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Crafting Materials
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Consumables - Submissions
Consumables - Characters
Unique Traits
Unenchanted Equipment
Enchanted Equipment
Unique Equipment
Legendary Familiars
Unique Familiars
Den Items
Special Den Items
A-Tier Custom Slot x4
Character Design Transfer x7
Daily Gift x1
Amber x30
Amethyst x28
Aquamarine x32
Black Dye x25
Blood x13
Blue Dye x16
Bones x20
Brown Dye x21
Carrot x12
Citrine x24
Claw x16
Clay x15
Cloth x28
Clover x11
Copper Ore x13
Diamond x31
Easter Egg x20
Emerald x19
Fall Leaves x6
Fang x15
Feather x21
Flower x14
Fur x11
Gemstone Ore x13
Glass x17
Gold Ore x12
Green Dye x14
Grey Dye x18
Hide x11
Iron Ore x9
Leather x8
Leaves x10
Log x24
Moonstone x26
Onyx x26
Orange Dye x18
Paper x22
Peridot x25
Petrified Wood x35
Pink Dye x9
Plastic x21
Pumpkin x8
Purple Dye x17
Puzzle Pieces x5
Red Dye x13
Reeds x11
Rope x10
Rose Quartz x29
Ruby x29
Sapphire x23
Shell x20
Silver Ore x8
Snowball x8
Stardust x6
Stick x27
Stone x14
String x13
Sunstone x23
Turquoise x30
Turquoise Dye x24
Webs x26
White Dye x11
Yellow Dye x22
4-Leaf Clover x7
Angel's Tears x1
Book x3
Common Apparel Fragment x75
Corrupted Charisma Scroll x1
Corrupted Defense Scroll x1
Corrupted Luck Scroll x1
Corrupted Strength Scroll x1
Corrupted Tome of Battles x1
Corrupted Tome of Dragons x1
Corrupted Tome of Draining x1
Corrupted Tome of Tanks x1
Empty Scroll x16
Jelly Orb x2
Mysterious Goop x11
Purified Book x1
Purified Scroll x3
Rare Apparel Fragment x88
Relic From the Past x29
Uncommon Apparel Fragment x88
Accessories Pack x1
Adoption Papers x7
Ares' Favor x1
Ares' Mirror x2
Blue Slime x1
Chimera Scroll x2
Common Enchanted Equipment Voucher x60
Debuffer x13
Glam Kit x5
Hex Seal x4
Kiji to Tally Transfer x1
Pocket Mirror x2
Rare Egg x9
Rare Enchanted Equipment Voucher x7
Reality Essence x24
Revival Serum x1
Scar Pack x1
Scroll (+Heart of the Core) x1
Scroll (+Holy Water) x1
Scroll (+Snowy Embrace) x1
Scroll (+Wingless Flight) x4
Shiny Slime x1
Summon Permission Slip x20
Tally to Kiji Transfer x2
Trait Edit x2
Uncommon Enchanted Equipment Voucher x44
Vault's Contract x1
Weak Slime x1
White Out x12
Attack Charm x5
Bandages x7
Charisma Charm x5
Core Soul x29
Defense Charm x4
Gaia's Healing x3
Health Charm x4
Kokoro's Scroll x3
Luck Charm x5
Rebirthing Essence x79
Recovery Herb x63
Scroll of Balance x3
Scroll of Berserker x1
Scroll of Blood x1
Scroll of Cooling x3
Scroll of Counters x1
Scroll of Darkness x1
Scroll of Duplication x2
Scroll of Enhanced Paralyze x1
Scroll of Enhanced Petrify x1
Scroll of Envy x1
