Changelog 2 February 2023

Posted 1 year and 11 months ago :: Last edited 1 year and 10 months ago by Wolvenhyde


  • 2 New Cove Locations
  • New Den Item and Traits
  • New Collections Activity
  • New NPC Images


  • Elemental/Universe Jewelry Effect Changes


  • Tooltips for PT Calculation Criteria
  • Import Fixes
  • Krawft's Crafting Page Update
  • Bday Gift Automization
  • DA Account Changes
  • Simple Code and Page Fixes and Additions

Despite the many changes and updates this month, it feels like it's been pretty slow! Either way we're happy to have gotten all we have done, and hopefully should finish up with things through this upcoming month! Please feel free to share any feedback below!

Upcoming Features and Progress

There are a bunch of things we are still working on and haven't yet been released. Look forward to the following things being fixed/added soon!

  1. We're still working on the NPC profile images, there's only a couple left to do and they're all started. They shouldn't take too much longer to finish.
  2. The two new cove locations should have their backgrounds finished very soon, thinking the next backgrounds to work on are the rebirth ones.
  3. The custom trait outline has been pushed back a bit because of the new traits that were added. We will have that done by the end of March though.
  4. We don't have a timeframe on when the Den Guide will be updated, but we're hoping to work on it through March at some point.
  5. More new unique traits planned for Tallies! These traits should be slowly added to the game as the import art is finished for them through the next couple months!
  6. A couple new items and prompts planned to be added, including chainmail armor and an armory prompt!
  7. More information on birthday rewards will be added to the guides within the week.

PT Calculation Tooltips

For a while now I've wanted to add tooltips to the calculation tool to make it easier for people who fill them out, and now there is! When going to submit an art to a prompt and selecting a criteria, most sections now have little info bubbles on them that explain in more depth the options and how to fill them out. So if you're ever confused, hover over the info bubbles and they'll help guide you!

Please let us know if you face any issue with these tooltips or if there's any weird wording. Likewise if you feel something isn't explained enough, let us know and we can revisit it to fix the wording!

Item, Trait, and Import Changes and Additions

We've been hard at work with updating the game with new items and fixes!

The first item that's been added is a new den item: Punching Bag. This item is pretty good and gives Wrath to all spirits in the den.

Other items that have been adjusted is the elemental and universe jewelry! The jewelry was unbalenced and missing health, so we have gone through and added health to the jewelry, as well as adjusted the stats so they are more balanced now!

Secondly there's a new Legendary trait for Kiji and Tallies: Cattle Horns! These side horns are long and stick out to the sides like longhorn cattle.

Additionally there's a bunch of new unique traits including the Ouroborus Tail, which is for both Kiji and Tallies, the Plated Body Trait for Tallies, the Tuna Spikes mutation for Tallies, and the Cephlo Tail for Tallies that resembles octopus tentacles. We have a bunch of other unique traits planned, so look forward to them!

On that note we have been working to port a lot of unique traits over from Kiji to Tallies! The traits we have done are now in the drive and available for use. We plan on creating the traits on site soon to reflect what all is allowed to be used on Tallies or not.

Lastly thanks to Samateus and Wolvenhyde the Kiji ears have been fixed for the imports! They no longer have the fur at the base to be more accurately fit the species; this fix has been reflected in the individual traits and on the compiled imports, which now have the correct ears. They also have the new cattle horns in them, as well as in the tally imports. We recommend going and redownloading the imports when you get the chance.

Kram's Collections and Krawft's Crafting

We have a new activity on the site! Kram's Collections is an activity found under the Activities header which you can get rewards for completing certain sets of items! There are many nice rewards in there, so you might look it over before you sell or donate items from your inventory!

This activity does not consume the items like crafting does, and instead just rewards you for owning the items themselves! Keep in mind the items have to be in your hoard and not attached to a character, and you can only redeem each collection once! We hope to bring more collections to the page in the future, so please let us know if you have any suggestions in the future!

Krawft's Crafting has also recieved a minor update to the page! Now, the recipes are organized by category! This should greatly help viewability for people and finding the recipes you want or need, as well as make for a more pleasant experiance altogether!

New Cove Locations

Two new Cove locations have been added to the game! These are the Cliff and the Waterfall! Both are easy to find locations and have some nice loot you can find, good luck getting them!

Unfortunately even though they're added to the game, the backgrounds themselves are not yet finished. We're hoping to get those finished here soon for people who discover them!

Birthday Automization

People now get a free fancy crate automatically granted to them on their birthday! Before, admins had to manually grant birthday gifts, but now the site will automatically give you the chest if you have your birthday listed.

Do keep in mind that it only gives the chest though, if you want the 50% off coupon you still have to either message an admin or be apart of the discord and have your bday listed there.

New NPC Profile Images

Hopscotch and Display have their profile images finished! Their profiles should now be updated with the images, yay! The remaining three should have their images finished soon too!

Simple Code and Page Changes

There's been a couple edits to a few pages and in the code.

The first bigger change is that characters who have been rebirthed and are awaiting a redesign, or deceased characters, will now have a banner on the top of their page that says they are disabled, as well as no longer being able to be added to any submissions until the item or redesign is processed.

Secondly a simple but annoying bug has been fixed with searches, now when searchign for traits and items the category will now stick and won't disappear when loading the search!

Lastly two pages have been edited minorly: The Import Downloads page and the User List. The Import Downloads page now has links to the Tally uniques and elemental/universe traits, and the user list now says when users have been last online off to the side so people don't have to hover over the dot anymore! Unfortunately this update has wiped the last online information so everyone who hasn't logged in since the update is zeroed out. Once you log in the page will be fixed for you.

Updates to our DA Account

We have finally gotten around to updating our Admin DA account! A big thanks to Rílaméth for taking on this huge task!

The account has been renamed to Record of Lucitha to suit the group better, and all current imports and NPCs have been uploaded there. We're hoping to continue keeping it active with posting approved imports and event announcements.


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