All Prompts

Can you reach the 100th floor?


Spirits have noticed sentient species have been lingering around certain hotspots in the world. The dungeons, as the hotspots have been called by the humanoids and beast folk, seem to be large and filled with treasures. However along with the treasures is also dangers... Can any Spirits brave it to the 100th floor?

Rules: Requires at least a simple background, lines can be sketchy, no color or shading required. Characters must show at least 50% each. Literature must be 250 words minimum.
 Subject(s) must be shown doing any of the following activities in the dungeon: Fighting undead or demonic mobs, interacting with traps, resting and on alert, exploring, discovering, helping or healing after a battle, interacting with the dungeon in some way. The dungeon must be underground or showing the theme 'Dry Burrows' in some way.


No rewards.


Can you reach the 100th floor?


Spirits have noticed sentient species have been lingering around certain hotspots in the world. The dungeons, as the hotspots have been called by the humanoids and beast folk, seem to be large and filled with treasures. However along with the treasures is also dangers... Can any Spirits brave it to the 100th floor?

Rules: Requires at least a simple background, lines can be sketchy, no color or shading required. Characters must show at least 50% each. Literature must be 250 words minimum.
 Subject(s) must be shown doing any of the following activities in the dungeon: Fighting flying or angelic mobs, interacting with traps, resting and on alert, exploring, discovering, helping or healing after a battle, interacting with the dungeon in some way. The dungeon must be above ground or showing the theme 'Floating Islands' in some way.


No rewards.


Can you reach the 100th floor?


Spirits have noticed sentient species have been lingering around certain hotspots in the world. The dungeons, as the hotspots have been called by the humanoids and beast folk, seem to be large and filled with treasures. However along with the treasures is also dangers... Can any Spirits brave it to the 100th floor?

Rules: Requires at least a simple background, lines can be sketchy, no color or shading required. Characters must show at least 50% each. Literature must be 250 words minimum.
 Subject(s) must be shown doing any of the following activities in the dungeon: Fighting fiery or hellish mobs, interacting with traps, resting and on alert, exploring, discovering, helping or healing after a battle, interacting with the dungeon in some way. The dungeon must be very hot/fiery or showing the theme 'Red Labyrinth' in some way.


No rewards.


Can you reach the 100th floor?


Spirits have noticed sentient species have been lingering around certain hotspots in the world. The dungeons, as the hotspots have been called by the humanoids and beast folk, seem to be large and filled with treasures. However along with the treasures is also dangers... Can any Spirits brave it to the 100th floor?

Rules: Requires at least a simple background, lines can be sketchy, no color or shading required. Characters must show at least 50% each. Literature must be 250 words minimum.
 Subject(s) must be shown doing any of the following activities in the dungeon: Fighting watery or electrifying mobs, interacting with traps, resting and on alert, exploring, discovering, helping or healing after a battle, interacting with the dungeon in some way. The dungeon must be stormy/watery or showing the theme 'Turbulent Caverns' in some way.


No rewards.


Can you reach the 100th floor?


Spirits who have traversed the depths of known dungeons around the world have heard whispers of an even more dangerous dungeon, one that even the most experianced of fighters treads carefully in. Is your spirit brave enough, or experianced enough, to traverse it?

Rules: Requires at least a simple background, lines can be sketchy, no color or shading required. Characters must show at least 50% each. Literature must be 250 words minimum.
Subject(s) must be shown doing any of the following activities in the dungeon: Fighting frozen or rocky mobs, interacting with traps, resting and on alert, exploring, discovering, helping or healing after a battle, interacting with the dungeon in some way. The dungeon must be cold or showing the theme 'Frozen Mountains' in some way.

Only spirits with the Limit Breaker title may participate!!


No rewards.


Stormy Skies and Raging Seas Linger...


Storms have raged across the ocean and shorelines for many days, seasoned fishermen and sailors have gone missing, and reports are coming in from all over the world that the wildlife in these regions are behaving erratically - and often violently.
Gaia has willed her kijikaiaku to quell the rising threat, and to find the root cause of the danger.
Yile, meanwhile, does not benefit from the violent creatures either, and has ordered her subtalleons to deal with the threat and find the source of the changes in her domain.

Draw or write about your spirit coming across one or more large or dangerous marine creatures or monsters. Does your spirit(s) move to violence immediately, seeing no other option, or do they subdue and contain the creature(s) and seek a more peaceful solution? Keep in mind that images must have to do with the ocean and can't appear to be an inland river.

Swift and precise the response came from the spirits. Quelling the raging beasts and calming the creatures of the sea, those near to the shores found shelter for the time being while spirits of all shapes went to deal with the source of the issue. While they didn't find the source, there could only be one thing left they haven't looked at.
Gaia in her wisdom has asked her Kiji to look for a kraken, as it seems like it might be just the creature to have caused this, and to find what might have caused it to cause this chaos.
Yile is pleased that the oceans have been mostly calmed, and while no longer needing the tallies to quell anything, has asked them to report when they found what caused the issue in the first place, as she would like to harness its power for her own use.

Draw or write about your spirit coming across the kraken. It can be just the tentacles or more. Does your spirit try to help the creature, take it out? Or maybe subdue it?

Art must be at least clean lined with no color, OR if clean sketch then it needs flat colors. Minimum simple background.
Literature must be at least 500 words.

Even if the boss is overkilled, an extra seven days will be added to allow last-minute submissions in.


No rewards.


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