SNPC-00005: Orville

Owned by GaiasKijikaiaku

Orville "Riot"
​Leader of the rebels

     Orville used to be an upstanding member of the Subtalleon race, helping fight against the Kiji and actively spreading influance. However that only lasted the first year of Orville's life, as he spent some time alone for a while and actually started to see what was going on. As he opened his mind and started to think more for himself instead of his species, disregarding everything he was taught from when he was first summoned, he realized he was in the wrong and felt bad for those he'd faught against, and worked to rebel against Yile, changing his name to Riot.

     Riot no longer steps foot in the Abyss and stays above ground, but works to fight against Tallies that try to hurt the earth and aims to work with Kiji to protect it. Though not all Kiji are friendly towards him because of his race, he doesn't mind much and still tries to help repair relationships and lead the Tally rebels who've joined him.

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