Kind Souls

In General ・ By Wolvenhyde
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Firefox snarled at Techron, who cowered under the angry booms and fizzles erupting around the orange Kiji. They'd done something wrong, yet again, and now someone was mad at them.
Techron tried letting out a small hushed "I'm sorry" but as the words started to escape their lips, Firefox whipped around and snapped at the stony Kiji's muzzle, causing them to flinch back with a whimper. Firefox only grabbed a stone and tossed it to the side in anger. It clattered against the wall of the cave they were in and tumbled back to the rocky ground, only to get flung again with other rocks from a swipe of the large Kiji's tail. Techron skittered back, before darting out of the cave and huddling up in a ball at the entrance.
It was too quiet. The few Kiji milling about outside the cave had heard the commotion and stopped to stare at Techron, who hid their head in their arms and chest. "Is she ok?" "What happened?" Murmurs could be heard from a couple souls, while the rest continued silently walking on as usual.
Techron didn't want to look at them. The two watching had been kind to them in the past, but right now Techron didn't deserve kindness.
Firefox sauntered out of the cave, looking around and spotting the two staring and letting off a scoff before looking at Techron. They let off a growl in annoyance and turned to leave, mumbling to themselves. Thankfully they didn't come back, but their angry claps and booms still echoed around the area.
After a long moment, Techron forced themselves up, head lowered, glancing around for anything to comfort or soothe this burning in their energy. Spotting their friends relaxing and chatting together in the distance, they raced over, pausing and lowering submissively to them. "May I join?"
"Of course, you're always allowed to join." The two replied with nods. Techron smiled lightly and nuzzled up between them, curling up with a warm feeling surrounding them. They sighed, happy. It didn't make everything better, but their comfort did help soothe the shaking in Techron's body.
"Thank you."
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Kind Souls
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In General ・ By Wolvenhyde

This is just a small vent piece. All rewards go to me.

Submitted By Wolvenhyde
Submitted: 2 years and 4 months agoLast Updated: 2 years and 4 months ago

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