Den (D)DenCommon

D-00008: Veil Stalkers

Owned by IceDragonQueen22

Image #668

Den Stats:
Appeal (Common) (0 +7 T:7)
Comfort (Common) (0 +7 T:7)
Functionality (Common) (0 +5 T:5)
Integrity (Common) (0 +10 T:10)
Morale (Common) (0 +2 T:2)
Range (Common) (0 +10 T:10)
Security (Common) (0 +2 T:2)

Uploaded: 3 years and 2 months ago
Last Edited: 3 years and 2 months ago
No additional notes given.

14 December 2021, 04:34:14 PST

"Sacrifices must be made. We shed blood that others may not have to."

Location: Desert
Affiliation: Hostile
Occupation: Arbiters and Vigilantes

Den Information: Hot and arid during the day, cold and arid at night. The den is located high up within a cliff, large entrance made perilous to reach by the necessity of scaling thin sheafs and crumbling ledges.
Sand gets everywhere, and sharp rocks pierce the feet of the unwary. Once one gets past the entrance, however, the cave gives way to smooth-carved sandstone, providing clean, even places for the weary to rest.

Member Listing 3/3:
#41 Zysovra/Leader
#53 Raiko/Deputy
#48 Ban/Member

Den Bonuses:
Kijis drawn with their den mates get double den mate exp and pt bonus.

Den Pets 1/1:
x1 Earth's Avatar: +2 Status Point, +10 Range, +10 Integrity

Den Items 4/4:
x1 Billboard: Kijis drawn with their den mates get double den mate exp and pt bonus.
x1 Carpet
x1 Disco Ball:
x1 Bookshelves

Kestramore: Rivals

No additional notes given.

Notice: user-made terms are not binding, unless you have provided an electronic signature to the designer in question. You are responsible for obtaining and recording the version of the terms you agreed to.

Rílaméth's Terms
as of 2022-10-21 10:33:36
  1. You may edit, tweak, alter, or redesign any design I've done for you.
  2. You may resell/trade/gift the design, even if you got it for free from me.
  3. If you only alter, edit, or tweak, without redesigning entirely, be sure to credit me as the original designer in the update.

I think that's everything of relevance.