Changelog October 2023

Posted 1 year and 4 months ago :: Last edited 1 year and 4 months ago by Wolvenhyde


  • Mutton Chops added to Game
  • Technicolor Added to Game


  • Admin Trainees are now split into seniors and juniors
  • Vault's Haven Prices have changed (Mostly lowered) for better balance
  • Slime Expedition Recipes are now numbered for ease of crafting
  • Lynx Cheeks on Kiji have been lowered to uncommon rarity
  • A couple Tally Cheeks have gotten their rarities lowered to compensate for the above change
  • New Background type (Intermediate) has been added to the criteria
  • Headless got an effect clarification for dungeons


  • More Discord Level Rewards
  • Genie Braid is no longer an add-on trait
  • Metal Claws can now go on Tallies
  • Slime Expeditions are now automated

It's been a while since the last couple changelogs! Things are slowing down here as things start to get settled, but with the overhaul coming up here soon many things will be changing and the changelogs will be filled to the brim! Make sure to read through this one, cause it's juicy!

Upcoming Features and Progress

There are a bunch of things we are still working on and haven't yet been released. Look forward to the following things being fixed/added soon!

  1. We're still looking for a coder or someone knowledgable with code to help with the overhaul for the site! This includes cusom coding a few things for activities, CSS, and possibly merging in extensions. THIS IS A PAID JOB!!
  2. Because of the overhaul, many things will be changing in the coming months. That means changes to some activities, changes to boosts or traits and how they work, and lots of changes to items!

New Unique Traits

There are a couple new unique traits added to the site; Mutton chops, a new unique boss drop, and the Technicolor base coat. We have plans to add many more unique traits, mostly stuff for Tallies, mostly stuff from bosses, however rolling them out will be slow. Metal Claws can now be put on Tallies as well!

Changes to Slime expeditions

Slime crafting is now organized by number in Krawft's crafting to help make it easier for players to evolve them! Secondly, and more importantly, we have started to move slimes to be automated, requiring players to do the expeditions now through crafting instead of through prompts. This takes the workload off admins, as well as allows for additional new features for players that wasn't previously possible!

Players now get 1 Gummies out of the daily Gift Box alongside its regular drop(s) from Gaia's Giveaways, an item people can get for free one a day. This currency is used for doing the slime expeditions and cannot be traded to other players. This means that as long as you are collecting your daily gifts, you can open them at any time and do slime expeditions at any time, and not only no longer need to wait on an admin but also can do the expeditions all at once! Because this currency stacks, as long as you are collecting your daily gifts you can save up and spend them all at one time.

Changes to shops and some items

Vault's Haven now has cheaper prices for a lot of items! While many are remaining the same, there are plenty that are now cheaper! The items that have gotten lower prices are: Angel’s Tears, Den Item, Reality Essence, White Out, Gaia’s Darkness, Empty Scroll, Ares Favor, Gaia’s Healing, and Yile’s Safeguard.

There are also a bunch of traits and items that have gotten changes! Lynx cheeks for Kijis is now an uncommon trait, instead of legendary. Because of this change, Tallies needed to get an update as well, so Fluffy cheeks was changed to uncommon and Long cheeks to rare. Genie Braid is no longer an add-on trait and is a mane in and of itself as well.

The boost Headless hasn't gotten a change, but has instead been further clarified for dungeons. Headless now prevents one-shots in dungeons!

New background type

The last recent change or update is that we have added a new background categorization to our criteria in regards to art. This background, called 'Intermediate' is listed on the Levels/EXP guide as well as the PT calculation for prompts, and also impacts EXP. It is a somewhat mid-point between simple and complex backgrounds, for people who have done backgrounds that don't deserve to be called simple, but that don't quite work or are just short of complex.


We're grateful to have you here, and please be on the lookout for more new and exciting changes coming in the next few months!
Merry Hallowthanksmas!


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