Loremaster's Lair

Category: Lore

Lucitha records all of history. Are you here to view the past or share a story?


"You enter the cave, a cold chill in the air, books and scrolls littering the walls and floors, a musky smell hung about, and a sigh as piercing eyes stare you down making sure nothing is stolen, broken, or misplaced..."

The Loremaster's Lair is a place where Spirits can go to read history of the world, discover themselves, share their experiences with the future generations. You can come here to submit art or literature of your spirit that has to do with their own lore. THIS PROMPT IS FOR GENERAL LORE SUBMISSIONS ONLY.

Rules: The art/lit must be true to lore for all characters in the piece, including background characters. True to lore means not only keeping them in character, but keeping accurate to the world and species in the world. Spinoffs and AUs are not allowed to be submitted here. There is no limit to the number of characters submitted per piece or pieces submitted for lore per week for general lore submissions. Lucitha and Theophania do not need to be included in these submissions.

Requirements: Art submissions must include at minimum an intermediate background, and either be in color (Shading not required) or shaded monocrome. Art must be accompanied by at least 200 word literature and all characters must be over 50%. Literature without art must be at least 1000 words, and all literatures must show enough detail in the writing about the scene.


No rewards.
