PC-00027: Eimiel

Owned by Remix8

Name: Eimiel Villaflor King

Nickname: N/A

Species: Pureborn/ Deathborn Centaurian

Age: 42

Birthday:  March 15

Height: 6'2

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Pansexual


Alignment: Chaotic neutral

Occupation: Actor/ singer/ songwriter/ business owner


Personality: Once a celeberty of sorts, a fall from grace left him washed up, miserable, and alone.


Likes: Stardom, acting, the party lifestyle, people doing what he says, his pet

Dislikes: Not being the center of attention, being held accountable for his actions, his pet



•Jackal ears, hound body, water buffalo horns, unicorn tail

• Has strong magic used mostly for glamoring, but has offensive capabilities as well

• Make fun of his loss and you get the boss

• Has a beloved pet named Dire no it's not creepy at all

  • Gift art is allowed
  • Gift writing is allowed
  • Open for links