Scroll of Failure x1
Scroll of Famine x1
Scroll of Fire x4
Scroll of Gaia x1
Scroll of Garments x1
Scroll of Gluttony x1
Scroll of Heating x1
Scroll of Ice x3
Scroll of Innocence x1
Scroll of Invertebrates x1
Scroll of Kindness x1
Scroll of Life x2
Scroll of Lightning x4
Scroll of Listlessness x1
Scroll of Luck x1
Scroll of Mobility x2
Scroll of Modesty x4
Scroll of Protection x2
Scroll of Purity x2
Scroll of Ranchers x1
Scroll of Regularity x1
Scroll of Repression x2
Scroll of Sight x2
Scroll of Singularity x1
Scroll of Sprinting x4
Scroll of Staggering x1
Scroll of Success x2
Scroll of Terror x1
Scroll of the Angler x3
Scroll of the Fighter x3
Scroll of the Moon x2
Scroll of the Tank x2
Scroll of Toxins x6
Scroll of Waning Charisma x1
Scroll of War x1
Scroll of Water x2
Speed Charm x5
Stamina Charm x5
Strength Charm x5
Treasure Map x7
Twin Core Soul x23
Unhatched Egg x27
Yile's Safeguard x3
Earth Tome x1
EXP x310
Flame Tome x1
Light Tome x1
Lightning Tome x2
Magical Tome x1
Tome of Enhancements x1
Underworld Tome x1
4-Pointed Star Ends x2
Airplane Ears x3
Antennae x1
Arm Webbing x2
Back Spikes x1
Belly Plates x1
Bird Wings x1
Black Fire x1
Blackbuck Horns x1
Boar Tusks x1
Braided Cheeks x1
Bunny Ears x4
Butterfly Fins x2
Butterfly Wings x2
Buttoned Mane x2
Cattle Horns x2
Chimeric Wings x1
Chin Whiskers x1
Circle Ends x1
Claw Ends x2
Cloudy Tail Fur x1
Curled Horns x3
Curly Back Fur x1
Curly Belly Fur x1
Curly Mane x1
Deer Horns x1
Diamond Ends x1
Dragon Horns x1
Dragon Wings x2
Draping Fins x1
Droopy Ears x1
Elongated Circle Tailed Bottom Wings x1
Elongated Spiked Bottom Wings x1
Elven Ears x1
Energy Soul x1
Energy Trail x1
Extra Fins x1
Fable Wings x2
Fairy Ears x1
Fang Ends x1
Feather Frill x1
Feather Points x2
Feathered Spine x1
Feelers x2
Finned Ankles x1
Finned Cheeks x1
Finned Mane x2
Finned Tail Fur x3
Floppy Ears x1
Fluffy Ears x1
Fluffy Mane x1
Fluffy Tail Fur x3
Frill x1
Frilled Ears x2
Frilled Wings x3
Glowing Bones x2
Golden Bones x1
Goldfish Tail Fin x1
Green Bubbles x1
Kelp x1
Keratin Energy x3
Keratin Energy (Sub) x1
Large Dorsal Fin x2
Large Ridged Bottom Wings x1
Large Short Tailed Bottom Wings x1
Layered Mane x2
Light Charm x1
Lion Mane x1
Long Back Fur x1
Long Belly Fur x2
Long Cheeks x1
Long Furred 4-Pointed Star Ends x2
Long Furred Circle Ends x2
Long Furred Claw Ends x2
Long Furred Diamond Ends x1
Long Furred Fan Ends x1
Long Furred Fang Ends x1
Long Horns x1
Long Mane x1
Long Tailed Bottom Wings x1
Long Tufted Ears x1
Long Whiskers x1
Mammoth Tusks x2
Medium Furred 4-Pointed Star Ends x1
Medium Furred 5-Pointed Star Ends x1
Medium Furred Arrow Ends x1
