Profile PC-00022: Aytaç

Owned by Sehanbrel

[Aytaç][ay - tach]

Although born a more normal centaurian, Aytaç was not to say as such forever.

In his early adulthood, during a chance encounter with some ancient, otherworldly ruins while he was exploring, he stumbled across the Fellstone. By accident he touched it, and without warning, and before he could back away, the Fellstones's foul energies flared and enveloped Aytaç. He awoke some hours later, laying in a heap, his once graceful, beautiful form warped into something monstrous. At first unable to walk, he had to re-learn how to even move, muscles and organs all feeling unfamiliar, as though his soul and concsciousness had been stuffed into an entirely different person's body.

As far as he knew, he may as well have been.

Plucking the now-spent, inert Fellstone off the ground, he tucked it in his pack and stumbled on home.

When he arrived in his town, those who saw him screamed and fled, and the guards attacked him on sight. Only one old friend of the family recognized him for who he was, and vouched for him, and brought him inside safely before he could be severely harmed.

Safe from the fearful, prying eyes of other citizens, Aytaç's friend discussed his options with him, and a way to possibly disguise himself. Being shown a mirror that returned a horrific, disfigured face he couldn't even recognize, he broke down sobbing.

What even was he, now?


Aytaç, now recovered and wearing a mask he never removes that seems all but attached to his skull, searches the world for a way to undo what he believes is a curse.

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