Skies darken and the air burns...
Temperatures are rising in what appears to be a trail across the globe, throwing ecosystems off balance in its wake. Alarmed, Gaia sends her Kijiakaiaku forth to investigate this new rising threat, and Yile, not one to sit idly by, sends her Subtalleons out to learn of what she believes may be a new weapon Gaia is preparing. Should either side meet resistance in their investigations, they have been instructed to handle it accordingly.
Draw or write about your spirit coming across one or more large or dangerous airborne creatures or monsters (it doesn't have to be a bird). Do/does your spirit(s) move to violence immediately, seeing no other option, or do they subdue and contain the creature(s) and seek a more peaceful solution? Keep in mind that images must have to do with hot temperatures. Some ways to depict this could be heat hazes/mirages, fires, burnt debris, cracked and parched ground (not necessarily in a desert), and discolored/drying plantlife.
Art must be at least clean lined with no color, OR if clean sketch then it needs flat colors. Minimum simple background.
Literature must be at least 500 words.