Changelog April 2022

Posted 2 years and 3 weeks ago :: Last edited 2 years and 3 weeks ago by Wolvenhyde

Here is the following list of recent impacting changes to the game:

- Live Clocks have been added to the site! You can find them on the dashboard and on the navbar!

- Users can now see when other are online and when they were last online. You can see that under the user list and on user's profiles.

- New Donation Center Account is on site! This account is like the Adoption Center, however users can donate their genos/characters there to ben claimed by other users for free!

- Recovery Herbs can now be added preemptively to submissions! Before, you could only attach them to a submission to heal effects characters got from prior submissions, now you can add them to a submission before-hand as an insurance plan to remove any that your character might get.

- Stark's Hoard is a new activity that can be found under the Free Prompts! Stark's Hoard is a two in one prompt where you can trade items to get something in return! This prompt resets every Sunday. Make sure to check it out!

All other change are admin-side or minor tweaks to the code to fix visual problems or remove confusing bits.


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