Profile PK-00161: Kayrrus

Owned by Wolvenhyde

Can be Drawn with Subtalleons: Yes
Can be Written with Subtalleons: Yes
Any Specific Tallies it has to be Drawn/Written With? None
Can be Drawn with Kijikaiaku: Yes
Can be Written with Kijikaiaku: Yes

Any Specific Kiji it has to be Drawn/Written With? None
Cove Submissions: OK
Meme Submissions: Please Notify
Dungeon Submissions: Please Notify
Quest Submissions: Please Notify
Can Summon with: Not Free to Summon with
Summon Notifications: Please Notify before using in a Summon
Best Activity for: Farming
Commission Status: Open for Art Commissions

Trade Status: Open for Art Trades
Gift Status: Open for Art Gifts
Comfortable with: Noooooodddlle
Uncomfortable with: 
Please DO: The fish tank glows in the dark
Please do NOT: 

  • Gift art is allowed
  • Gift writing is allowed
  • Open for links