All Prompts

A spirit has gone missing! It's up to other spirits to find it!


A spirit has gone missing! It's up to other spirits to find it! Have your spirit search high and low for clues to this missing spirit's whereabouts, and help them find their way home before it's too late!

Subject(s) must look like they are searching for or finding clues and active.
At least 50% of the spirit must show, with at least a simple background, color not required. Rough, sketchy lineart is fine, but leaving guidelines or looking incomplete will deny you rewards.
All artwork must contain a minimum of 1 spirit, and a max of 5. Any spirit over the limit will be denied rewards and will instead be rolled as general art separately.
Literature must be at minimum 250 words.

Reward: x1 Rebirthing Essence, with a 10% chance at a Core Soul, and 5% chance at a random Geno.


Reward Amount
Rebirthing Essence 1
10% Core 1


Help your Spirit remember who they are!


Nature abounding, energies shifting, the problem with being an energy being is losing track of yourself and one day waking up not recognizing yourself in the mirror. Help your Spirit remember who they are!

Subject(s) must have their reflection showing in some way. Reflection must be clear enough to see details, akin to a mirror.
At least 50% of the spirit must show, with at least a simple background, color not required. Rough, sketchy lineart is fine, but leaving guidelines or looking incomplete will deny you rewards.
All artwork must contain a minimum of 1 spirit, and a max of 5. Any spirit over the limit will be denied rewards and will instead be rolled as general art separately.
Literature must be at minimum 250 words.

Reward: x1 Hex seal, with a 15% chance at a random trait.


Reward Amount
Hex Seal 1
15% Random Trait 1


Farmyard animals are constantly escaping their pens, making life difficult for the humans left on Gaia's Earth.


Farmyard animals are constantly escaping their pens, making life difficult for the humans left on Gaia's Earth. Gaia has asked Kijikaiaku all over to help aid these humans in retrieving their livestock and protecting their herds, for whatever reason... Whereas Subtalleons are to assist in the escapees to make life more difficult for the kiji.

Subject(s) must be active; livestock of some form must be present.
At least 50% of the spirit must show, with at least a simple background, color not required. Rough, sketchy lineart is fine, but leaving guidelines or looking incomplete will deny you rewards.
All artwork must contain a minimum of 1 spirit, and a max of 5. Any spirit over the limit will be denied rewards and will instead be rolled as general art separately.
Literature must be at minimum 250 words.

Reward: x1 Themed Equipment with One Enchant, with a 33% chance at a Themed Familiar at random.


Reward Amount
Shepherd's Hero Familiar 1
Shepherd's Hero Equipment 1


Rocks have started to become overabundant in energy!


After the human population nosedived and settled into a state of low rates, nature flourished as it soaked in the energies abounding. Rocks have started to become overabundant in energy, and Gaia has sent the Kiji to harvest the excess so it doesn't burst! Subtalleons are also after this energy, to steal from Gaia to give to Yile.

Subject(s) must be in a cave/on a mountainside, either searching for, finding, or collecting gems, stones, or ore.
At least 50% of the spirit must show, with at least a simple background, color not required. Rough, sketchy lineart is fine, but leaving guidelines or looking incomplete will deny you rewards.
All artwork must contain a minimum of 1 spirit, and a max of 5. Any spirit over the limit will be denied rewards and will instead be rolled as general art separately.
Literature must be at minimum 250 words.

Reward: x1 Bag of Gems and x3 Gemstone Ore, with x3 Iron Ore, x3 Silver Ore, x3 Gold Ore, OR x3 Copper Ore, and 50% additional chance each of whatever rewards you didn't roll first.


Reward Amount
Bag of Gems 1
Gemstone Ore 3


Young spirits have started going around helping those who struggle...


There are a bunch of creatures around who are struggling with surviving; some need help getting food, others need shelter, and some are just runts. Young Kiji, and Tallies who dislike seeing what they consider to be faults of Gaia's rule, have started going around helping those who struggle...

