NPC-00001: Gaia

Owned by GaiasKijikaiaku

​Mother of the Earth

     Gaia is a Celestial Dryad, a wanderer of the stars. Her kind sustains energy through consuming the energy from stars, wandering the universe in search of more energy in order to generate more of their kind, and looking over the universe, watching worlds grow and the universe expand.

     Celestial Dryads are beings of energy and do not possess blood. Always feminine in nature, their kind reproduces asexually through converting star energy into one of their kind instead of harvesting it. Because of this, Celestial Dryads can live in both the physical and non-physical planes of existence. Time is mostly irrelevant to their kind, and because of their unique situation, space is also perceived differently.


     Born of the stars a millenia ago was a Celestial Dryad named Gaia, and her twin sister, Eris. Their mother was a kind being, who preferred to expand their species over harvesting the stars. She was wise and taught them the ways and mysteries of the universe, and for a while it was enough for them. They were taught how to exist and survive, how they were created, and how to create more of their kind. Their mother, who had seen two suns with their orbits so close together, saw a chance to create her children, and from their unique birth they formed this special sisterly bond.
     They set out once old enough to make their mark in the universe, to find their purpose, and support each other. During their travels, they met another Celestial Dryad, who taught them that by settling on a planet near a star, they could slowly harvest the energy from it, instead of aimlessly wandering. The two liked that idea, and continued to travel until they came upon a chance of a lifetime. Orbiting around a star was many planets, two of which were the perfect distance that the two could settle together and live. Upon settling on their planets, the planets bloomed with nature and teemed with life, displaying the vitality the two possessed. However, even if they were powerful, they were very young, and they made many mistakes.
     As time went on, Eris sadly passed, having not enough plantlife and wildlife balanced to give her enough energy. Gaia mourned her Sister’s passing, unable to do anything except to harvest the last of her into the core of her own planet. Because of this, Gaia became cautious to not repeat the same mistakes, and though she was tied to the core of the earth, she needed something to help manage the planet and help cycle energy. She spent extra energy to add more plantlife, to create more animals, to restart and not make the same mistakes that had led to her sister’s demise. She needed something to act as her eyes on the land and sea, to keep track of time, to help keep the world safe.
     Having already created animals, Gaia needed something else, and created something new, deciding to base their design on her own species. She favored the humans out of the races and began to use them as her eyes and ears. With this, she felt all was well, and that she had done right. However she’d given humans too much freedom, and over generations, humans began to slowly drift away from her, and forced many creatures into hiding. As their shift in belief turned from Gaia to technology, it led them to begin to destroy the Earth with industrialization and widespread ideologies of hatred. Gaia quickly realized she had made a huge mistake, however she let the world be, believing that things would turn out alright, and that humans would eventually turn back to her.
     Instead, humans began worshipping idols, gods, creating more advancements and continuing to destroy the world. The magics started disappearing from the world, harming those in hiding. Gaia, however, continued to hold onto hope. She loved the humans just like every other race she had created, but as her energy began to diminish, she knew that without action on her part, it would mean death for herself and for Earth.
     Gaia eventually became desperate, as she was struggling to maintain the world. Natural disasters were a common occurrence, and the world was starting to tear itself apart. She knew the only way to save the world was to diminish the human population, to collect the energies hanging in the air, and recycle them back into the world. With this in mind, she gathered the remaining energy she had and created the first Kijikaiaku, and named them Kokoro.
​And this is where their story started.
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