Changelog November 2023
Posted 1 year and 2 months ago :: Last edited 1 year and 2 months ago by SehanbrelOVERVIEW:
- New Avatar Border: Base Elements, inspired by Centaurians
- New Markings: Marbled, Traced, Canvas, Paint Dump, Smokey, Ornate, Slash, Swipe, Inverted, and Dunked
- Highlight, Shadow, Shaded, and Snowed Markings can now be blended edged
- MANY changes to boost effects and tiers
- Changed relationship between effect, resist, and weak boosts
- Adjustment to boosts gotten during summoning
- Enchanted Scrolls now have their own effects instead of boosts
- Unique Enchanted Scrolls attach to equipment instead of characters now
- Anniversary Traits got an update to their effects
- Slime Familiar has gotten an updated effect
- Magic Coal got an effect change and can now be gotten in dungeons
- Tomes have more things you can get from them now
- Some colored candies have gotten a slight change to their effects
- We have a new resource guide hub for players!
- Our FAQ is now a searchable FAQ
The past week has been quite a handful! As you can see from the above summary and notifications some of you might have recieved, there's a lot of changes that have occured. Be sure to read through this changelog carefully, as we go in depth talking about the recent changes. and be sure to comment if you have any questions or concerns!
Upcoming Features and Progress
There are a bunch of things we are still working on and haven't yet been released. Look forward to the following things being fixed/added soon!
- There are still many upcoming changes coming with the overhaul in the next few months, so be on the lookout! Make sure to read all future changelogs and feel free to ask if you have any questions or concerns!
- We have plans on adding a friending and blocking system, as well as a captcha when registering new accounts, however are having some difficulties. Hopefully we will have those added to the site in the upcoming months!
- More new borders, both default and unlockable, coming soon!
- New titles and changes to current titles to adjust for boost and activity changes hopefully in the coming month.
- Frozen Mountain dungeon should be fully added to the site within the month! However not every spirit can access it...
New/Changed Markings
There is a large handful of new markings added to the game: Marbled, Traced, Canvas, Paint Dump, Smokey, Ornate, Slash, Swipe, Inverted, and Dunked.
While their information (Except the summary) is still blank for now as we work on bits of the overhaul at a time, you are still able to get them through regular gameplay and design with them. Their pages will be filled out and clarified, as well as added clarification on other markings, soon. Ranges and examples will not be done until the new base is finished, but if you have any questions about range or whether the marking is legal or not feel free to ask in our Discord!
We also extended the edging allowance for Shaded, Snowed, Highlight, and Shadow to have blended edges. This should allow for more faded interactions that were illegal before.
New Resource Guides and FAQ
As you may or may not have noticed, the Resources dropdown in the navbar has had the guide section changed. No longer does it have links to all the various guides, but instead only has two, the Newbie Guide and the Resource Guide Hub.
The Resource Guide Hub, which we recommend bookmarking, has links to all our guides that assist with designs, activities, and various aspects of gameplay and site usage. While several are still WIP and might not have all their information, we are slowly going through and making sure all the information is there to make things easier for players to find the information they are looking for. Please let us know if any information is missing, confusing, or hard to find!
Additionally, we have an update to our FAQ! It is now a searchable FAQ, so you're able to search for certain terms and it'll bring up questions and answers involving those terms! We'll continue adding to the FAQ as questions are asked, and update as needed, but if you notice anything strange or have a question you think should be added, please reach out and let us know so we can add it in!
Changes to Boosts
This section is going to be long, so brace yourselves. There has been a LOT of changes to boosts the past week, and thus to characters as well.
Just a disclaimer that some of these changes we're still working on finishing up, if you notice a character that hasn't yet been updated with the changes please let us know!! Additionally, because of the changes, there is 8 FREE SKILL EDITS in Gaia's Giveaways, available for each player!
The first change we're going to get into is those that have gotten less tiers. Runner is the first one, which has lost the tier 2 effect. Instead Tier 3 became tier 2, and tier 4 became 3. Warrior got a similar treatment, losing the tier two effect and moving the others down into a total of 3 tiers. Fisherman's second and third tier were practically the same, so we merged them into one to make Fisherman only two tiers. You Shall Not Pass simply got knocked down to a max of 5 tiers, with tier 5 taking tier 10's effect- but we lowered the percentage of it removing each passible trait as well.
Leading into effect boosts, we also changed Counter Control and Enhanced Bleeding, which the former now has a 20% chance each tier instead of 25%, while the later got a tier removed. This makes both at max tier (4 tiers) only an 80% chance. This removes the guarantee of pulling them off.
Additionally, all effect boosts have gotten a major change. Regular Effects, such as Burning, Freezing, Blinding, etc have had a tier removed, so they're now only 4 tiers not 5, with a max of 80% chance of landing. This was not only to balance things better, but to give other boosts more of an impact, as well as scrolls because of the change listed below. Additionally, it allows for Anniversary Traits and Elemental Weapons to be even more special.
