PK-00207: Zlato

Owned by Rílaméth

Intelligent, deliberate, and vindictive, but not wholly devoid of care. Zlato keeps track of a system of benefits and slights for everyone she knows, which she uses to determine if someone needs to be taught a lesson or if they have value to her. She can be the sweetest thing when it suits her, but cruel and petty when she sees no benefit to the façade. Zlato does think to mind the boundaries of the few true friends she has, able to be giving, caring, and generous - traits she guards with metaphorical walls of thorns against any who do not have her trust.

Despite her pretty appearance, Zlato takes care of her body in a clinical fashion, seeing it only as her tool - for use as she sees fit. When something sullies her appearance, she doesn't much care, beyond some minor annoyance at the work she'll have to do later to clean herself. Zlato is braver than some give her credit for, and those who underestimate her soon learn that her fighting ability is as dangerous as her words.

Zlato will gladly have others do her work for her, once she determines them able to competently follow instruction. Though she will not hesitate to act should it suit her or be necessary, she little cares to expend her energy and strength needlessly. She sees those who seek short-term gain at the expense of long-term benefit as foolhardy, and prefers to play the long game in every aspect of her life.

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