Month of Creation 2023 {CLOSED}

Posted 1 year and 6 months ago :: Last edited 1 year and 5 months ago by Wolvenhyde

Celebrating Anniversaries!

Welcome everyone, to the Month of Creation! It's that time of year, and as September comes along so do the festivities! The Month of Creation is a time to celebrate new beginnings, a chance to start over, and the start of an exciting time. During this festival, there is a great number of activities to participate in and enjoy, and as each have their own rules and info. We hope you all have a fun time and enjoy all the Month of Creation has to offer!

General Event Info
All the sub-events in this event have their own requirements; make sure to read the information carefully. You can participate in as many or as little as you want. Any art done during this month will receive leaflets!
This event lasts till the end of September!
List of events:

Birthday Hats - Like every month of creation, everyone gets a free birthday hat! Head on over to Gaia's Giveaways to accept it. Every birthday hat comes with two pre-enchanted slots, however you have to attach the hat in an admin request for us to process those.

The Shop - The Month of Creation shop is open for you to purchase various things for leaflets.

The Wishing Well - The Wishing Well is also back this year! This year we are accepting genos, but the well will not randomize the geno entirely and will instead randomize each trait/marking on the geno. Like last year, it will not turn into a soul this year either! The well is also accepting most unique traits and markings again too!

Trait Drop Raffle - Every end of week this month a raffle is drawn, totaling 4 raffles. Each raffle ticket costs 10 PT. You can buy as many raffle tickets as you can afford in the Month of Creation shop. Make sure to head to your inventory and open the ticket to get added to the raffle! The raffle resets after each is drawn, and any tickets still in people's inventories will be deleted. The winner of each raffle gets their choice of traits totalling less than 30 points using the chart listed below. If you win one raffle, you are ineligible for the rest of them to allow more chances for other members to win one. Winners will be messaged by an admin on their account page on the weekends, so keep an eye out!

Point Chart:
Unique - 15
Legendary - 9
Rare - 5
Uncommon - 3
Common - 1

Daily Freebies! - Every day we're giving out something for free! To claim the daily freebie, just comment below in this announcement and an admin will toss it at you! Come back every day for something new!

Daily rewards:
9/1 - x1 Trait Edit
9/2 -  x1 Random Common Trait/Marking
9/3 - x50 Leaflets
9/4 - x1 White Out
9/5 - x20 Crafting Materials
9/6 - x1 Maned Marking
9/7 - x1 Reality Essence
9/8 - x1 of each Charm
9/9 - x1 Blue Slime
9/10 - x100 exp
9/11 - x5 Credits
9/12 - x2 Unenchanted Equipment of your choice
9/13 - x1 Den item of your choice
9/14 - x1k PT
9/15 - x1 Random Elemental Pack
9/16 - x1 Yile's Safeguard and x1 Gaia's Healing
9/17 - x1 Random Treasure Chest
9/18 - x1 Rare Familiar of your choice
9/19 - x5 Random common item
9/20 - Grand Opening Background (Or previous event background at random if had already)
9/21 - x2 Corrupted Tomes of your choice
9/22 - Garden Recipe
9/23 - x5 Credits
9/24 - x10 Crafting Materials of your choice
9/25 - x200 exp
9/26 - x1 Gaia's or Yile's Summoning Scroll at random
9/27 - Bioluminescent Paint Recipe
9/28 - x1 Common Familiar of your choice
9/29 - x1 Gift Box
9/30 - x50 Leaflets

BINGO - We have a BINGO match ongoing for the month once again! There are two boards, one for Gaia and one for Yile! Every day of the month we will draw two numbers for each. Everyone who joins gets one card free of Gaia and Yile, just comment below and we will give you your cards! You can buy more cards at any time of either for 40 Leaflets by commenting below as well! Rewards for the first bingo someone gets for Gaia is a universe/elemental pack of your choice, whereas the first bingo for Yile is 4 treasure chests! Every bingo anyone wins after is 10 leaflets, whereas any blackout for Gaia is any trait/marking of your choice or for Yile any non trait/marking item of your choice!

