admin via Admin Requests, and we can remove it and add it back into your inventory for you.

Last Updated: 11 months and 3 weeks ago

What Are Apparel Fragments Used For?

Apparel fragments are used in crafting equipment.

Last Updated: 11 months and 3 weeks ago

How do I Enchant Equipment?

You can enchant equipment by submitting an Enchanting prompt. While it is recommended to reveal slots on the equipment first, you can reveal them while enchanting too. To reveal slots on equipment without enchanting, please make a normal Admin Request and attach the equipment from your inventory as a consumable.

Last Updated: 11 months and 3 weeks ago

Do I Have to Draw Equipment?

Only if it is drawn on the import, or if the equipment states it in its item description, otherwise no. If it is on the import or states it must be drawn, you will likely get docked. The only thing this doesn't apply to is if the spirit has set the item down, taking it off, or the like.

If the equipment states it has to be drawn, we recommend you update the import image with it, as you will receive docked points for not having it, even if the import doesn't show it.

Last Updated: 11 months and 3 weeks ago

If I Draw Gift Art for Someone, Who Gets the EXP/PT/Items?

The Spirit always get the EXP.

If the art/literature is a gift, the artist must state in the gallery submission itself that they themselves are claiming the rewards, or else it will by default go to the owner of the character.

If you do not state you are claiming the rewards, your submission will be rejected.

Last Updated: 11 months and 3 weeks ago

What Are the Levels on the Discord Server For?

When you reach certain levels in the Discord, you receive certain items for your activity, so please chat with us!

Last Updated: 11 months and 3 weeks ago

What Are Gummies For?

Gummies are a currency solely for crafting slime expeditions. You get them from opening daily gifts (Gotten once per day from Gaia's Giveaways).

Last Updated: 11 months and 3 weeks ago

What Are Credits?

Credits are a premium currency that act as a stand in for real-life money. It is given by the group to pay for work related to the site or gotten from group activities in rare occurrences, or given to people who donate real money to support the group.

You can get credits by purchasing them or doing admin work, or even a rare chance in bags of coins or the credits gatcha!

Last Updated: 11 months and 3 weeks ago

What Are Painted Eggs?

Painted Eggs are a holiday currency that is mostly used around spring. Other events may offer or use them as well. You can get them during specific events in return for art or literature submissions.

Holiday Currencies drop alongside PT in art and literature during specific times of the year. You don't need to do anything extra on top of normal activity.

Last Updated: 11 months and 3 weeks ago

What Are Candies?

Candies are a holiday currency that is mostly used around fall. Other events may offer or use them as well. You can get them during specific events in return for art or literature submissions.

Holiday Currencies drop alongside PT in art and literature during specific times of the year. You don't need to do anything extra on top of normal activity.

Last Updated: 11 months and 3 weeks ago

What Are Balls of Snow?

Balls of Snow are a holiday currency that is mostly used around wintertime. Other events may offer or use them as well. You can get them during specific events in return for art or literature submissions.

Holiday Currencies drop alongside PT in art and literature during specific times of the year. You don't need to do anything extra on top of normal activity.

Last Updated: 11 months and 3 weeks ago

What Are Leaflets?

Leaflets are a holiday currency that is mostly used around summertime. Other events may offer or use them as well. You can get them during specific events in return for art or literature submissions.

Holiday Currencies drop alongside PT in art and literature during specific times of the year. You don't need to do anything extra on top of normal activity.

Last Updated: 11 months and 3 weeks ago

What is SC?

SC, or Silver Coins, is a currency solely used for purchasing items in Vault's Haven.

You first need to go into Vault's Haven and buy the Vault's Contract item to start crafting SC. You can only get SC via crafting.

Last Updated: 11 months and 3 weeks ago

What is PT?

PT, also known as player tokens, is the in game currency and is used to buy, sell, and trade in game.

PT is gotten from art done for characters, trading, selling, or even from crafting or some events!

Last Updated: 11 months and 3 weeks ago

What is EXP?

EXP is experience, and it goes to Kiji/Tallies and Dens to help them level up. Leveling up increases stats. Centaurians do not get exp.

EXP is gotten from doing art or literature with your spirits in it or can be purchased in Silicone's Hideaway.

Last Updated: 11 months and 3 weeks ago

What Can I Do With My Characters if I No Longer Want Them?

​There are several things you can do with your characters if you no longer want them. First, you can simply ask them to be disabled. Secondly, you can reach out to the group to pronounce it dead, or even donate it to the Adoption Center/Donation Center. Third, you can try to sell/trade it or gift it away.

