Changelog May 2024

Posted 8 months and 4 weeks ago :: Last edited 8 months and 4 weeks ago by Wolvenhyde


  • New unique Tally traits: Drooped Top Wings, Thresher Tail, Shark Fin, Halo Fin, Caudal Fin, and Side Jets
  • New Avatar Borders: Fire, Lightning, Wind, Magic, Rainbow, Yin-Yang
  • Pocket Mirrors are now added to the game
  • The Draugr Boss for the Frozen Mountain Dungeon was changed back to the Wendigo and items associated with it renamed as needed.


  • Root's range was fixed to allow it on the Tally tail like it should have been
  • Crested now has color sliders for people to reference for ease of use
  • Slash can now allow circles and hearts in certain areas
  • Ares Mirrors can now be sold
  • Shapeshifting Splices using Legacy has been clarified on the custom import information guide
  • More custom trait information has been added to traits's descriptions
  • Cove no longer guarantees finding locations you haven’t discovered


  • Trait Edit, Chimera Scroll, and Debuffer have more clarification on their item descriptions of what they can do
  • Bi-Colored and Ombre got a clarification to their effects about coverage
  • Background Guide has been updated with better clarification
  • Boosts Guide is now up to date
  • Lore prompts have gotten clarification in their rules of repeatability and limits
  • Species Info Page has been updated
  • Battle events now roll enemies differently to help streamline rolling
  • Compiled Files are almost done being finished!

This changelog is quite a bit late, but it's full of lots of various information and updates! Make sure to read through it all, and as always if you have any questions of concerns feel free to ask in the comments below!

Upcoming Features, bugs, and Progress

There are a bunch of things we are still working on that haven't yet been released. Look forward to the following things being fixed/added (hopefully) soon!

  1. We're offering credits to people who assist with making marking examples on the new base, reach out to Wolvenhyde for more info!
  2. We are currently invitation code only because of past issues with bots. If you or a friend wants to join, join the Discord or message a mod and we can provide invite codes. If you have any issues with authorizing your account, please let Wolvenhyde know.
  3. We are aware that there is a bug with user shops. currently for some reason only admins can view user shops. We hope to fix it soon so players can create and access them too.
  4. Please report any bugs you might find. Even if you're not sure if it is or not, we appreciate the report!

New Items, traits, and borders

Pocket Mirrors are a new item that has been added to the game. This item is a simplified version of an Ares Mirror- while Ares Mirrors allow you to redesign the whole character, Pocket Mirrors allow you to fix a marking or trait. Do keep in mind you don't need a pocket mirror when using trait edits, reality essence, or white out, or even applicators. You will need one if you're changing a glam kitted trait to have different lines, or adjusting a single marking, or maybe changing the brush used for a charm or trail, but retaining the rest of the design.

A few new unique traits were added to the game. They are all tally only boss uniques. Only the Drooped Top Wings has been finished and added to the drive, the others, while available, don't have their lines finished. They should hopefully be finished soon!

There are also a bunch of new avatar borders available for players to unlock. All of them are elemental-based, and unlocked by doing the elemental weapon prompts. They cannot be unlocked by doing the singular prompt that unlocks all the recipes at once, though! You will have to do each individual prompt to unlock the borders. We hope to finish more soon!

If you have finished one of the elemental weapon recipe prompts before the border is done for it, it will be unlocked for you once the border is created.

Custom trait information

We are still going through all the traits and moving custom trait information over onto their descriptions. This information is not in the items, only the traits themselves. We do plan to add a link to the trait when you click a trait item in your inventory soon! Hopefully this will make things easier for players.

As of right now, all traits except horns have their custom trait info in their description. Some horns do as well, however we are still slowly working through them. It hopefully shouldn't take too long.

Update to Cove

Before, when a location was rolled in cove, the character would have found that location, unless they'd already found it, in which we would reroll the location. While this helped people find locations faster, it was disingenuous to the rarity of locations. If a character happened to find a location in 6 consecutive images, and that location could find 6 other locations, that character would find all 6, regardless of the percentages of the location being discovered. Thus, even if one of those locations had a 5% chance of being found, you could be guarenteed to find it on or before the 6th location you discover.

To solve this, we ended up updating cove, to make it so we no longer reroll a location if it's one you already discovered. If you've already discovered the location, it will change into an item now instead, so you won't have to worry about losing out on finding something. This change is not only to make the percentages actually mean something, but also to make certain items, boosts, and skills worth it to have in order to find the rarer locations.

Update to Battle Events

Battle Events have gotten a minor update to how we roll them. Before, we would roll the stats for the number of enemies depicted in the image/literature, and then roll as normal as a group battle. However, in larger images this takes quite a long time... Thus we now will roll only one enemy, regardless of the enemies shown in the image/lit, however the damage they take and give and the chances of boosts landing from either side will be multiplied by the number of enemies in the image/lit.

Thus, if you have three enemies in your submission, we will only do one, but if that one enemy recieves 30 damage, we'll multiply that by 3 and count as 90 damage. This will make rolling a lot faster without harming character's individual stats or boosts/skills.

New Import Progress

The new imports are pretty much done! All the common-legendary traits are finished, and the uniques are about 50% or more done for each build!

All of the traits we have done are in the Individual Traits link when you go to Import Downloads under resources, however since all common-legendary traits are finished we're also working on the Compiled files! These files are larger, but have all the traits in them so you don't have to put together individual stuff.

The Base file has all regular traits, such as manes, ears, cheeks, tails, and whiskers/ends or top/bottom wings. It does NOT have any mutations or uniques in it.
Each of the other files have their respective mutation types in it, except unique. For example, the Horns Compiled file has every horn trait in it, except uniques.
If you would like, you can pull the mutation files into your downloaded base file to make a master base, however we warn you it will be a very large file, which is the sole reason we seperated the mutations from the base in the first place.

Uniques will still have to be pulled in individually to your files.

Currently, compiled files are finished for all Kiji. Racer is only halfway finished, and Mini and Draft only have the base finished. We hope to have all compiled files finished here very soon!


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