KNPC-00005: Keep

Owned by GaiasKijikaiaku

​Vault's Companion

     Keep is one of the few Kiji who constantly hangs around Vault's place. The two have a very professional relationship, much like roommates, though their relationship is more like old friends or family than anything.

     Keep is a very regal Kiji and spends a lot of time grooming themself and caring for their energy. They are kind to others, and many look up to them sort of like an older sister. Keep tries their best to give advice and even helps out with Vault's business, earning many's respect in the way they handle things.


     For the longest time, Keep simply did their job. They were an exemplary Kiji. However as time went on, Kiji didn't have to do as much work, and simply became more like watchers and guardians. This role Keep excelled at too, managing to earn respect from other Kiji from their tactics as they watched over the world as a guardian. Keep was looked up to, and many Kiji followed after them, seeking their guidance in this new world.
     Keep eventually learned of a place Kiji gathered at where a human lived who could see them. They wanted to see this human for themself and visit this place of peace. They flew a long distance before getting to the residence, and was immediately welcomed. Keep was surprised at the pure feeling, as if this was a part of the Core itself at how cluttered with Kiji the place was and the peaceful aura around the place. 

     Keep met Vault and hung around a few days in curiosity, watching the state of things. Though Vault seemed to enjoy the company of the Kijis, many had work to do and couldn't always stay around. Keep noted how sad Vault's aura became whenever a friend or Kiji left, and so decided to hang around and quickly became best buds with the priestess. Though Keep still has to leave to the Core at times, they help Vault whenever they can and love learning new things every day.
     Though they were clumsy when they first met, Keep has learned a lot from Vault about her practices. Keep enjoys being a second hand in her projects and hanging around, and Vault seems so much happier having a friend around for a long time. Vault sometimes rides her like a gryphon too, thanks to their experiments, allowing them to interact better with each other.
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