Medium Furred Claw Ends x1
Medium Furred Fang Ends x3
Medium Furred Moon Ends x1
Medium Leg Fur x1
Medium Tail Fur x1
Medium Tufted Ears x1
Multitude Fins x1
Narwhal Horn x2
Painted Claws/Hooves x1
Plated Spine x1
Ponytail Cheeks x1
Poodle Leg Fur x1
Poodle Tail Fur x1
Quetzal Wings x1
Rainbow Fire x1
Ram Horns x2
Rebel Mane x1
Red Fire x1
Relaxed Ears x1
Rhino Horn x1
Ridged Horns x1
Ridged Mane x1
Roman Nose x1
Sail x1
Shaved Cheeks x2
Shiny x1
Short Beard x1
Short Furred 3-Pointed Star Ends x1
Short Furred 5-Pointed Star Ends x1
Short Furred Arrow Ends x1
Short Furred Claw Ends x1
Short Furred Diamond Ends x1
Short Furred Moon Ends x1
Short Halfbody Belly Fur x1
Short Leg Fur x2
Short Tail Fur x3
Short Tailed Bottom Wings x1
Short Tufted Ears x1
Silken Beard x2
Silken Cheeks x1
Silken Mane x2
Silken Tail Fur x1
Small Fin Beard x1
Sparkle Charm x1
Sparkly x1
Sphynx x2
Spiked Bottom Wings x1
Spikey x1
Spirit Fire x1
Split Energy x1
Static Energy x1
Symbol Charm x1
Tang Tail Fin x1
Tiny Flat Bottom Wings x1
Tiny Pointed Bottom Wings x1
Tiny Rounded Bottom Wings x1
Tiny Short Tailed Bottom Wings x1
Trailing Bottom Wings x1
Trailing Tail Fin x2
Triple Whiskers x2
Tufted Tail Fur x2
Underfin x1
Wispy Leg Fur x3
Wolf Cheeks x1
Wooly Tail Fur x2
Wyvern Wings x4
Accents x3
Back Stock x1
Bald x3
Banded x2
Bi-Colored x1
Blush x1
Boots (Marking) x2
Brindle x1
Crackle x4
Crested x2
Dino x2
Dipped x4
Dunked x1
Dusted x1
Eye Spots x1
Faded x1
Fairy Points x3
Faun x1
Filigree x3
Filter x1
Fizz x2
Flicker x2
Fox (Marking) x1
Front Stock x2
Frosted x4
Giraffe (Marking) x1
Glazed x1
Helix x2
Highlight x4
Hooded x1
Leopard (Marking) x3
Maned x1
Marbled x1
Masked x3
Merle x2
Moonlight x3
Okapi (Marking) x5
Orca (Marking) x2
Overlay x2
Panda (Marking) x1
Parrot (Marking) x2
Peregrine x4
Pigeon x4
Pinto x6
Python x1
Race x1
Roots x3
Shaded x1
Shimmer x2
Siamese x1
Skeletal x2
Smokey x1
Snowed x2
Spotted x3
Stained x1
Starry x2
Stickers x2
Striped x1
Sunny x2
Tabby x1
Ticked x1
Tiger (Marking) x1
Tips x1
Toasted x2
Traced x1
Underbelly x2
Veins x3
Anniversary Trait: Acid Spray x1
Anniversary Trait: Biofrost x1
Anniversary Trait: Tazer x1
Anniversary Trait: Water Cannon x1
Arch's Winglets From Both Sides x2
Archangel's Wings x1
Black Ice Spikes x1
Bubbler x1
Charging Cape x1
Cloud Cover x2
Death Walker x1
Death's Shadow x1
Dragon's Maw x3
Easter Painting x2
Electricity Headdress x1
Electrify x2
Extra Arms x1
Fiery Steps x3
Fiery Wings x4
Fireworks Charm x2
Floofle Coat x1
Folded Wings x1
Gaia's Darkness x1
Ghostly x1
Golden Roses x1
Ground Thumper x1
Gryphon Talons x1
Halo x1
Heart Charm x1
