Changelog 2 October 2023

Posted 1 year and 3 months ago :: Last edited 1 year and 3 months ago by Wolvenhyde


  • Players now get rewarded when a new user joins and lists them as a referral.
  • New spotlight on homepage
  • Users shops now available
  • Special Cove shops now stock credit only items in addition to their normal stock!
  • Avatar borders added to site
  • Emotes added to game
  • New effect boosts: Soaked and Winded, plus their resists and weaks
  • NEW Unique Reflect Boost!
  • New faction system in progress
  • New item: Paint Kit
  • Melanistic and Dun added to Centaurians


  • Slime Expedition Recipes recipe now changed to needing Mysterious Goop instead of the Slime Familiar
  • Chance to get credits when opening bags of coins increased by 1%
  • Swimsuit and Sunglasses have become unique gear
  • Headless and Vetoed Scrolls are actually in the game now
  • Many familiars have gotten an effect change
  • Some Boosts have gotten slight effect changes


  • Some alpha named traits got their names changed
  • Players can change their usernames now
  • Player and Character inventories now have 6 items in each row instead of 4.
  • Tabs are now on character profiles for alternate images
  • Some simple color updates and slight layout changes
  • Crafting recipes now have their descriptions in the crafting area!
  • Lists with multiple pages now have a page selector
  • Characters and genos are having more info added to their descriptions to help with tracking and rolling.

It's been a long month! We've been hard at work this month to get things prepared and started for the overhaul, so you'll see quite a lot of new things! The next few changelogs will also be pretty extensive like this one, so keep a lookout for those as well! And as always, if you have any questions, concerns, or comments let us know in the comments below.

Upcoming Features and Progress

There are a bunch of things we are still working on and haven't yet been released. Look forward to the following things being fixed/added soon!

  1. We're still looking for a coder or someone knowledgable with code to help with the overhaul for the site! This includes cusom coding a few things for activities, CSS, and possibly merging in extensions. THIS IS A PAID JOB!!
  2. There are still plenty of upcoming changes coming in the next few months, so be on the lookout! Make sure to read all future changelogs and feel free to ask if you have any questions or concerns!
  3. We have plans on adding a friending and blocking system, as well as a searchable FAQ to make things easier for players to find answers, however have run into some difficulties. Hopefully we will have those added to the site in the upcoming month!
  4. We are currently working at making a Resource Hub, a main page that links to all our other guides and information pages. We are hoping this (which will be linked on the nav bar and homepage) will make things easier for players to find information.
  5. There are a lot of new markings planned to be added to the site! We're expecting to have them added by the new year with the rest of the overhaul. Secondarily, the marking guides themselves will be updated with more/clearer information and with examples on the new base.
  6. As announced on our Discord, we're going to be doing a huge overhaul to boosts at the end of this month. This includes changing or adjusting some boosts effects, merging or removing tiers, and even changing the rates for summons having boosts. We will have more extensive information in the next changelog.
  7. With the overhaul, we're planning on being more lore focused in the future. This means more lore-geared prompts, more character and world building, and responsive, evolving events that respond to the players actions. Do look forward to these changes coming within the next few months!

Player ReferRals

Player referrals have been added as an option to the site. This is an option available for players to choose when they create their account, but cannot be added or changed after by them or other admins. If you did select the wrong person or forgot to select a person when creating your account, or are a member from before this change occured, Wolvenhyde will be able to change it for you however it may take a bit.

Player referrals will give you x1 Gift Box for every two people you refer after they have registered with the site and linked their account to either Deviantart or Toyhouse. We hope to be able to add more alias options in the future. Once they're registered, the gift box will be automatically given to you. Make sure to tell people to select you as a referer when they make an account!

Homepage Spotlight

As some of you may have noticed, there is a new sidebar section on the homepage when logged in! This section will show a random Kiji, Tally, Centaurian, Humanoid NPC, and Den from those who have gift art and/or gift literature toggled ON. If you have gift art/lit both toggled OFF for your character, they will not appear in the spotlight area. While the Kiji section shows by default, the others are minimized for your conveinience. The selection will change upon every load or refresh of the page.

