NPC-00015: Silicone

Owned by GaiasKijikaiaku

​the starcrossed matriarch

     Silicone is a succubus, a kind of demon, though she also shows fairy blood in her. Her semitransparent fairylike wings are able to be hidden with ease by magic. She doesn't use her wings often and generally likes to dismiss them in favor of walking around.

     Despite the bad rap succubi get for their desires and specific skills, Silicone is able to exist by feeding not only on soul energy, but also by normal food and mana. This varying degree of flexibility also shows in the way she handles and communicates with others, treating no person or creature differently than another and being able to contain herself where other normal succubi would not.


     Silicone has been around for a very long time and is much older than she looks. Despite her young appearance, her age can show in her grey hair. She is old enough, in fact, she knows of the old war and remembers stories about it told to her first hand as a child, though not quite old enough to have been around during The Thinning.
     Silicone is a talker more than a fighter, but if she must get physical, she has her magic, hidden blades, and incredible battle prowess. She doesn't rely on her physical skills as much, and much prefers using her magic to inhibit enemies or turn them away if they refuse to talk. She doesn't seek out people either, she lets others seek her out. If they need her, they'll come looking. Nylon was one of those creatures, and as the two communicated, Nylon and Silicone bacame fast friends and now the tally hangs around Silicone at all times.
     Sometime in her many years she got in an altercation with a man who wanted more from her than she could give, and he left her with a nasty scar on her face which she hides under her hair. She tries to not let it bother her, but the fight left her with a deep emotional scar as well. Now when others seek her out, it's all or nothing when it comes to her help. If she can't give you what you want, you are turned away, but if she can, she gives you what you want and nothing more, binding the contract with magic, keen to never make the same mistake with another again.
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