Ice Antlers x1
Impacting Step x1
Lava Belly x3
Lokai Headdress x1
Long Bangs x1
Lovestruck Ears x1
Lunar Circlets x1
Magic Color x1
Metal Claws x1
Minotaur Horns x1
Neon Painted Blood x2
Patchwork x1
Rapunzel Mane x1
Ring of Fire x1
Ruffled Belly Fur x1
Shade's Wings x1
Shadow Veil x2
Shooting Cuffs x1
Smokey Trail x1
Snowfall x1
Snowflake Trail x1
Solar Fur x1
Star Heart x1
Stone Armor x1
Storm Step x2
Stormy Trail x2
Superhero Cleft Chin x1
Technicolor x1
Trailing Cheeks x1
Tree of Life Maker x1
Valkyrie Headpiece x2
Water Jug x1
Wings From Both Sides x1
Wings of Light x1
Yeti Coat x1
Yggdrazil's Death x1
Amethyst Band x1
Amethyst Earrings x2
Amethyst Ring x1
Animal Fur Cape x2
Aquamarine Ring x1
Basket x3
Bell x1
Belt x1
Black Leather Band x1
Black Ribbon x1
Black Shirt x1
Black Tunic x1
Blindfold x2
Bloodstained Steel Bracers x1
Blue Ribbon x1
Blue Tunic x1
Blue Wrappings x1
Body Paint x1
Bone Armor x1
Boots x1
Bow x2
Brown Ribbon x1
Brown Vest x1
Chainmail Armor x1
Claw Blades x1
Cloth Headband x2
Cloth Sash x1
Collar x1
Copper Earrings x1
Copper Ring x1
Corsage x1
Crown of Bones x1
Earth Emblem x1
Emerald Ring x2
Extensions x1
Eye Patch x3
Feather Tailpiece x1
Fishing Rod x3
Flower Crown x5
Flute x1
Frying Pan x1
Goggles x4
Gold Armor x3
Gold Earrings x1
Green Pants x1
Green Ribbon x1
Green Tunic x2
Green Wrappings x2
Grey Shirt x1
Hood x1
Ice Emblem x1
Iron Armor x1
Iron Earrings x1
Jacket x1
Knife x1
Lace Shawl x1
Lantern x2
Leather Armor x1
Locket x2
Lute x2
Mask x1
Masquerade Mask x3
Monocle x5
Moonstained Steel Helmet x1
Moonstone Earrings x2
Onyx Ring x1
Orange Shirt x1
Orange Tunic x1
Peridot Earrings x1
Petrified Wood Band x1
Pickaxe x1
Pink Ribbon x1
Pink Tunic x4
Pink Vest x1
Pink Wrappings x1
Purple Leather Band x6
Purple Pants x1
Purple Skirt x3
Purple Tunic x1
Purple Vest x1
Quiver x1
Red Leather Band x1
Red Shirt x1
Red Vest x1
Rose x2
Rose Quartz Band x2
Rose Quartz Earrings x4
Rose Quartz Ring x4
Sapphire Earrings x3
Satchels x4
Shadowstained Steel Chestguard x1
Shovel x1
Silk Drapes x2
Silver Band x1
Silver Ring x1
Slippers x2
Staff x1
Steel Chestguard x1
Steel Helmet x2
Steel Tailguard x2
Sunstone Ring x2
Sword x1
Turquoise Band x1
Turquoise Leather Band x1
Turquoise Pants x1
Turquoise Ribbon x2
Turquoise Ring x2
Turquoise Shirt x2
Turquoise Vest x1
Turquoise Wrappings x4
Tuxedo x1
Umbrella x5
Veil x1
Venomstained Steel Chestguard x1
Venomstained Steel Helmet x1
Venomstained Steel Tailguard x1
White Leather Band x4
White Ribbon x1
Wind Emblem x1
Winter Coat x1
Yellow Ribbon x1
Yellow Wrappings x2
Animal Fur Cape (One Enchant) x2
Ankle Bangles (One Enchant) x1