Resist Boosts and Weak Boosts have gotten a slightly different change. Resists, while they're still 4 tiers, have changed from a 25% chance to a 20% chance, to make them at max tier 80%, while Weaks still have 3 tiers but each tier has been lowered from 33% to 25% chance. Additionally, Resists now have a downside, which will be talked about a bit further down, and Weaks now have an upside to making it beneficial to applying them to your character!
The next change we're going to get into is effect adjustments. Starting off there were a few boosts we simply adjusted. Sun-Kissed and Moon-Kissed were the first of these, which got the additional item luck on tier 2-3 removed from them, however the increased luck in general was increased for tier 2. Abyss-Blessed, Core-Blessed, and Star-Blessed have all had the increased EXP rates removed as they weren't working originally. Catty Tier 3-4 had the bonus for stealth tactics removed, while Tainted simply got a clarification on which rates were halved.
Upgrade got both a tier removed and an effect adjustment. Tier 3 was removed, and Tier 4 (formally Tier 5) now gives a little extra experience.
The last change to boosts themselves to talk about is a major one, as it has affected most of the boosts in the game. One of the big problems with boosts is that boosts were never meant to be a 'collect them all' game. Characters were meant to only have a small handful of boosts and specialize in certain aspects of gameplay. Instead, with the way boosts were up till now set up, there was a large handful of boosts that when paired together, turned a single character into a powerhouse, an all rounder that mastered every aspect. While having all rounders is fine, they should never be masters of all aspects of gameplay, such as the phrase 'jack of all trades, master of none'.
Thus, to help curb this and make it so you can still master certain aspects of gameplay (just not all at once), we have added downsides to many of the boosts in the game that were lacking them. The only exception is weak boosts, which as stated above got an upside. The following is a list of all the boosts that have gotten these downsides added to them, as well as boosts that have changed wholesale or simply gotten buffs/nerfs:
- Abyss-Blessed/Core-Blessed: Now do not work if the character is drawn/written with a member of the opposing species.
- Battery Pack: Increased from 50% to 60% chance, now decreases 10% each time it's activated.
- Catty: Now has a low chance to bring back ONLY feathers from a roll. The chance increase with tier.
- Charity: Has been nerfed so it only shares a max of 8 random boosts, instead of all on the geno. Additionally has a low chance of affecting enemies as well.
- Diligence: Now negates Sloth! Additionally no longer affects boosts that lower by a percentage, only direct stat reductions.
- Farmer: Now lowers Charisma for contests.
- Fisherman: Now lowers speed.
- Gaia's Summoning/Yile's Summoning: Fail chance has been increased.
- Golden: Now has a small-average chance of taking a hit for an ally.
- Headless: Now negated by having the Golden boost as well.
- Heart of the Core: Lowers Charisma in solo images/lit also now.
- Holy Water: No longer swaps resists to weaks, but instead lowers enemy's health by 20% at start of battle and prevents sin boosts from charity or envy.
- Humility: Lowered the stat hit to 25% instead of 50%
- Instant Death: Changed the effect so it no longer increases Crit chance and damage, now it gives a 5% chance to do damage equal to enemy's health for a chance of instantly killing them, and it removes familiars drops from rolls. This does not impact Dungeons or World Events.
- Instant Pest: Now adds an extra 33% chance of corrupting items when enchanting.
- Invisibility Spell: No longer has chance of enemy missing, now instead moves this character to always be first in each turn order. Prevents Charity affecting them or Envy pulling from them.
- Kindred: Now additionally lowers attack by 25%.
- Life's Blessing: Now additionally lowers character's stamina by 10%.
- Lucky: Now also changes Common boosts to Uncommon during enchanting.
- Moon-Kissed/Sun-Kissed: Now decreases luck for the opposite time of day by a small amount.
- Naughty or Nice: Still does coin flip, but instead of increasing/decreasing stats, now if Naughty, both the character and an enemy gain the berserk status. If Nice, all damage recieved and inflicted is negated.
- Planet Breaker: Now changes many items gained from drops to be 'broken' such as turning crafting materials, equipment, and den items to Relics of the Past, and familiars to Bones and Blood materials.
- Prestige: Effect has been mostly changed, now increases stats for contests but decreases defense. Still increases summon luck.
- Weak Effect Boosts: Now increases the chance of resist boosts activating as well.
- Resist Effect Boosts: Now increases the chance of weak boosts activating as well.
- Runner: Lowers the item drop luck.
- Star-Blessed: Now also adds an increased chance of changes occuring during rebirthing.
- Stoneskin: To make it similar to Magical Energy, it now lowers speed by half on top of the doubling defense.
- The Big Bang: Now just allows you to randomize the items once, instead of rerolling.