Bingo numbers drawn:
- Gaia: G-14, A-36; Yile: I-35, Y-8
9/2 - Gaia: A-43, A-79; Yile: Y-4, L-64
9/3 - Gaia: I-59, G-25; Yile: Y-23, Y-2
9/4 - Gaia: A-48, G-3; Yile: Y-6, Y-21
9/5 - Gaia: A-87, G-5; Yile: E-94, L-54
9/6 - Gaia: A-40, A-78; Yile: Y-7, E-93
9/7 - Gaia: G-8, G-13; Yile: L-57, Y-24
9/8 - Gaia: A-29, G-12; Yile: I-38, E-76
9/9 - Gaia: G-7, I-54; Yile: I-40, L-75
9/10 - Gaia: A-42, G-1; Yile: L-66, L-74
9/11 - Gaia: G-6, A-31; Yile: E-79, L-70
9/12 - Gaia: G-16, I-69; Yile: I-29, Y-15
9/13 - Gaia: A-76, A-97; Yile: E-90, E-100
9/14 - Gaia: A-26, A-49; Yile: L-52, I-36
9/15 - Gaia: I-71, I-53; Yile: I-28, Y-18
9/16 - Gaia: G-9, I-60; Yile: E-87, E-89
9/17 - Gaia: A-84, G-17; Yile: I-50, Y-20
9/18 - Gaia: G-15, I-72; Yile: E-84, L-71
9/19 - Gaia: I-57, A-85; Yile: I-31, I-32
9/20 - Gaia: A-45, A-77; Yile: L-69, E-88
9/21 - Gaia: A-50, A-93; Yile: Y-12, L-58
9/22 - Gaia: I-51, I-61; Yile: Y-16, I-26
9/23 - Gaia: G-23, G-2; Yile: L-61, L-51
9/24 - Gaia: A-94, I-62; Yile: E-85, L-68
9/25 - Gaia: A-83, I-73; Yile: I-37, Y-10
9/26 - Gaia: I-58, A-86, A-44; Yile: L-73, E-86, E-99
9/27 - Gaia: A-32, G-19, I-55; Yile: E-92, L-55, L-67
9/28 - Gaia: I-75, A-22, G-11; Yile: L-72, Y-5, Y-13
9/29 - Gaia: I-56, I-70, A-89; Yile: I-45, L-60, Y-19
9/30 - Gaia: G-4, G-8, A-33; Yile: I-42, E-80, E-91
BONUS - Gaia: A-41, A-30, A-28, G-21, A-35; Yile: L-59, L-56, Y-9, E-95, Y-17
BONUS 2 - Gaia: A-82, G-18, I-63, A-88, I-68; Yile: I-49, L-53, I-43, I-41, I-44
BONUS 3 - Gaia: A-46, A-27, A-39, A-100, G-10; Yile: Y-22, E-83, I-33, I-30, Y-14


‎ Comments‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎


Could I get a last second bingo card?

2023-09-30 15:35:29

Wolvenhyde avatar frame


Wolvenhyde avatar frame

20 leaflets sent your way!

2023-09-30 19:27:21


Day 30 please :)

2023-09-30 15:16:50

Wolvenhyde avatar frame

Daily freebie given!

2023-09-30 15:38:11

RavygMoon avatar frame

One of each bingo cards please 😁

2023-09-30 14:07:22

Wolvenhyde avatar frame

RavygMoon avatar frame

Wolvenhyde avatar frame

leaflets given!

2023-09-30 15:40:10

Wolvenhyde avatar frame

I'd like to buy two more Yile cards and one more Gaia card for bingo please!

2023-09-30 14:03:27


Daily please!

2023-09-30 14:02:08

Wolvenhyde avatar frame

Daily Gift Given!

2023-09-30 14:04:12

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