NPC-00008: CeeCee

Owned by GaiasKijikaiaku

The Panda Maid

     CeeCee is a 40 year old female panda beastman, though she does have mixed blood in her ancestry. Her beastman side shows more in her personality than her looks, as she's very laid back and chill. Though she empathizes with other people, she is somewhat stuck in her own bubble and only really talented at one thing: Cleaning. She tries to keep herself busy and is curious about a lot of things, but struggles with complex situations and likes keeping things simple.

     Despite her obvious flaws and inability to process many circumstances she still tries her best and keeps a positive outlook on life. She loves learning new things and meeting people, and will eagerly help people out in return for food, shelter, money, or other useful goods to get by.

     Unfortunately her attitude causes others to often take advantage of her, so she has very little friends she can rely on for help. Those she is friends with she loves dearly and holds close.


     As a child, CeeCee was bullied and had nowhere to really call home as her parents were very self absorbed in their own lives. People in school took advantage of her and tossed her around. Some even made fun of her. Teachers would oftentimes step in, and as she got older she became teachers' assistant. Her home life never really improved, but it wasn't all bad as her parents never really bothered her and she took care of herself, cleaned up the place, and stuck to herself.
     As CeeCee got older she found jobs doing all sorts of odds and ends around town, cleaning, lawnmowing, babysitting; if you needed help with something and had money to spare, she was willing to try her best. She continued living like this for a while until her parents retired.

     Once her parents aged, they started to become more active in CeeCee's life, demanding all sorts of things from her, and having her care for them. She didn't mind, but when they would take her money to pay for things, she started to lose her hard earned savings, and everything started to fall apart. She picked up more jobs, however the tiredness was getting to her and one day she was brought to a clinic for collapsing while working.

     Through that, she met Vault who was helping out at the clinic at the time, and the two became friends. Once CeeCee's parents passed away, she couldn't afford to maintain the place she grew up in and had to sell it, soon going to Vault for advice on what to do now.
     She didn't want to burden Vault by hanging around and leeching off her and her small abode, so she only stayed for a couple days before planning to travel to look for more work. While she stayed with Vault, she learned of Kijis and enjoyed communicated with them through Vault. There she met Hime, who eventually joined her in her travels, curious of everything CeeCee did. Though Hime kind of bullies her too in some ways, she teaches Hime a lot and they can be considered friends. CeeCee interacts with humans and other creatures that can’t see Hime in her stead. She cannot see Hime either, but has learned to communicate with her through tapping in morse code.
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