KNPC-00003: Theophania

Owned by GaiasKijikaiaku

​Assistant to the Loremaster

     Theophania is a young Kiji who was summoned by Kokoro and Loremaster themselves. The reason for their summoning was more from a professional standpoint than from a personal standpoint, though it goes without saying Theo is a product of their relationship.

     Theo is young and full of vitality. They are very extroverted and, though not as empathetic as younger Kiji, still takes care of those in the world with a care that takes into consideration how others may feel. They help Kiji with an eager smile and is proud of their work, treating the Loremaster as both a teacher and a parent figure.

     Though some may see them as a bit eccentric, they're always there to lend a hand when needed.


     Theophania was first summoned by Kokoro and Lucitha as someone to help Lucitha with their piles of history and to keep everything organized and clean. This was a risky move, as they wouldn't know what kind of Kiji would develop from their summon, and what kind of personality it might have. They figured unlike hiring another Kiji, they could summon one and train it from the start. They got lucky with Theo, and immediately Lucitha took Theo under their paw to train them.
     Theophania didn’t know much about the world when their existence came to be, but was taken in by the Loremaster as an apprentice. Theo was secluded in Lucitha's lair, only having a moment to take in the world between travels. Theo was curious about every little thing, and Lucitha, though old and cranky at the energetic Kiji, answered their every question in detail, sparing nothing in the knowledge of the world. This knowledge fascinated Theo, and for a while, the questions never ceased.

     As Theo took refuge in the lair, helping maintain everything, Lucitha got tired of the endless questions. Eventually, Lucitha gave Theo permission to handle the books and scrolls, letting them read the texts as long as they didn't harm them. Theo was very careful handling the texts, questions slowing as they learned about the world through the Loremaster’s books. Soon, reading became a pleasure for Theo. Theo loved organizing and reading the books and scrolls around and learned many things through them, able to live in the world outside even though secluded in the lair.
     They soon suggested that other Kiji be allowed to read the scrolls and books and even submit their own, and pressured constantly till the Loremaster gave in. Few Kiji actually stop by, but Theo enjoys their company and the tails of their adventures and creatures abound, recording the world with the Loremaster. Though they enjoys visitors, they are sure to make sure no books are damaged lest the Loremistress rescind their open doors and makes sure others follow the rules. Unlike Lucitha, however, a lot more friendly about it.
       By now they barely notice the watchful and stern gaze of the Loremaster over their shoulder, brushing it off as them just being a 'stern old kiji'. Theo still loves getting lost in the many books and tales lying about, but now makes a mess just as much as she cleans...
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