Bag (One Enchant) x1
Banner (One Enchant) x1
Basket (One Enchant) x2
Bell (Three Enchants) x1
Blindfold (One Enchant) x2
Blindfold (Two Enchants) x1
Blue Leather Band (Two Enchants) x1
Body Paint (One Enchant) x2
Body Paint (Two Enchants) x2
Bow (Four Enchants) x1
Brown Tunic (One Enchant) x1
Cardboard Box Head (One Enchant) x1
Cast (One Enchantment) x1
Chains (One Enchant) x2
Citrine Earrings (One Enchant) x1
Citrine Ring (One Enchant) x1
Claw Blades (One Enchant) x1
Cloak (One Enchant) x2
Cloth Headband (One Enchant) x1
Cloth Sash (One Enchant) x1
Coat (One Enchant) x1
Collar (One Enchant) x2
Copper Ring (Two Enchants) x1
Corsage (One Enchantment) x1
Crown (One Enchant) x1
Dark Emblem (One Enchant) x1
Dress (One Enchant) x1
Extensions (One Enchant) x1
Extensions (Two Enchants) x1
Eye Patch (One Enchant) x2
Feather Tailpiece (One Enchantment) x1
Fire Emblem (Five Enchants) x1
Flip Flops (One Enchantment) x1
Flower Crown (One Enchant) x1
Flute (One Enchant) x3
Goggles (One Enchant) x3
Gold Band (Five Enchants) x1
Harness (One Enchantment) x2
Harp (One Enchant) x1
Harp (Three Enchants) x1
Hood (One Enchantment) x1
Iron Ring (One Enchant) x1
Knife (One Enchant) x3
Lace Shawl (One Enchant) x1
Leather Armor (Three Enchants) x1
Lute (One Enchant) x1
Masquerade Mask (One Enchant) x1
Monocle (One Enchant) x1
Moonstained Steel Bracers (One Enchant) x1
Moonstained Steel Helmet (One Enchant) x1
Ninja Garb (One Enchant) x1
Orange Leather Band (One Enchant) x1
Orange Shirt (One Enchant) x1
Orange Vest (One Enchant) x1
Orange Wrappings (One Enchant) x1
Pendant (One Enchant) x1
Pickaxe (One Enchant) x1
Pink Wrappings (One Enchant) x2
Plastic Lei (One Enchant) x1
Pouch (One Enchant) x4
Purple Pants (One Enchant) x1
Rags (One Enchant) x1
Red Leather Band (One Enchant) x1
Red Pants (One Enchant) x2
Red Wrappings (One Enchant) x1
Red Wrappings (Three Enchants) x1
Satchels (Three Enchants) x1
Satchels (Two Enchants) x1
Scarf (One Enchant) x1
Shoes (One Enchantment) x2
Silk Drapes (Two Enchants) x1
Slippers (One Enchantment) x1
Spear (One Enchant) x1
Staff (One Enchant) x2
Sword (One Enchant) x2
Tail Bangles (One Enchantment) x1
Tail Corsage (One Enchantment) x1
Tail Cozy (One Enchantment) x1
Tuxedo (One Enchant) x1
Water Emblem (One Enchant) x1
Wedding Dress (One Enchant) x2
White Skirt (Three Enchants) x1
White Wrappings (One Enchant) x1
Wig (One Enchant) x1
Wig (Three Enchants) x1
Yellow Pants (One Enchant) x1
Yellow Wrappings (One Enchant) x1
Birthday Hat x2
Bright Sunstones x1
Easter Basket x1
Ember Jewelry x2
Fire vs Water Jewelry x1
Golden Bridle x1
Icey Jewelry x2
Magic Accessories x1