Last Updated: 11 months and 3 weeks ago

What Should I Do if I Notice Someone Ripping Off This Site's Species?

Please PLEASE contact us. We will thoroughly look into it to see if they are copying our species, and if so will take the appropriate measures. If not, no harm, no foul, we appreciate the report regardless.

Last Updated: 11 months and 3 weeks ago

Someone Stole My Character Off Site and is Claiming It as Theirs, What Do I Do?

Contact the group immediately!

If someone is using your Kijikaiaku, Subtalleon, or Centaurian as their own, we need to know about it so we can attempt to resolve the issue!

Last Updated: 11 months and 3 weeks ago

Why Are Credits Non Transferable?

Credits are mainly given to players and admins who help the site with their time, and thus are given to them with the expectation that they are using it for themself.

If you are using credits to pay for items or art, you just need to submit an admin request, however you are not allowed to gift credits unless they are a gift being bought at the time by someone.

Last Updated: 11 months and 3 weeks ago

How do I Get Custom Characters?

You can buy Full Customs and Design Transfers from the credits shop for credits (Which you can buy from the owner). While Full Customs can be used from your inventory, Semis need to be purchased through a prompt, and Transfers need to be talked about with the owner to create the geno slot.

Last Updated: 11 months and 3 weeks ago

Why do You Ask for Public Links and Not Screenshots for Proof?

Though we do accept screenshots and find them incredibly helpful, screenshots can be altered. That's why we ask that you conduct all trades and purchases in public comments or leave some kind of publicly accessible note so we can access them ourselves. If you trade or purchase something through direct or private messages, we may not be able to help you if an issue arises.

Last Updated: 5 months and 1 week ago

How Do I Trade Items or Characters With Another Player?

Up in the nav bar you can find under the Communities menu the User Exchange. You can create a new trade with another player there. Trades can include both characters and items. If you are trading for something like art or something off site, make sure to mention that in the comments in the trade for proof.

If you are just gifting a character or item, you can go to the item in your inventory or the character's page, and click the 'transfer' option, then select the user.

Last Updated: 11 months and 3 weeks ago

What Happens to the Items of People Who Have Vanished or Deactivated?

Items are left alone in people's banks, whether they are deactivated or not. This is why we ask you to message us if you're planning to leave so we can auction off your stuff for you or toss it in the donation shop if you desire.

Last Updated: 11 months and 3 weeks ago

What Happens to the Characters/Genos of People Who Have Vanished or Deactivated?

If the owner of a character or geno is deactivated on this site without listing in the reason what they'd like done with them, we will wait for a week after noting it to see if the owner returns. If the person does not reactivate their account or let us know what they'd like done with their characters after a week or so, we will disable them. If the owner ever returns after that point, they will have to have their character enabled again to use them.

Last Updated: 11 months and 3 weeks ago

Can I Delete my Account?

You cannot. You can, however deactivate it!

In order to deactivate your account on this site you head to your settings under your user in the top right, then click deactivate on the left. We ask you please give a reason, and are sad to see you go. In the message we also ask that you let us know what you want us to do with your characters/genos/items.

Keep in mind you can reactivate your account whenever you'd like!

Last Updated: 11 months and 3 weeks ago

I Have a Geno but Am Not a Member of the Site, What Do I Do?

If you are an off-site person who has gained a geno through a trade or being a beta/alpha member, we ask you do join the site simply so we can link the geno to you and so you have access to your bank and inventory. Not joining the site means you will be unable to participate!

Additionally, though joining the Discord makes it easier to keep up to date with activities and events, you do not have to join the Discord.

Last Updated: 11 months and 3 weeks ago

Can I Ever Adopt Another Character From the Adoption Center?

You cannot. Adoption Center Kiji/Tally are for people who do not own Kiji/Tally, or haven't for more than a year. If you have owned a spirit character within the past year, you are ineligible for a free one of that species from the Center, however if you haven't for a year or more then you are allowed to.

Last Updated: 11 months and 3 weeks ago

Am I Allowed to Change the Name of a Character I Purchased/Traded for?

Of course! Upon trading or selling a character, you are allowed to edit the name, age (As long as it's no higher than their parents), height, and mass. editing the name and profile is free to do any time, but to change the age, height, and mass you will need to submit an admin request.

If a trade stipulation between players requests that the name or information is changed and a player does not change it, feel free to reach out to us with the agreement as proof and we can fix it or disable the character if needed.

Last Updated: 11 months and 3 weeks ago

How Many Characters can I Own?

