Rocks have started to become overabundant in energy!
After the human population nosedived and settled into a state of low rates, nature flourished as it soaked in the energies abounding. Rocks have started to become overabundant in energy, and Gaia has sent the Kiji to harvest the excess so it doesn't burst! Subtalleons are also after this energy, to steal from Gaia to give to Yile.
Subject(s) must be in a cave/on a mountainside, either searching for, finding, or collecting gems, stones, or ore.
At least 50% of the spirit must show, with at least a simple background, color not required. Rough, sketchy lineart is fine, but leaving guidelines or looking incomplete will deny you rewards.
All artwork must contain a minimum of 1 spirit, and a max of 5. Any spirit over the limit will be denied rewards and will instead be rolled as general art separately.
Literature must be at minimum 250 words.
Reward: x1 Bag of Gems and x3 Gemstone Ore, with x3 Iron Ore, x3 Silver Ore, x3 Gold Ore, OR x3 Copper Ore, and 50% additional chance each of whatever rewards you didn't roll first.