The Difference Between Spirits

Category: Quests

Hopscotch needs your help learning the truth about who they are and where they come from!


Hopscotch needs your help in learning where they came from, and the truth about their energy. Despite it being an impossible search, Hopscotch is deturmined to find their roots.

Draw or write  any of your Kijis or Tallies helping Hopscotch in some way, such as giving directions, escorting them, telling a story, or listening to Hopscotch tell or explain a story of their own. How does your spirits react to this Tally saying they are a Kiji? Likewise, you can also instead draw or write Hopscotch interracting with another NPC instead or finding a clue!

Art submissions must include at least a simple background, and either be in color (Shading not required) or shaded monochrome.
In art all characters must be at least 50% showing.
Literature must be at least 500 words.
There is a max of 3 spirits allowed in the piece. Any extra will be rolled separately as general art.

Rewards: x1 Random Marking/Trait Applicator per spirit and x1 Trait Edit per player, as well as a 1% chance of either Kiji -> Tally Transfer or Tally -> Kiji Transfer.


Reward Amount
Trait Edit 1
Random Trait/Marking 1
Transfer Chance 1