- Ultra-Violet: Has gotten a complete effect change. Now resists bleeding and confusion, where before it was everything but, but also applies a radiation effect to everyone in the image. Additionally resists radiation.
- Upgrade: Now also decreases Training stat gain by a point or two.
- Warrior: Now additionally doubles Trash mobs in dungeons.
- Wrath: Percentage has been lowered from 100% to 80%, and the stat reduction has changed from -10 to -10%
Please let us know if you have any comments, questions, or similar about any of the above changes. We are still going through characters and adjusting their tiers, stats, and information.
Changes to Summoning
Along with the boosts, summoning is getting a slight adjustment as well! While we're still adjusting these changes, they should be done very soon here.
The first change is that base summons now have a much higher chance of coming with boosts! This means it'll be much more likely to have boosts on your summons.
To help balance things more because of this, we also decreased the pass chance of common and uncommon boosts a smidge, but we increased the pass rate of legendary and unique boosts a little. Additionally, we are going to be going through all genos on site and adding a small handful of boosts to many that lack them to balance them for the many changes, however this also means we are going to be removing a handful of boosts from boost bomb genos.
Rebirthing is getting a small change as well, for effect boosts. Since effect boosts are now a circle instead of pairs, the effects, weaks, and resists gotten will be different than before.
Changes to Scrolls
With the changes to boosts above, as we're sure some have took note of, enchanted scrolls have also been changed. They no longer can be applied to characters, and are consumeables which you apply to submissions instead. We know many people might be upset with this change, however after a long discussion it was decided this would be a positive direction to take for the future of the game.
Because of this change of application, we went ahead and removed the boosts entirely from the scrolls, and replaced them with a similar effect, or as similar as we were able to do. Since scrolls no longer have boosts on them and are consumeables, we also swapped the enchanting price for Scrolls and equipment. While equipment, which used to be 400 PT to enchant, is now 500 PT to enchant, Scrolls have been brought down from 500 PT to 400 PT.
We also removed Stat Scrolls from the game, since with the change their method of obtaining and reason for existing no longer existed. To the people who previously owned Stat Scrolls and noticed their removal from your account, to compensate you we added Charms to replace them (even the -stat scrolls too!). We know a temporary +8 to a stat is not equal to a permanent increase, but if you have any other ideas of compensation we'd be happy to hear your suggestions!
Be sure to look over the scrolls you own for their new effect, and see if there's any in the donation shop you might be interested in now snagging!
The last change to mention is that Unique scrolls did not get an effect change, but have gotten an application change! While similarly to other scrolls you no longer apply to a character, unique scrolls you do NOT apply to submissions and instead submit an admin request to add it onto an equipment piece! From there, it's treated as any other enchantment on equipment, but this way you can actually remove the boost unlike before and put it on someone else if needed.
If you have any questions about scrolls, unique enchantments, or anything else related PLEASE ask below!
Changes to Traits/Items
There are a handful of items that have gotten changes due to scrolls and boosts being changed.
Firstly, the Slime familiar. Since Scrolls no longer attach to characters, instead the slime now has a small chance of putting enchants from EQUIPMENT onto the charater for every art or literature submission with the character. This means you have multiple chances now to get a boost onto the geno, unlike the one chance per scroll before. Additionally, this effect is per boost, meaning that is you have 5 boosts from equipment, the slime will have a chance for each individually to get on for every art or literature submission including the character.
The second item to be changed is the Magic Coal. With the changes to unique scrolls, the effect of the Magic Coal became redundant. Thus we have changed its effect to be able to be attached to a character, and to give a random unique boost for every art or literature submission the character is in. Additionally, Magic Coal can now be gotten in the dungeons from bosses!
Anniversary Traits have also had an adjustment. Before they gave certain boosts if the effect was drawn, however with the changes to effect boosts we changed the traits to not give the boosts but to apply their own special effect. Additionally, we went through and made sure all anniversary traits gave two effects each, and changed Water Cannon and Biofrost to include the new Soaked and Winded effects.
Tomes have not gotten much of a change. Unlike scrolls, you can still apply them to characters, but slimes no longer affect them. Additionally, we have gone through and added many possible boosts you can get from them and adjusted tiers accordingly. Corrupted Scrolls and Tomes were left alone and are still applied to equipment.
Colored Candies are the last items that have gotten an update. Black Candies have gained the possibility of giving Blinding or Resist Blinding, Blue Candies got changed from Freezing and Resist Freeze to Soaked, Winded, Resist Soak, and Resist Winded, Red Candies lost Ultra-Violet, White Candies lost Blinding and Resist Blinding, Yellow Candies lost Stun Force and Resist Stun, and Green Candies were left alone.
Again, we're still working on fully implementing the changes above, mostly the ones on character pages, so not every character will reflect them yet! If you notice a character or item with an error or mistake, or even have questions or concerns, please let us know and we'll happily get back to you!