Subject(s) must be clearly assisting another in some way; another creature or humanoid being of some form must be present doing something work or survival related.
At least 50% of the spirit must show, with at least a simple background, color not required. Rough, sketchy lineart is fine, but leaving guidelines or looking incomplete will deny you rewards.
All artwork must contain a minimum of 1 spirit, and a max of 5. Any spirit over the limit will be denied rewards and will instead be rolled as general art separately.
Literature must be at minimum 250 words.

Reward: x1 Angel's Tears, with a 50% chance of a random common item.


Reward Amount
Angel's Tears 1
50% Common Item 1


If spirits could sleep, what would they dream about, if they were to have a dream...?


Spirits don't sleep. They can rest, but passing out is something they are unable to do. If a spirit could sleep, what would they dream about, if they were to have a dream...?

Image must appear as if from a dream, whether that's a distortion, unrealistic or abstract backgrounds, or situations where things are out of place or off in some way.
At least 50% of the spirit must show, with at least a simple background, color not required. Rough, sketchy lineart is fine, but leaving guidelines or looking incomplete will deny you rewards.
All artwork must contain a minimum of 1 spirit, and a max of 5. Any spirit over the limit will be denied rewards and will instead be rolled as general art separately.
Literature must be at minimum 250 words.

Reward: x1 Baku Familiar, with a 50% chance of a Reality Essence.


Reward Amount
Baku 1
50% Reality 1


Hopscotch needs your help learning the truth about who they are and where they come from!


Hopscotch needs your help in learning where they came from, and the truth about their energy. Despite it being an impossible search, Hopscotch is deturmined to find their roots.

Draw or write  any of your Kijis or Tallies helping Hopscotch in some way, such as giving directions, escorting them, telling a story, or listening to Hopscotch tell or explain a story of their own. How does your spirits react to this Tally saying they are a Kiji? Likewise, you can also instead draw or write Hopscotch interracting with another NPC instead or finding a clue!

Art submissions must include at least a simple background, and either be in color (Shading not required) or shaded monochrome.
In art all characters must be at least 50% showing.
Literature must be at least 500 words.
There is a max of 3 spirits allowed in the piece. Any extra will be rolled separately as general art.

Rewards: x1 Random Marking/Trait Applicator per spirit and x1 Trait Edit per player, as well as a 1% chance of either Kiji -> Tally Transfer or Tally -> Kiji Transfer.


Reward Amount
Trait Edit 1
Random Trait/Marking 1
Transfer Chance 1


Will you join the fight and help the revolt?


Your Kiji/Tally has either come across a member of the revolution lead by Orville or been invited to join them. How does your spirit react? Do they join the cause, or fight against it?

Draw or write  any of your Kijis or Tallies interracting with or observing the rebellion. This can be shown by interracting with a random spirit that is part of the rebellion, listening to a speech from Riot or just interracting with him or Faet, fighting members of the revolution, reporting to Yile/Gaia about the activities of the revolution, or anything of the sort!

Art submissions must include at least a simple background, and either be in color (shading not required) or shaded monochrome.
Art must be accompanied by 100 word literature to describe the scene, and at least one character (Can be an npc) must be over 50% showing while others must be at least 25%.
Literature alone must be at least 500 words and describe the scene in detail.
You are only allowed max 2 player owned spirits per submission.

Rewards: x2 random scrolls directly from Gaia or Yile if fighting against the revolution, or x1 weapon or armor type equipment with 5 slots, 2 of which are pre-enchanted directly from Faet if joining/supporting the revolution, as well as a 50% chance of a Skill Edit.


No rewards.


You need information? Link probably has it.


Link might be a gossip with lots of information about practically anything, however at least they have half a mind not to gossip towards other species. As long as you are a Kiji, this spirit cannot help but share the latest news... Well, for a price.

Draw or write any of your Kijis interracting with Link, sharing information, listening to Link talk, fishing, or trading gossip.

At least 25% of the spirit must show, does not need a background, but must have color. Shading not required. Lineart needs to be at least a clean sketch.
Literature must be at minimum 200 words and be dialogue heavy.
You are only alowed max 1 player owned Kiji per submission (Or 2 if a collab).

Rewards: x1 Message in a Bottle, as well as a 50% chance of a Treasure Map.


