Geno Slot ・ SubtalleonRare

Subtalleon Geno

Owned by Wolvenhyde
Neon Tainted/Skinned Waterlogged Extra/Regular
Tips, Boots, Highlight, Fox, Parrot, (Starry, Maned)/Bi-Colored, Fox, Highlight, Maned, Python, Ticked, Underbelly, (Overlay, Boots)
Lynx/Elven, Rounded/Elongated, Short Tailed/Rounded, Shaved/Finned, Mohawk/Ridged, Whale/Regular
Thick Belly Plates, Shiny, Extra Energy, (Elephant Tusks)/Black Bones, Keratin Energy
Neon Tainted/Skinned Waterlogged Extra/Regular
Tips, Boots, Highlight, Starry, Maned, Shimmer, Easter Painting/Bi-Colored, Highlight, Maned, Python, Ticked, Underbelly, Faded, Snowed, Fizz
Lynx/Fairy, Rounded/Elongated, Short Tailed/Rounded, Spiked/Finned, Mohawk/Ridged, Whale/Trailing
Thin Belly Plates, Shiny, Infested Ooze, Ghostly, Extra Energy/Keratin Energy
White Out on Parrot and Python?
Reality Essance on Starry and Maned
Trait Edit Fox off x2
Add Faded(SP), Shimmer, and Easter Painting, Snowed and Fizz and Pour?
Add Fairy Ears (Replacing Elven)
Add Spiked Cheeks (Replacing Shaved)
Trait Edit Thick Belly to Thin?
White Out Black Bones
Add Trailing Tail Fin to replace Regular
Add Cut Energy? and Roman Nose? and Filter? and Stained? and Moonlight?
Add Infested Ooze and Ghostly and Water Jug?