User Shops

One of the big additions we are very excited to bring to you all is the User Shops! These can be found under both the Home dropdown and the Community dropdown under 'My Shops' and 'User Shops' respectively. These shops are run by you, the playerbase, meaning you can add items from your inventory to them to sell to others at a price and currency you specify. If you add something you didn't mean to to your shop, you can simply delete it from the shop and it will return to your inventory. You can also set a description or bio on your shop, as well as an image, and name it!

Names, descriptions, and images need to be appropriate. If they are not, an admin will remove or edit it to be more appropriate. Players can only have one shop as of current, but that can be changed in the future if the playerbase needs it. PEASE NOTE that because the player shop wipes the notes of an item, we do not allow people to add equipment into their player shops. If you would like to sell equipment, you must do it outside the shops via the user exchange or trade hub instead. This also means you have to be careful with other unique items you have! If you have any unique items or traits that have special notes added to them, you WILL LOSE those special notes if you transfer it to the shop. We hope to fix this in the future. We do apologize for the inconvenience.

Borders, Player Settings, and Emotes

We have added borders to the site! As of right now, only two borders are available by default, the Fire Spirit border and the Water Spirit border, inspired by Kijis and Tallies. We have many more borders, both default and unlockable, planned for the future! Make sure to keep an eye out for them!

You can select a border from the user settings page under your username dropdown on the top right. You can also leave your avatar borderless if you desire. The border shows up on your profile page and in comments! If you have any borders you'd like to suggest, please do so!

Another change with player settings, players can now change their usernames! You're able to change your username once a month freely, as long as it remains appropriate. This change is logged in the user history.

Lastly we now have emotes! As we slowly start to add our own custom emotes (which will be able to be found in the compendium) currently the only emotes possible to use are items. You are able to use any item on the site as an emote. The emote code is listed on the item's page, the item search, and in your inventory!

New and Changed Boosts and Traits

While the major update to boosts will be happening the beginning of November, we have already started editing a few boosts for the purpose of finishing rollers and making things a little smoother. These boosts are Elemental and Explorer, which have gotten effect changes solely for making them easier to code into our updated rollers. Instead of simply increasing chances, they now have a chance of replacing items rolled. This way, they can now work in tandem with Moderation, instead of being cancelled by it!

Mercury as well got a slight update. It is now only two tiered, and was adjusted early as we needed it fixed for finishing a roller. We also updated Headless to be more clear on its effect.

We also added a handful of new boosts to the game! First is a new unique boost, Reflect, which has a 25% chance to reflect status effects, such as burning, stun, or even waning! This boost can drop from bosses in dungeons! Secondarily, we have two new effect boosts, Soaked and Winded, as well as their respective resists and weaks. Soaked is a status that decreases your resists by a tier or two, while Winded is a status that makes you flinch a turn or two.

Centaurians have gotten a couple minor additions as well, a new mutation, Melanistic, which darkens the coat, and Dun, a new marking similar to the dun marking on horses.

Lastly, we did a poll on our Discord Server asking people if we should rename old traits that were created back in alpha/pre-beta. While most people didn't seem to care either way, there was a large handful that agreed we should, thus we have gone through the site and renamed the following traits:
- Christmas Demon Horns have been renamed to Archdemon Horns
- Feathered Wings renamed to Bird Wings
- Leather Wings to Dragon Wings
- Feathered Fan Wings to Fable Wings
- Feathered Wyvern Wings to Quetzal Wings
- Feathered Leather Wings to Chimeric Wings
- Regular Cheeks to Wolf Cheeks
- Regular Ears to Origin Ears
- Regular Tail Fin to Tang Tail Fin
- Elongated Top Wings to Sharp Top Wings
- Snowflakes to Snowfall
- Bubbles to Bubbler


We're currently in the process of adding factions to the game, as we're sure you have noticed. All current characters have gained four new currencies in their banks which are used to track their reputation with each faction. The four factions are Gaia, Yile, Sophonts, and Rebels. You can change your reputation with each based on how your character responds to certain lore prompts and events, however this is still currently being worked on so only the starting reputation is available for each character. The race and age group of the character determines its starting rep for each faction.