There are no limit to the number of characters you can own, however if you have too many undesigned genos (depending on admin interpretation) and are not participating in the group, we may deny you adopting further until you design some genos or participate.

Last Updated: 11 months and 3 weeks ago

How do I Get More Characters?

You can get your first Kijikaiaku and Subtalleon for free through the Adoption Center. Members can also claim one character/geno a month from the Donation Center for free whether they own characters or not, however keep in mind if you get a character/geno from someone else or the Donation Center first you will be inelligable to get one of that species from the Adoption Center! (The only exception is Centaurians, who have their own rules for the AC)

Otherwise the only three ways to get more spirits is through summons, trading/buying from other players, or gotten through events or activities on the site. You can also buy character transfers, semi-customs, or full customs!

As for Centaurians, you are allowed a new one once every two weeks (Twice a month) from the adoption center, or can breed them at any time. However, breeding cooldowns last a week.

Last Updated: 11 months and 3 weeks ago

I Transferred an Item to Someone Else in Return for Art, but They Never Did the Art?

If you sold something to someone and they never finished their end of the deal or went back on it, please let us know. You will need to provide proof of this transaction, public links or a trade link on site are best. If we have to hunt through logs we are less likely to help you.

We will generally ask you if you've contacted the person or let them know. If they are knowingly not giving you their part or refunding you we can try to contact them as well, and if that doesn't work, we will try to return items or currency if we can. If we cannot we will do what we can to rectify it.

Last Updated: 11 months and 3 weeks ago

How Do I Submit My Art/Literature to Multiple Events/Prompts?

We ask that you only submit the entry once, and that the prompt you choose is the main prompt for the piece. If you are submitting for multiple prompts or activities, please list other secondary ones in the description and/or submission comments and we will make sure to reward you accordingly.

Last Updated: 11 months and 3 weeks ago

What Do I Do if I Am the Victim of Something in the Group?

Send a message with proof to one of the admins!

If someone has only blocked you or there is no public proof of rule breaking, there isn't much we can do, but if they are harassing or threatening you they will be sent a message as a warning if possible, but that's all we can really do unless it persists. If we cannot get in contact with them, we will decide our next steps quickly to try to help, however there's not much we can do outside of the group and Discord. If they have already blocked us and we cannot message them or contact them because of that, they will be banned from the site and Discord, and they will have to message us somehow in order to take off the ban.

Last Updated: 11 months and 3 weeks ago

If I Get Banned, Will I Get a Second Chance?

If you are suspended or banned you can usually get another chance, as long as you show us your ways have changed and you will follow the rules. Only in unique circumstances will we not give a second chance. People who were banned we keep an eye on when they return, however.

Last Updated: 11 months and 3 weeks ago

I Got Banned From the Group but Was Sent No Warning, What Do I Do?

If you got no warning or notification it is because we had no way to contact you about a serious issue and thus we took the next step and automatically banned you. If there has been a mistake please try and message an admin to get it fixed.

Last Updated: 11 months and 3 weeks ago

What Would get me Banned?

You will be banned from the group if you disobey any of our rules or threaten, harass, or are overly rude to any of our members. This also includes spamming the admins/site/discord/forums, blackmail, impersonation, white-knighting, hate art or speech, or anything else against our rules. Also keep in mind that while you might be banned from the discord or forums, you might not be banned on the site.

Last Updated: 11 months and 3 weeks ago

What is the Difference Between a Suspension and a Ban?

A suspension is brief, and is only meant to temporarily suspend you from activities because of your behavior. Suspensions don't oftentimes last too long and you are allowed back after that time as normal. A ban is much longer, sometimes permanent, and will usually require you to reach out to us to have it lifted. Even when a ban is lifted, admins will keep an eye on the person.

Suspensions will usually only be on either the site or the discord depending on the reason for suspension, however bans will either be game-wide (Banning you on the discord, pillowfort, DA, site, and forum) or only on the platform where your reason of ban became an issue. For example if you were banned from the discord, you might not be banned from the site.

Last Updated: 11 months and 3 weeks ago

What Happens if I get Banned?

If you are banned from Gaia's World, your account will be blocked from our Discord Server, Forums, DA group, and Pillowfort Community, and your account on this site will be banned. This will mean that you will not be able to participate in the group outside of other members submitting things for you, and will not be able to do anything but browse the site as a guest. To lift a ban, you only need to reach out to an admin and see what you can do, but do NOT harass the admin team or else they might block you and make it impossible to try and get back into the game.

Last Updated: 11 months and 3 weeks ago

Can I Transfer Adoption Center or Wildlands Kiji/Tallies Into the Other Species?

