Is your Kiji or Tally curious in metalworks? Draw them blacksmithing to unlock recipes!
Draw any of your Kijis or Tallies either attempting to blacksmith or watching someone else do metalworks to unlock a bunch of recipes! You can also just have them inside a blacksmith shop! This unlocks the recipes for your entire account!
Max 2 Kiji and/or Tally per image. There is no color or shading requirements, backgrounds must at least be simple, can be clean or messy sketchy as long as no guidelines are showing. At least 1/3 of the Kiji and/or Tally must be showing.
Literature must be at least 200 words and needs to describe the characters' learning experience.
Note that gift art is not allowed to unlock these recipes for other users, unless you're unlocking for them using one of their spirits solo. Otherwise, any art/lit done for this prompt must either be collaborated, commissioned, or involve only your own spirits.