PC-00014: Miran

Owned by Rílaméth

Name: Miran

Name Meaning: Peace (Slavic origin)

Gender: Male

Age: Young Adult

Height: 5'06''

Personality: Calm, quiet, doesn't like to socialize but will if he has to. Enjoys meditation, reading, and exploration, loves nature walks and stargazing. Proud of his skillset and does not feel the need for validation from anyone. Miran can be friendly, he just finds people exhausting.

Magic: Necromancy focus, healer, also uses some fire and shield spells. Talented, with the focus and will to make the most of it, though his skill development has been more need-driven than desire-driven.



Mother: Ivory (Pureborn)

Father: Makarios (Deathborn)

Siblings: Avira (younger sister by five years), Ziva (younger sister by ten years), (the rest unknown)

Children: Leshy (son)



Insistance: Casual friend with benefits, keeps in touch. (Mother of his only son.)

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