Changelog February 2023

Posted 1 year and 11 months ago :: Last edited 1 year and 11 months ago by Wolvenhyde
  • Many Item and Activity/Shop Updates
  • Kijikaiaku Import Update
  • Custom Den Import Backgrounds Now Available
  • Removal of Submission Drafts
  • Toyhouse Authorization Now Available
  • Updates to Request and Summon Guides

Another busy month gone, and another busy month to go! This changelog has a bunch of really important things in it so be sure to carefully read through it. We weren't able to get hardly anything last month done we expected to, so we moved most stuff to this month and hope that we'll get through most things on our list!

Upcoming Features and Progress

There are a bunch of things we are still working on and haven't yet been released. Look forward to the following things being fixed/added soon!

  1. The arrival of the new Cove locations ended up getting pushed back, they should be added here without issue in the coming weeks.
  2. We were unable to finish the tally profile pics due to much happening last month, so they have been pushed to this month. We have made a goal to have them done by the end of the month.
  3. The custom trait sheet is almost done, we're just working out the kinks and the last few traits that need descriptions.
  4. We're still slowly getting through the backgrounds, and do not have a solid date or timeframe on how fast we'll be getting them finished.
  5. A punching bag den item is planned to be added to the game.
  6. A Den guide update is planned to make the guide much more clear and easier to follow and find info on.
  7. We decided to clarify all sections in criteria with Tooltips, not just the docks, and will hopefully have that finished soon.

Shop Updates

There has been a small adjustment to Ares Shop. A monthly stock limit has been added to elemental packs to prevent saturation of elemenal uniques. This limit shouldn't pose any issue to active players or their ability to buy packs, and is only there to prevent those with much PT over buying any one pack.

Secondly the Auction House has gotten an update. Before we would randomly add more stock from a generator whenever we noticed the shop getting low on stock, however there are many flaws to this system, uncluding the time it takes to add it all and the limiting of admins being able to grab from the shop. Due to issues and concerns about sniping and players buying out the stock too fast or en mass, we changed up the process to prevent that from happening.

To access Tatsu's Auction House you now need a coupon, which you can get 3 for free a week in Gaia's Giveaways. Though the prices in the AH are very expensive, the coupons will knock a majority of the price off it so you pay normal price. This ensures that people cannot buy out the entire shop in one sitting and gives other people a chance to look, and also makes people choose what exactly they want to prioritize. If someone really wants more things than they have the coupons for, they can still buy them without the coupon, but at those prices, is it really worth it?

Also because of this new policy that means we can regularly add stock to Tatsu's AH, which we do the sunday night closest to the 1st of the month. Any coupons left in people's inventory when we update stock will be removed. Let us know of these shop updates below!

Activity and Item Updates

A small update to tomes when applying, we now append a loot table that determins whether you get your book back or not. Before it was a guarentee, however now there's a 33% chance the book will be destroyed after the tome is used. Lore-wise, think of this as the tome being too worn to be used to enchant again.

Another small update is that Keen eye finally got an update. Because collection events no longer happen, its effect needed reworking. Likewise on the topic of boosts, though Overlimit didn't get added as a boost, we added a new title instead called Limit Breaker. This title is gotten by defeating the final floor boss on all four dungeons and removes the cap on all stats for dungeon rolls.

Speaking of dungeons, rules regarding Wanya rewards have changed. Before no matter how many people were working on the image you'd only get one reward from Wanya per instance of him drawn, now we're giving out a summon perm per player involved in the piece. (ie if person 1 has 2 spirits in the art, they'll only get one perm, but if person 1 and person 2 each have a spirit they both get a summon perm each.) This rule change goes not only for collabs, but commissions and trades too. Gifts however do not share the summon perm unless the art only involves the spirit of the person it is a gift to.

Lastly Bigfoot got updated to give two fur traits instead of the one, and can also be affected by Farmer.

The last big thing with activities and prompts is that Drafts have been removed! Because of the many other edits and extensions we have added to the game (ie exp, criteria, etc), the drafts extension was posing too much problems in the backend and we decided it wasn't worth it for now. We may add it back again on a later date after the kinks have been worked out, but for now we cannot use it and hope you all understand. For now you will have to deal with rejections and resubmitting.

Kiji Import Update

The Kijikaiaku import has gotten a slight update. Previously there were some errors on the import due to a mistake not by the import artist but from the owner. As Kijis bodies themselves are not furred, the little fur bits made much confusion and was not brought up to the import artist until recently. She has since fixed the base lines to be furless. We would appreciate if people download the new versions, and would be thankful if you fix any imports already on site with the new lines. Future imports will be denied if they use the old lines. The ears have not yet been updated but we hope to get that done soon.

Likewise they have also gotten the new updated backgrounds added to the imports.

Custom Import Backgrounds

Players now have the ability to add custom backgrounds to their imports! Though this process is fairly strict and has certain rules to them, we hope people will be excited for this.

Custom backgrounds are only available to characters in dens. Dens now have three background slots, one available upon creation, another available when they hit Rank 3, and a third available at Rank 6. While the slots are unlocked automatically, the leader of the den still has to craft the applicator in Krawft's crafting each time. The recipe is unlocked only for those who own dens.

The den background made must be 3000x2500 in size and submitted in a request with the den and applicator attached by the leader of the den. It must be accurate to the den being submitted for, show the den (inside or outside) and pass a quality check. This background is allowed to be commissioned. 

After approval, the full size image is added to the drive in the den backgrounds folder, and is only available to be used by members of that den.

Toyhouse Authorization

Users can now link up their toyhouse in their profile settings! This gives users an option if they do not want their DA linked up or shown, as users (Old and new) can choose one or the other, or even both to be shown, and can even choose a primary (The one displayed on the user list)! This also means that if you have a toyhouse and don't have or can't access deviantart, you are able to authorize your account with Toyhouse instead!

Updates to guides

Much information has been added to the guides! Besides the upcoming den guide update, we added stat requirements to the rank up chart. Let us know if there's anything you'd like further clarified for the upcoming update!

The site guide has also been updated to remove mentions of drafts, while the request guide now also has information on Scrolls of Imprints and how to use them properly.

Lastly, the summon and rebirth guide has been updated to include information on preemptively adding splice traits to summons. If there's any other information you think we should clarify in any of the guides please let us know!


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