The Goblin King

In General ・ By Wolvenhyde
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"... What are you doing, Sparkle Bomb?" The dull colored imp stared up at the sparkly Kijikaiaku that had sauntered into the cave and hoisted itself onto the large throne shaped outcrop of rocks.

The Kiji let off a gruff and quick sigh as it flattened its body into a laying position, pouting. "The goblins were bickering again over their territory, I had to ask Ferris for advice."
"And?" The imp replied, seeming to want more info as it paced around at the foot of the throne.
The Kiji looked down at the imp, watching it with a confused look. "When are you ever interested in the affairs of the goblins?" The Kiji asked, flicking its tail. The imp let out a heavy sigh and hopped over to sit a smaller rock to sit.
"Well, you see... this isn't the first time that they bicker over it." The imp whined, crossing its arms. "You're the king, are you not?" The dark blue Kiji puffed up its chest proudly. "Of course I am," it replied. "Then what you say goes. And yet..." The imp motioned to the entrance to their cave, obviously towards the goblin settlements out yonder. Sparkle Bomb seemed to ponder over the hanging words of the imp, before giving a small nod to the words.
"I get it," Sparkle Bomb said. The imp crossed its arms again.
"Then you know that when the tribes of goblins are on warpath against each other, no one can stand in their way." "I can," Sparkle Bomb huffed. "They listen to me." "Because you're the goblin king," the imp clarified. "Your point?" Sparkle Bomb looked over the imp, as the imp's words sounded... almost ignoble, despite the obvious statement.
"Ferris was the one who helped you out today, was she not?" The imp pointed out. The Kiji cocked a brow, seemingly confused as to why the imp would even say such an obvious fact that was stated not moments earlier. The imp waited a moment in silence to let Sparkle Bomb think. "So the decision and declaration came from her, not you, right?"
Sparkle Bomb widened their eyes in realization. The goblins were loyal to them, but Ferris was akin to one of their own. It was unlikely they would follow something said by Ferris. "Oh." Was all the Kiji could utter a moment after.
If the declaration didn't come from Sparkle Bomb, the Goblins would start bickering again.
The imp gave a swift nod, then rose up to stretch itself, heading out to the entrance of the cave. Sparkle Bomb rose to their feet, watching after the Imp.
"What are you going to do, Sparkle Bomb?" The imp called back, pausing a moment. The dark blue Kiji trotted towards the mouth of the cave, passing the imp and shaking their mane out as the sun from outside sent glistening shines off their coat.
"What else?" Sparkle Bomb replied. "The goblins won't be too upset if I act soon." The imp nodded in agreement. "And as the goblin king, I must act fast, and plan for the worst."
"Good plan," the imp replied, hopping onto the Kiji's back and holding on as it started forward.
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The Goblin King
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In General ・ By Wolvenhyde

Sparkle Bomb getting advice from his Imp lol

Submitted By Wolvenhyde
Submitted: 2 years and 5 months agoLast Updated: 2 years and 5 months ago

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