We ask that you try and love your characters as they are, especially coming from the Adoption Center or Wildlands. If you later decide to transfer it to the other species that is fine, we just ask you don't do it right away. However there isn't a rule against this and will allow it, we will just be sad to see it happen.

Last Updated: 11 months and 3 weeks ago

How Do I Contact an Admin to Attach Items/Familiars or Use Certain Things?

If you need something done, like applying equipment or a familiar to your spirit, or anything without its own prompt or page, this can be done through Admin Requests. There are two ways to reach Admin Requests:
     - In the nav bar on the left, click Activities>Admin Requests then select the 'New Request' button on the right.
     - In the nav bar on the right, click Submit>Submit Request

Once you're there, simply fill out what you need in the comments, and make sure any characters you need are linked or attached. If attaching Familiars or Equipment, please specify in the comment exactly which item(s) to attach, and we will transfer them directly from your inventory to the character. Do NOT attach them to your submission! Please only attach consumable items such as scrolls, tomes, or potions in the inventory dropdown when using them on a character.

Last Updated: 11 months and 3 weeks ago

How Long Does It Take to Get Approval for a Design?

New design approvals are usually approved, rejected, or cancelled in a day or two, depending on the complexity of the design and which admins are available. It is very rare to take more than 3 days on a design approval. In those rare cases, it's generally because of miscommunication or our design admins unavailable at that time.

Design updates are generally quicker, and are done in a day, unless it is a full on redesign in which it might take longer like the above.

Last Updated: 11 months and 3 weeks ago

How Long Does It Take to Get a Response to an Issue/Question?

If the question is asked anywhere other than our Discord server (Such as on DA or Pillowfort, in comments, or the forums) it might take a day or two, or even might be missed entirely. We highly recommend joining our Discord if you have any questions, we generally respond within moments!

If it is a bug or a report submitted, however, we are pretty fast about those and will respond within a day.

Last Updated: 11 months and 3 weeks ago

How Do I Submit My Art to the Site for Rewards?

There are two ways to submit art for rewards.

The preferred method is uploading directly on site via a gallery, and then use the URL that's generated for that art/lit to submit to prompts. This method links the art to the characters and vice versa and makes things easier for the site and admins. Additionally, if you submit to the prompts first and to the gallery after, you will not be able to link up the image to any submission. Be sure to upload to galleries first!

The other method is submitting for something off-site. This method is not preferred and should only be used if the art was done by someone else and you do not have permission to upload to this site. In this case, simply create a blank gallery submission with placeholder art/text that links to the actual submission in the description. This way it will still be linked to the character and able to be tracked.

Last Updated: 11 months and 3 weeks ago

Am I Allowed to Use a Kiji/Tally in Another ARPG?

It depends on the ARPG in question; Kijikaiaku and Subtalleons cannot cross dimensions, at least not without the help of an inter-dimensional being.

For this group, for example, general art it is alright to draw them with other ARPG critters together whenever. Activities and quests are iffy. However for any event or lore art, if the Kijikaiaku lore works with the other group's lore, then it is fine, but if there is no logical way the two creatures would meet, it would not be accepted.

We cannot speak for the rules of other groups, however.

Last Updated: 11 months and 3 weeks ago

Are we allowed to RP together?

Of course! You can RP through art, literature, through DMs on other sites, or even on our forum!

Last Updated: 11 months and 3 weeks ago

Can I submit things in languages other than English?

Of course you can! We cannot promise we will be able to translate it ourselves however, so you may have to provide a translation in order for it to be rolled. We do ask though that communications with staff or on our Discord are kept to English.

Last Updated: 11 months and 3 weeks ago

Do I have to be a member of this site to participate?

Yes, you do have to be a member of the site. If you do not make an account on this site it will make it incredibly difficult to submit art for rewards, and you will be unable to access a bank or inventory or own any characters. However, you are not required to be a member on our Discord or Forum, though it is highly recommended.

Last Updated: 11 months and 3 weeks ago

What is this ARPG about?

Gaia's World is a fun and friendly world-building ARPG, where you can establish your place in the world and help shape how things work out. We are focused on art and character creation, as well as establishing relationships with others in the group to form a nice community full of friends who all share common interests.

Last Updated: 11 months and 3 weeks ago

What is the Berserk status?

Berserk lowers your defense and health to ~10% while tripling your attack and speed. This status lasts for 1 turn per every 10 stamina the spirit/enemy has.

Last Updated: 11 months and 3 weeks ago

What does the Confusion status do?

