PC-00047: Alnair's Links

Relationship Status: Family
He just can't figure out what Firora's beef with him is. With both his sisters being outdoorsy types who don't mind a little rough-housing, he feels someone more reserved and elegant like himself is a needed balance in the family.
She loves her brother as family but often butts heads with him, often complaining about this or that of his personality or way he handles things- though to be fair he deserves a punch in the arm on occasion, according to her.

Relationship Status: Family
Wishes his dad would stop trying to get him involved in sports. Loves Adel, but he doesn't feel entirely understood at times.
Adelbaran isn't really sure where his only son picked up his demeanor or habits, but loves him all the same. Secretly, he's hoping Alnair will get his hands dirty in good fun at some point.

Relationship Status: Family
Loves his slightly-younger twin sister, but wishes she wouldn't try to drag him out into the dirt all the time. Why did both his sisters end up tomboys?
Doesn't understand why her brother is a prissy weenie but loves him anyway.

Relationship Status: Family
Sees Calyx as an aunt, and a reasonable woman to spend time with. Of the women in his family, he secretly prefers Calyx's company over his sisters most of the time.
Despite being his biological mother, Calyx treats Alnair as her nephew. She treats Alnair better than the girls not cause she loves him more but cause he's more interested in a lot of the 'prettier' things like her, and it's nice to have someone around that appreciates the finer things in life.

Relationship Status: Family
He feels a little closer to Cyprus than he does Adelbaran, as he finds him easier to talk and relate to. He feels like they're friends as much as they are family.
To Cyprus, who dealt with Calyx his whole life, he finds dealing with Alnair easier than the girls. He doesn't mind giving advice and much appreciates not being dragged into mud when they take walks.