SNPC-00004: Meld

Owned by GaiasKijikaiaku

​Keeper of the Nest

     Meld is one of the first few Subtalleons that was created by Yile after Shin'en. They focus their efforts on helping epand their race and nurture others of their kind. Despite the Nest being right outside the entrance to the Abyss, Meld doesn't enter unless the Nest is under attack, moving eggs into the space for their protection. Unhatched Eggs cannot hatch in the Abyss, so they're only taken in there for protection. It is very rare, however, that this happens, due to their location.
     Meld is very loyal to Yile and the Tally race, and does their best to care for the eggs entrusted to them and teach the tallies that get summoned to follow Yile's command and help their race. They are very stern and commanding in their approach, but despite that they do love others of their kind and see themself as everyone's mother in a sense.
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