PK-00114: Twisted Fate

Owned by Rílaméth

An incorrigible mischief and cheat, Twisted Fate is not actually malevolent, but he never plays fair either. He finds anything played by the rules to be boring, and delights in finding creative ways to get around the rules while avoiding getting caught. Hardly innocent, Twisted Fate is best considered with a degree of suspicion, as one can always assume he is cheating in some way. Just what way though, and whether or not the rules even cover it, is something he makes real hard to find out.

His sly and cunning nature aside, however, he can be quite kind once he gets to know someone, and he'll never intentionally cause someone harm unprovoked. Twisted Fate also loves to play pranks, hide things on others, and generally make a nuisance of himself, but when the cards are down, he makes for a surprisingly loyal and resourceful ally and friend.

Twisted Fate also loves games of chance, and particularly enjoys stacking the odds in his favour.

Twins with Karma.

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