Reward Amount
Message in a Bottle 1
50% Treasure 1


Meld's Nest

Category: Quests

Meld needs help with the Nest, are you up for the task?


Meld is only one Subtalleon, and despite their proficiency and ability taking care of the Nest, sometimes they need help. Of course, no Kijis allowed, but experienced subtalleons, sure!

Draw or write any of your Tallies interracting with Meld or taking care of/helping out with the Nest.

Art submissions do not need a background if Meld is present, but if not, it needs a complex background. The image must have color (shading not required) or be monochrome with shading.
At least 50% of the spirit must show.
Literature must be at least 500 words.
Max 3 Tallies per submission.

Rewards: x1 Rare Egg with only 2 arts needed, as well as a 10% chance of a Kokoro's Scroll and a 15% chance of an Unhatched Egg.


Reward Amount
10% Kokoro's Scroll 1
15% Unhatched Egg 1


Not all monsters are bad... are they?


Aeglemaere enjoys Tally company, because at least they understand that being bad and being a monster are two different things. At least, she assumes they do, considering the bad rap most Tallies get from the "pure" Kijikaiaku up on land. She might not be perfect, but neither are the Kiji.

Draw or write any of your Tallies interracting with Aeglemaere and/or creatures or monsters that have a bad rap, or are considered evil, but spin their interraction in a positive light. Water not required.

Art submissions do not need a background if Aeglemaere is present, but if not, it needs at least a simple background. The image does not need color or shading, but must be lined.
At least 50% of the spirit must show
Literature must be at least 250 words.

Rewards: x1 Rare Egg, x1 Energy Siphon, as well as a 33% chance of getting Gaia's Darkness and/or Gaia's Healing and/or Yile's Safeguard.


Reward Amount
Rare Egg 1
Energy Siphon 1
AM Darkness 1
AM Healing 1
AM Safeguard 1


Krawft is requesting assistance with his business!


Krawft has too many orders and can't keep up gathering the materials for all the crafts! He's asked Display and Tivity to reach out to other spirits in hopes they will provide assistance- and he's offering them some of the materials in exchange!

Subject(s) must be doing one of the following: Chopping down wood, collecting sticks, weaving threads or reeds, spinning thread, collecting silk/webs, sheering animals, bringing in hunted animals for their skins/furs, or tanning a hide/leather.
Art must be at least clean lined with no color, OR if clean sketch then it needs flat colors. 
Character must have 50% or more showing, and props are required to show prompt context.
Having Krawf, Display, or Tivity in the piece will give double rewards per addition, but is not required. This means if you add one NPC, it's double rewards, two NPCs will give triple, and all three NPCs will give quadruple rewards for a maximum of x40 materials.
Literature must be at least 500 words.

Reward: x10 of a mix of sticks, logs, string, cloth, hide, or leather, depending on the image. 


No rewards.


Some people simply need an icon of hope, someone to lean on, a knight in shining armor...


Not everyone lives peacefully in Gaia's World. Some people struggle with their day to day lives, some turn to banditry, some become victims of violence. To see people fall on hard times, whether it is a fault of Gaia's or not, brings pain to her heart, for she still loves humanity and all other creatures in the world. She has asked many Kiji to be a beacon of hope for people who struggle on their own, to help those who deserve to get back on their feet, even if it's a thankless task.
Yile however craves the unrest of humanity. If they are unpleased with Gaia's rule, it will be easier for her to take over. Thus Tallies have been tasked with impeding the Kiji's help, and instead assisting those who curse Gaia. Not all spirits will be up for either task...

Subject(s) must be assisting or protecting someone in some way; another creature or being must be present.
At least 50% of the spirit must show, with at least a simple background, color not required. Rough, sketchy lineart is fine, but leaving guidelines or looking incomplete will deny you rewards.
All artwork must contain a minimum of 1 spirit, and a max of 5. Any spirit over the limit will be denied rewards and will instead be rolled as general art separately.
Literature must be at minimum 250 words.

Reward: x1 Themed Equipment with One Enchant, with a 33% chance at either Yile's Safeguard or Gaia's Healing depending on the context.


Reward Amount
Armor Quest Equipment 1


13 results found.