Changelog December 2022

Posted 2 years and 1 month ago :: Last edited 2 years and 3 weeks ago by Wolvenhyde
  • New Profile, Inventory, and Changelog layouts
  • Feedback Form and Public Trello made
  • Markings have new colorblind friendly range images and examples
  • New/Edited Boosts
  • Greater Explanation on Prompts and Traits
  • New prompts to make submitting requests easier
  • Many Items getting effect adjustments/changes
  • Large changes to Equipment and Cosmetics
  • Milestones for Stats are being adjusted

Hello everyone! This has been a very good year, we've had many ups and downs but all and all things are going strong and I'm very excited to bring you this changelog and everything that has been adjusted! We've been very busy these past couple months to bring you all a better experiance to the game!

Upcoming Features and Progress

There are a bunch of things we are still working on and haven't yet been released. Look forward to the following things being fixed/added soon!

  1. Many new NPCs are still missing images on their profiles. We should hopefully finish those soon!
  2. We're hoping to get better formatting/layout soon for the navigation bar and other pages such as the home page and prompts soon, however we have limited coding knowledge so there's no timeframe on when this might happen.
  3. We still need to go through and change everyone's cosmetic/equipment slots and the guides to reflect the new changes coming soon for cosmetics and equipment. This will take a very large chunk of time but should be done sometime next month.
  4. We're still going through and clarifying prompts and traits. Please be patient as we attempt to clarify things. This will take a while. We always appreciate help with this!
  5. Reworking familiar effects so many familiars have better effects. Another time consuming thing that should be done next month.
  6. We're working on adding a featured image to the front page that people can submit to and get their art on the home page!
  7. We've been thinking about adding a daily reward to Gaia's Giveaways to help encourage people to come on every day to grab it. It would have useful but not too fancy things in it.
  8. More misc code changes to help make admin lives and player gameplay easier and quicker!

New Layouts

As you many have already noticed, Changelogs has a new format! This format should be easier on the eyes, nicer to read, and much more clear/informative than the previous version.
We have also changed the layout of user profiles too, to move away from the standard Lorekeeper look and make things look a little nicer and easier to navigate.
Lastly, if you go to your inventory from the home menu you should now be able to view it in a condensed mode. While the regular public inventory shows everything grouped up by type (Now collapsed by default for ease of navigation), the condensed mode allows you to search through the entire inventory and will help find enchantments easier using ctrl-F, among other things. It also loads faster! Unfortunately you cannot interract with things from this menu.
We hope we can change the layout of other pages too!

Let us know your thoughts on the new layouts, and give Wolvenhyde a big thank you for her work on the code!

Feedback and Public Lists

We created a public trello that anyone can view! This list has everything we are currently working on and plan to add/change in the future, as well as changes/additions mentioned by you, the playerbase, and whether they are pending us to look over, accepted, or rejected.

We also created a feedback form which you can fill out at any time and let us know what you think of the site and the features we have. It would greatly help us if you were to give us your feedback so we know what we're lacking on and what things we're doing good on. It might be a little long but it is thorough.

Editing Markings and Trait Descriptions

Marking range images have been changed to a more colorblind friendly shade of blue. This should not only be easier on the eyes normally but help people see the ranges better. Additionally, while we went through and changed the colors, many markings got range updates. None of the updates should impact any currently approved characters, as the changes made were all decreasing required range and increasing allowed range.

With the marking ranges being updated, we have also gone through and changed the example images. Some have gotten entirely new images, while most have simply turned to a more greyscale eye friendly color.

Give Sehanbrel a big thank you for the time he spent doing all these and helping get them all finished!!

We plan on going through sometime soon as well and editing trait descriptions to help those who do custom lines make sure they are following trait rules better.

New Boosts

We have added a few new boosts to the game, as well as changed a couple existing ones!
Due to prior suggestion, Core-Blessed has been restricted to Kijikaiaku only, and a new boost, Abyss-Blessed, has been added to the game. This new boost is a Subtalleon version of Core-Blessed and does the same exact thing. 

Explorer has also been edited. Gaining a third tier, it now has the ability to share locations found with other spirits in the image! This tier acts much like Treasure Maps, in the sense that the locations will replace an item found instead of adding it as an additional thing.

Lastly we added another new Unique boost to the game. Called Vetoed, this boost is mostly meant for beginner spirits and swaps your spirit's stats with your enemy's! This will be a very interesting and also scary boost to see people deal with in the future, and we're excited to see it come into play sometime!

Prompts and Requests Adjustments

We have added a few new prompts to the site, however these prompts are not art prompts and are similar to Stark and Silicone.
One of the new prompts is to make enchanting easier. This enchanting prompt is to replace submiting enchanting requests through requests. This should also help information regarding prices and what you can/cannot enchant be more straightforward. When you submit something to be enchanted using the enchanting prompt, don't forget to add the enchanting criteria under PT Calculations and the spirit you're using to enchant!

Likewise, a rebirthing prompt has also been added! This does not have a criteria to select, but has the information in the description and should make rebirthing easier. Otherwise, nothing else has changed with rebirthing.

Lastly a prompt for Semi-Custom creation has been made. This should make buying a semi-custom easier, as before you had to reach out to the owner to buy one. Now, all you have to do is submit to the prompt and follow the instructions. There is also a criteria there to fill out; despite saying PT Calculations, it does take credits!

Other than requests that have been turned into prompts, a new art prompt called Textiles and Woodworking has been added! This prompt should make it easier to get materials needed for Dens and crafting that are harder to come by or greatly sought after.

Lastly a simple change on the administrative end, we added the ability for admins to cancel prompts and requests. This causes it to say and send a notification that it was accepted, but won't actually take the things out of your bank which you attached or give rewards. This feature was added mainly for people that make a mistake for attaching equipment or materials to characters or dens.

Item Changes

There are quite a few changes to items this month, as well as upcoming changes.
Merging equipment is no longer able to be done. This feature was unknown to new players and even some older players, and time consuming for admins to do. This change is to help take workload off admins, as well as make certain gear worth more. We see this change as a way to stimulate equipment economy rather than a limit to players.

With the changes to equipment, enchants on gear that are added to characters now say in their trait information if it's from gear attached to them or not. This is not only to help us know whether an added boost is from a scroll or not, but also because enchants on gear now disappear from the gear's slots when it is added onto the geno from rebirthing! This is to help stop boosts on equipment from being reused over and over and to increase even further the value of certain equipment.

Lastly, Equipment slots are being increased and cosmetics are disappearing. This will be further explained in a later changelog.

Other than equipment, Hex Seals now impact the chances of things being messed with by rebirthing! If a hex seal is present on the spirit, it now decreases the chance of traits changing/being added.

Familiars will also soon be getting a change to their effects. Not all familiars will be impacted, we're just going to go through and give more variety and adjust those that need it.

Stat Changes

Once the change with cosmetics happen, there will be a change with the milestones for Stamina and Strength. But for now only milestones for Attack and Defense have been adjusted- Attack changed due to my realization of Magical Energy increasing the attack too easily on maxed out Kiji, and Defense getting a new milestone because of Stoneskin.


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