NPC-00013: Wanya

Owned by GaiasKijikaiaku

​the bound mercenary

     Wanya is a cat beastman, and like the stereotypical feline he has great reflexes and balance. He is more of a loner, and takes a while to warm up to others. He prefers to rely on his own strength than receiving help from others, but is quite careful not to get himself into a situation over his head- if it can be helped.

     Thanks to his beastman heritage he is quiet-footed and stealthy, flexible, and agile. He is also much stronger than a normal beastman, not only due to mercenary work but also because of the fact he also a werewolf. Inflicted with the condition since a young age, the wolf blood in him shows in his ears and tail.
     Unfortunately Wanya cannot use magic and is a physical fighter only, using not only his claws and feet but also his sword.


     When Wanya was young he was picked up by a slave trader. He was too young to remember what happened to his parents, whether they'd abandoned him or were killed, his only memory was wandering alone and hungry until being picked up and offered food. The trader that picked him up was kind to the young beastman and treated him, as well as other slaves he had under his wing, very well. Wanya enjoyed his time there and didn't see himself as a slave, however it didn't last. Eventually when a full moon came, Wanya couldn't control himself and shifted into his cat-like wolf form and caused a lot of damage to the trader's  place, as well as harming many of the fellow slaves.
     With the new discovery of the condition, Wanya could no longer stay with the nice trader and he was sold to another place and treated not as nicely. Locked up and treated no better than a cages animal with the new trader, Wanya lost his spirit and was broken, scared of the part of him that had sent him to this place. Every full moon Wanya was locked up like clockwork, and as he got older and saw many potential buyers pass over him because of his condition he started to lose hope of a normal life.
     One day while he was curled up in his cell an older man came upon him and looked him over. Wanya submissively let the man look him over, and was surprised that the man still wanted him as his slave even after learning he was a werewolf. Despite learning he was wanted, he never believed it would last and his once happy and playful demeaner had become submissive, quiet, and pessimistic.
     He followed the man for a while, bound by the contract between them, and running errands for the man, Wanya lived as a slave, barely thinking for himself, and only doing as his master ordered, until one day his master stopped him and sat down for a talk to learn more about Wanya. Wanya shared very little, and was uncomfortable about these personal talks, as he saw no value in being a slave that didn't live for his master. His master, however, seemed to think differently, and oftentimes asked Wanya for his opinion, or bought Wanya things. His master wasn't a typical master, that was for sure.

     That all changed when he first shifted and his master easily quelled him. Despite Wanya's protests that his master should lock him up, his master didn't seem to take him seriously, and when he finally shifted, his master had no issue turning the fierce wolf into a puppy. Wanya's master worked with him in order to control and accept his wolf side, and eventually the feline grew to love and accept his master, enjoying heir travels together and able to fight for his master and himself, not because he was a slave but because he wanted to.

     Wanya's master always told him to live for himse;f, and that as long as he could fight and protect himself, he'd be fine and only needed to learn to enjoy his own life, and get out of the mindset of being a slave. However Wanya enjoyed being his master's slave, and even as he learned to fight he desired nothing but to be with his master for the rest of his life. That did not last long, however, because his master was getting older. As his master was nearing the end of his life he tried many times to free Wanya from his slave contract, but Wanya refused, not wanting to be free. The old master eventually passed from old age, and Wanya was left a masterless slave, neither free nor tied to anyone living. With his master dead, his slave contract would remain as a symbol, binding Wanya, forcing him to be unable to be free but also unable to get a new master.

     Left to his own devices, he turned to mercenary work and trained himself to be a fighter for hire, inheriting his late master's sword.

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