Changelog December 2023

Posted 1 year and 2 months ago :: Last edited 1 year and 2 months ago by Wolvenhyde


  • You can now get Adoption Papers once a month in Gaia's Giveaways!
  • There is a new item called the Amnesia Tonic now available in Vault's Haven!
  • New markings have been added to the game, Arcane, Barbaric, and Cloudy!
  • Full Customs have been removed from the shop and replaced with tiered Semicustoms


  • Vampires have been nerfed
  • Glam kits and legacy are cheaper
  • Changes to marking ranges


  • Because of all the new traits and markings added recently to the game, we added a second free trait bundle to Gaia's Giveaways!
  • Crimped Wings renamed to Origami Wings
  • Adjustment to user shops and how they work
  • New/updated item categories

Merryhallowthanksmas everyone! It's almost Christmastime, and we've been hard at work behind the scenes with the overhaul! We're a little behind schedule but should hopefully have all the big stuff done around new years. We're always grateful for help and willing to pay people in credits for assistance! While this changelog is going to be shorter than others, it does have some important update info in it so be sure to read through!

Upcoming Features and Progress

There are a bunch of things we are still working on and haven't yet been released. Look forward to the following things being fixed/added soon!

  1. New avatar borders have been slow as we work through other overhaul things. We should continue working on them and have more available early January!
  2. We're offering credits to people who assist with marking examples on the new base, reach out to Wolvenhyde for more info!
  3. There are still many upcoming changes coming with the overhaul in the next few months, so be on the lookout! Make sure to read all future changelogs and feel free to ask if you have any questions or concerns!
  4. Additionally a note for the future. While we are making a new base, you aren't required to switch over to the new one if you don't want to once it's available. If you do, and if you had any previous glam kit changes, you are allowed to retain them when transferring for free if you want.

New Items and Markings

There are a few new items and markings in the game!

The first is the Adoption papers, which you can get one a month from Gaia's Giveaways for free. You can exchange these papers for genos from the adoption center, as long as you don't have any previously claimed or summoned undesigned genos still (Doesn't count for Centaurians, MYOs, transfers, or customs).

The other new item is the Amnesia Tonic. With the overhaul, we're going to be focusing a lot more on character and world lore. The amnesia tonic will allow people to reset the lore for the character, in the case that they don't like the setup or lore used for the character, have sold or bought the character and want to refresh, or simply want to start from scratch. This will impact future lore-based systems we're still working on, such as skills and faction rep, and will be the only possibly way to remove hex seals.

Secondarily, there's three new markings added to the game, Arcane, Barbaric, and Cloudy. Arcane and Barbaric are unique marking modifiers, changing the look of the marking rather than the colors similar to the modifier Flicker, while Cloudy is a new rare marking that adds soft cloud-like trails along the coat.

Changes to Customs

You likely may not have noticed, but we changed how customs work. Full Customs are no longer available, and the prompt for Semis has been removed. Instead, we have added tierd Semi-customs to the Credits shop, which you can spend a certain amount on to get a custom that allows a specified number and rarities of traits. The higher the tier of semicustom, the more expensive it is, but the more you can do with it. The most expensive one is only $80, or 80 credits, and allows pretty much what a full custom (formally 500 credits) used to, with slight limitations on total number of markings and boosts. You can also get add-on vouchers for any tier custom.

With the recent changes to boosts, and the future planned changes for the overhaul and focuses on character development and lore, we figured this was a better direction to go in, and allowed for cheaper options and more flexibility. Additionally, we feel the few changes between the A-tier custom and a full custom will not take anything away from people's desired outcome.

You can read more about customs here.

Changes to Items

There are a few small changes to some items. The first is the Vampire familiar, which has simply been nerfed. instead of giving 3-5 blood per item, it's now 1-3 blood.

The second change is the price of Glam Kits and Legacy, which have been halved from 5 credits to 2 credits for Glam Kits, and from 100 credits to 50 credits for Legacy. This is because these items are solely cosmetic and do not need to be that expensive.

The last change is to item categories, which I'm sure many have already noticed in their inventory or the shops. The Unique Items category has been renamed to ‘Specialty Items’ to help with some confusion with Unique rarity traits. Additionally, two new categories were made: Consumables - Characters and Consumables - Submissions.  Many Specialty Items have been moved in them, to help people differentiate between items better and know which items are to be used by characters vs impacting submissions. If you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions feel free to respond below!

Changes to Markings

With the upcoming new base, we are starting to get the marking ranges and examples updated. We are offering credits to people who assist with making marking examples! Message an admin to learn more!

While getting marking ranges moved over, there's been some adjustments to the ranges. While many are adjusted minorly because of the change of import itself, the following markings are one that got notable changes to their ranges:
- Pigeon, Masked, Siamese, Veins, and Tips have gotten extended max allowed ranges in general
- Overlay, Highlight, Shadow, Shaded, Snowed, and Dipped have gotten extended max allowed tail range
- Leopard's required range has been lowered
- Panda's required range has been lowered AND has gotten extended max allowed ranges in general
- Faded's required range has been lowered on the tail, however it has increased on the face range

Additionally, we have removed the icons from the marking traits (but not the items). This is for better viewability for marking information.

Please note that once we release the new base, we will be swapping out trait icon images, as well as making them smaller and more uniform. This should help with loading times in shops and inventory and look nicer overall. We're also planning on having custom icons, or at least something different than the range, for marking item icons.

User Shop Update

A small change to the user shops funtionality. While creating and editing your shop remains the same, moving items to and from it has changed. Before you could go to your public inventory and move things one by one directly to the shop, now instead you go to your condensed inventory, and click 'quickstock' at the top right. This will allow you to select your shop and transfer as many items at once to save you clicking around. Additionally, removing and editing items from your shop has become easier and more intuitive.

Unfortunately this also means if you try to move something you can't, such as account bound items or equipment, it will cancel the entire transfer and you'll have to redo it all. We suggest holding down the control button when clicking submit so it opens it in a new tab, so if it does error, you can remove those items without having to redo the whole order.

The only other change to shops has been that the shops show up in a random order on the shop page now, instead of alphabetically.


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