[Battle S&R] Mistakes in the snow

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Snowflakes slowly drifted down from high above as a lone Kijikaiaku made their way across the fields. There have been many reports of confused spirits attacking Rudolph and Santa of all things, and Gaia was getting concerned it was going to interfere with Christmas as a whole. Due to her growing concern, she had sent out a few of her Kijikaiaku to find and help the jolly duo, or fend off the attacking spirits. Vartarin is one such Kijikaiaku, thus why he was delicately making his way across barren, snowy fields, ears perked and straining to catch any sound of jingling bells through the falling snow muffling the sounds of the world. He knew they were in this area, but was having trouble finding their exact location. 

After what surely felt like hours to the small Kijikaiaku, there it was. The soft sound of bells jingling through the air! Quickly he turned his course towards the sound, hoping to catch up before they took off again. Keeping up with a fully grown magical reindeer was surely going to be difficult for a Kijikaiaku as small as Vartarin if he didn’t hurry. Leaving not even a single paw print in his wake, it didn’t take as long as he’d expected to catch up to the Red-nosed Reindeer, as he awkwardly scrambled to a halt just in front of the reindeer. He plowed right through a bush and stopped just short of slamming his face against the giant beast's front legs in fact. 

His sudden appearance startled Rudolph, though, and the reindeer reared up in shock. The attacks of other spirits must have been taking its toll on the poor old beast, however, and his shock quickly faded into anger, as he tried to slam his hooves down on poor Vartarin’s spine, only just missing. 

Scrambling back from his own shock of being attacked, Vatarain tried to quickly explain that he was here to help, not to hurt, but in his fright he stumbled over his words, making the incomprehensible and messy. His attempted explanation did nothing to assuage the reindeers anger, and he rushed at Vartarin with his heavy antlers down, ready to throw the spirit to who knows where. Rudolph didn’t stop his charge, even as Vartarin turned tail and ran. He was followed through the bush and back into the field he traveled through to get there in the first place, and pursued further. Rudolph wasn’t going to let another spirit bother him or Santa again.

The chase didn’t end until a hearty ‘Ho ho ho’ cut through the air, and the man in red himself called Rudolph back again.the reindeer stopped in his tracks, and turned towards the sound in delight. Vartarin continued on until he dived into a bush, and only then did he dare stop and try to calm his nerves, he managed to watch what happened next. Sata caught up to Rudolph surprisingly quickly considering the snow, patting his old friend's neck. Rudolph himself was overjoyed, almost headbutting Santa over in his excitement. After a moment between the two friends, Santa made his way to the small spirit, and kneeled down in front of the bush Vartarin was hiding under. Extending a hand he gently patted the Kijikaiaku’s head, and explained that a battalion of Subtalleons had attacked the sleigh earlier and broken Rudolph's reins, causing the two to become separated, as without Rudolph magic keeping the sleigh airborne, it fell to the ground as Rudolph continued his fight against the spirits. It wasn’t until he heard the distinct jingling of the bells on Rudolph’s harness that he managed to find his friend again. With another heartily laugh though, he thanked Vartarin for his accidental help, and apologized for his fright. With a wink and a smile, he promised Vartarin had sealed his place on the Nice list, and then was gone in a flash.

Vartarin just listened to the big red man as he spoke, confused, but happy to hear that he helped. His eyes widened in shock when Santa disappeared so suddenly. Not just Santa, but Rudolph too, he noticed with a pang of relief. As he looked around the area, the only sign that Santa was ever there was a small red box with a golden bow, and Vartarin’s name on a label.

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[Battle S&R] Mistakes in the snow
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In Battles ・ By IceDragonQueen22
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Submitted By IceDragonQueen22View Favorites
Submitted: 2 years and 2 months agoLast Updated: 1 year and 3 months ago

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