PC-00028: Kama

Owned by Remix8

Name: Kells, Metis, and Azalea

Nickname: Kama

Species: Fireborn Centaurian

Age: ???

Birthday: ??? but January 25th is the day all three were fully active and aware

Height: 8'0

Gender: Genderfluid

Sexuality: Pansexual?


Alignment: True neutral, but may change as they gain experience

Occupation: None, currently a wanderer



What the hell is Kama? Nobody quite knows, least of all them. What we do know is they look like a robot, but have flesh inside. Three different kinds of flesh, to be accurate! Three different people were hastily grafted together and placed within the suit to keep them alive. Each head has a distinct personality and they don't always mesh, but they function near perfectly, implying that one head has more control over movement and decison making.

Kama is less of a name and more of an identifer. Each head chose its own name, and the resulting acronym, KMA, is used to refer to the trio at once.

Right head: Kells, believed to be the majority of the body. They can be nervous and quiet, but love action and movement. Any sort of action, a dog park, a triathlon, and a thriller movie all hold the same amount of appeal. Because of this, they sometimes need the others to guide them into focusing on one thing.

Middle head: Metis, the eldest of the trio. They are believed to be the main controller of the body, due to their calm and introspective personality. They are the first to ask and the last to trust. They are also the most weak to earthly pleasures. The fastest way to get them to open up is a 'treat yourself' day.

Left head: Azalea, the smallest contributor to the body, but the biggest to their collective as they are eager to learn and have a mind like a steel trap. They would purposefully go into dangerous situations just to gain more intel or experiement to test a hazardous hypothesis, so good things the other two help logic them away from doing something stupid.


Likes: Exploring, meeting new people, eating whatever can fit in their mouths

Dislikes: Deep water, mud, difficult to understand social cues



• As long as one head is active the whole body can move

• The have reduced needs for eating and sleeping; will curl their heads up like a bird to sleep

Yes you can fuck the robot

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