Alternate Image Tabs ('Transformations')

We have added a feature to the site for users to have alternate images on their character's profiles. These are in the form of tabs that show above the main import. There are four types of alternate images you can have, and while some are optional, there are cases where they are required and the character will be disabled without it.

The first type is Other Side, which is for you to show the other side of the character. This is for cases of characters with noticable asymmetry. Another type is Secondary Form, which is solely for the case of shapeshift splices. Additional Ref is very expansive, being used for extra images you might need such as cropped closeup shots, color palettes, or versions without apparel, wings, or shines. Lastly is Familiar Ref, for in the case you want to have a reference of your character's familiar(s). This tab is required only in the case you have a Legendary Familiar Slot attached.

To add additional ref or other alternate tabs to your character, you simply have to submit a design update as if you were changing the import itself. Make sure to list in the comments any additional information you'd like us to know or note on the page, and to select in the traits under the 'transformation' dropdown which type of alternate ref it is.

Crafting/Shop/Item Changes and Additions

There are many changes we made to items on the site this month. Starting with crafting, we changed the Slime Expedition Recipes recipe to require x10 Mysterious Goop instead of the Slime Familiar. This will hopefully make it easier on new players. Crafting recipes also now have their descriptions in the crafting area!

We changed the Sunglasses and Swimsuit equipment to be unique equipment, and have updated every previous owner's banks to reflect that. Because of the change, the Swimsuit and Sunglasses were added to the Summer shop and Groundhogs booth, and the Swimsuit recipe has been removed from the crafting for Summer.

In other minor news, there is a new Paint Kit item similar to the Bag of Gems that when opened gives you 8 random dyes, and we have increased the chance of getting credits when opening Bags of Coins by a little over 1%. Lastly we finally added Headless and Vetoed Scrolls to the game!

Cove shops now have a chance to offer credit only items for PT on top of their usual stock as well!

The last update to items that has been made is an update to some familiars. Some familiars, like the Raptor Familiar, simply got a clarification on its effect, but many got their effect changed to be easier to roll. The changes to other familiars are as follows:
- Cardboard Box Familiar now increases chances of getting feline familiars
- Chameleon and Parakeet’s effects have gotten an adjustment and can now stack
- Naga den effect has gotten changed to be a guarantee instead of an increased chance
- Rudolph got an effect change to completely resist blinding and to add christmas packs to the drop pool
- Golem got a den effect update to find up to 6 random ore per image
- Dove has gotten a slight effect change to drop extra event items
- Roc has gotten an effect change to drop elephant familiars

Changes to Character Descriptions

There are a handful of changes we've made to character descriptions, both for player and admin use. These are mostly trackers for various activities.

For players, we added a small section for summons which tracks the number of summons the character has helped create, as well as the current cooldown length and if they're even able to summon in the first place. We also added a cooldown length tracker to rebirths. Additionally, we adjusted the familiar total to be like the equipment to show the current number of familiars. We also listed the dungeons the character is currently participating in and the floor they're currently on.

We also made an activity summary for our admins to make rolling easier, however this is not viewable to players as it's only a helper for rolling. This should hopefully make rolling faster.

Changes to Site Layout

Lastly, there have been some minor changes to the site layout. While the big changes are yet to come, we started small with changing the colors on buttons and toggles. Before they used to be a default blue color, however now they are oranges, reds, and golds to reflect the rest of the site.

Additionally, the sidebar text should be easier for people to see, as it's darker and bolder now. The nav bar should also be easier to follow, as we changed it so some links which had the orange background color are now the pale color of the other links so it's more obvious you can click on them.

Inventories now load a little faster as well as we've changed the rows to have 6 items instead of 4 in each. The item images load a lot faster too! However it still takes a bit to load an item's popup when clicked.

That said, the final change we made was updating index and search pages such as the item and trait searches and the character masterlist. The page navigation should be easier on the eyes with its colors as well as the page selector being more friendly looking. You can also click the three dots on the page selector now and choose any page to go to, whereas you couldn't before!


Again, if you have any comments or suggestions please feel free to comment down below!


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