Confusion is a status that gives your spirit/enemy a 50% chance to attack a random ally each turn. If there are no allies in an image, it won't affect the character. Confusion lasts until the end of the battle/event/tournament OR until it is removed by a boost or item and is rolled at the beginning of a round and then each turn after if it lands.

Last Updated: 11 months and 3 weeks ago

What does the Bleeding status do?

Bleeding is a status effect that lasts for 3-5 turns, and deals 10 damage each turn as well as causing strength to decrease by 10 points. If a spirit/enemy is weak to the effect, either the duration will increase to 6-10 turns OR the damage will increase to 20 each turn.

Last Updated: 11 months and 3 weeks ago

What do Waning Stats do?

Waning stats have a 40% chance of affecting the enemies in the image. Each version of waning effects their respective stat, and will decrease the perma stats by 10 points (or 20 if they have Humility as well). Waning lasts two turns and is rolled at the beginning of a round.

Last Updated: 11 months and 3 weeks ago

What does the Petrified status do?

Petrify is a status effect that causes your spirit/enemy to miss 3-5 turns. If a spirit/enemy is weak to the effect, the duration will increase to 6-10 turns.

Last Updated: 11 months and 3 weeks ago

What does the Paralyzed status do?

Paralyze is a status effect that lasts for 3-5 turns, and deals 5 damage each turn as well as causing speed to decrease by 50%. If a spirit/enemy is weak to the effect, either the duration will increase to 6-10 turns OR the damage will increase to 10 each turn.

Last Updated: 11 months and 3 weeks ago

What does Slip do?

Slip causes you or your enemy to be pushed back to the end of the turn order so they are the last one to attack.

Last Updated: 11 months and 3 weeks ago

What does Flinch do?

Flinch causes you to move back a turn in the turn order. For example, if you were supposed to hit first but flinched, your opponant will go first, but then you will go twice (First because your turn was pushed back, and second because it's returned back to the original turn order.

Last Updated: 11 months and 3 weeks ago

What does the Decay status do?

Decay is a status effect that lasts until the end of the battle/event/tournament OR until it is removed by a boost or item. It deals 10 damage each turn.

Last Updated: 11 months and 3 weeks ago

What does the Poisoned status do?

Poison is a status effect that lasts for 3-5 turns, and deals 15 damage each turn. If a spirit/enemy is weak to the effect, the damage will increase to 30 each turn.

Last Updated: 11 months and 3 weeks ago

What does the Freeze status do?

Frozen is a status effect that lasts for 3-5 turns, and deals 10 damage each turn, as well as lowering speed by 20%. If a spirit/enemy is weak to the effect, either the duration will increase to 6-10 turns OR the damage will increase to 20 each turn.

Last Updated: 11 months and 3 weeks ago

What does the Soaked status do?

Soaked is a status effect that lasts for 3-5 turns, and lowers your enemy's resists by a tier. If a spirit/enemy is weak to the effect, either the duration will increase to 6-10 turns OR the resists will be lowered by 2 tiers.

Last Updated: 11 months and 3 weeks ago

What does the Winded status do?

Winded is a status effect that lasts for 1-3 turns, and gives your enemy a 50% chance to flinch each turn. If a spirit/enemy is weak to the effect, the duration will increase to 2-6 turns.

Last Updated: 11 months and 3 weeks ago

What does the Stun Force status do?

Stun is a status effect that lasts for 1-2 turns, and gives your enemy 5 damage for those turns, as well as decreasing their speed and strength by 5%. If a spirit/enemy is weak to the effect, either the duration will increase to 2 or 4 turns OR the damage will increase to 10 per turn.

Last Updated: 11 months and 3 weeks ago

What does the Blind status do?

Blinding is a status effect that lasts for 1 turn, and gives your enemy a 50% chance to miss their hit. If a spirit/enemy is weak to the effect, the duration will increase to 2 turns.

Last Updated: 11 months and 3 weeks ago

What does 'turn' mean for PvP and PvE?

A turn is an attack against or from an enemy (or possibly ally if confused). For example, if your spirit was going up against two enemies and went first, they would have one turn against one enemy and one turn against the other, then another turn when hit by each enemy for a total of four turns. A turn can also include counter attacks, however a turn does NOT include when you miss a turn (as opposed to missing a hit, which does consume a turn).

Last Updated: 11 months and 3 weeks ago

What does the Burning status do?

Burning is a status effect that lasts for 3-5 turns, applying 15 damage each turn. If a spirit/enemy is weak to the effect, either the duration will increase to 6-10 turns OR the damage will increase to 30 per turn.

Last Updated: 11 months and 3 weeks ago
119 results found.