Den (D)DenCommon

D-00010: Journey's End

Owned by IceDragonQueen22

Image #1370

Den Stats:
Appeal (Common) (0 +7 T:7)
Comfort (Common) (0 +8 T:8)
Functionality (Common) (0 +25 T:25)
Integrity (Common) (0 +0 T:0)
Morale (Common) (0 +0 T:0)
Range (Common) (0 +0 T:0)
Security (Common) (0 +2 T:2)

Uploaded: 10 months and 4 weeks ago
Last Edited: 10 months and 4 weeks ago
No additional notes given.

1 May 2024, 03:11:32 PDT

"Purpose in Truth."

Location: Volcanic Lagoon
Affiliation: Neutral
Occupation: Truthseekers & Pathfinders

Den Information: Warm steam from milky blue, silica-laden waters meets chill northern air. Snow falls freely most of the year, while the lagoon's never-freezing waters promote algae, which blooms on sunny days to give the water a green cast. Ruins of long-dead human civilization lay scattered about, piquing curiosity and caution alike. Rocky hills surround the waters, breaking up the blue with dark browns, accented by green in the summer, and grey in the winter, thanks to the life cycle of the mosses that grow abundant.

Member Listing 2/3:
#56 Barachois/Leader
#55 Firth/Monitor
#118 Odysseus/Lodestar

Den Bonuses:
- Kijis drawn with their den mates get double den mate exp and pt bonus.

Den Pets 1/1:
- KirAI

Den Items 4/4:
- Animal Rug
- Billboard
- Bookshelves
- Fire Pit

- None

No additional notes given.

Notice: user-made terms are not binding, unless you have provided an electronic signature to the designer in question. You are responsible for obtaining and recording the version of the terms you agreed to.