Magic Hat x1
Mist Flowers x1
Neon Filigree Jewelry x1
Poseidon's Jewelry x1
Sunglasses x1
Swimsuit x1
Trick or Treat Bag x1
Wil 'o Wisp Lamp x1
Angel x2
Ant x3
Anteater x1
Armadillo x1
Badger x1
Banshee x1
Barnacle x2
Basilisk x1
Bat x1
Bear x1
Beastman x1
Bee x2
Beetle x1
Bird x3
Boar x1
Brontosaurus x1
Buffalo x1
Butterfly x1
Cardboard Box x2
Cat x2
Centaur x1
Chameleon x1
Chipmunk x2
Cobra x1
Cougar x1
Cyclops x1
Deer x1
Dilophosaurus x1
Dingo x2
Dodo x1
Dog x6
Dolphin x1
Donkey x1
Dove x1
Dragon x2
Dryad x1
Duck x3
Dwarf x1
Eagle x1
Elf x1
Emu x1
Fennec Fox x1
Firefly x3
Fish x4
Flamingo x1
Fox x1
Frog x1
Gargoyle x1
Ghost x1
Giraffe x1
Goat x1
Goblin x1
Golem x1
Goose x1
Gorilla x1
Hammerhead Shark x1
Hare x1
Harpy x1
Hawk x1
Hedgehog x1
Hellhound x1
Hen x3
Hippocampus x2
Hippogriff x2
Horse x1
Imp x1
Jackalope x1
Jellyfish x1
Kangaroo x1
Kelpie x1
Kitsune x1
Leopard x1
Leprechaun x1
Lion x1
Lizard x1
Llama x1
Mammoth x1
Manatee x2
Maned Wolf x3
Mantis x1
Mermaid x1
Mimic x2
Miniature Horse x1
Mole x1
Monkey x1
Mosasaurus x1
Moth x1
Mouse x1
Mule x2
Nightmare x3
Octopus x2
Ogre x1
Okapi x1
Orca x1
Ostrich x1
Otter x1
Owl x1
Panda x2
Panther x1
Parakeet x1
Parrot x1
Peacock x1
Pegasus x1
Pelican x1
Penguin x1
Peryton x1
Pheasant x1
Pig x1
Polar Bear x1
Pterodactyl x1
Quail x1
Quetzalcoatl x1
Rabbit x2
Rat x3
Rattlesnake x1
Red Panda x2
Reindeer x1
Roc x1
Rooster x1
Satyr x1
Scarecrow x3
Seahorse x1
Seal x1
Selkie x1
Sheep x2
Skunk x1
Slime x1
Sloth x1
Snail x1
Snake x2
Snowman x1
Spider x1
Squid x1
Stegosaurus x1
Stork x1
Succubus x1
Swan x1
T-Rex x1
Toad x2
Triceratops x1
Turkey x1
Unicorn x1
Werewolf x1
Whale Shark x2
Wolf x1
Worm x2
Wraith x1
Wyvern x1
Zombie x1
Beach Babe x1
Fire Dragon x1
Ice Dragon x1
Leviathan x1
Loch Ness Monster x1
Yeti x1
Demigod x1
Earth's Avatar x1
Fotia Kai x1
Great Phoenix x1
Hera's Hawk x3
KirAI x2
Magic White Rabbit x1
Selene's Bull x1
The Sun is a Star x1
Animal Rug x5
Armor Stand x1
Barrels x1
Beartraps x2
Billboard x2
Bookshelves x5
Camera x1
Cart x4
Chairs x1
Chandelier x1
Chest x1
Chimes x2
Closet x2
Couch x3
Counters x2
Drapes x2
Earth Banner x1
Fan x1
Fire Banner x3
Fire Pit x4
Food/Water Pet Dishes x4
Fountain x2
Framed Pictures x2
Furnace x2
Heater x1
Hologram x3
Ice Banner x1
Lava Lamp x1
Light Banner x2
Lightning Banner x2
Mannequin x5
Map x5
Mattress x2
Paintings x5
Personal Safe x2
Pet Bed x2
Pet Toys x1
Pillows x1
Potted Plant x4
Punching Bag x1
Shed x1
Sign x1
Speakers x1
Spray Bottle x2
Statue x1
Stools x1
Storage Boxes x3
Table x3
Torch x2
Wall Paint x1
Wall Stickers x2
Water Banner x3
Welcome Mat x2
Wind Banner x3
Beach Ball x5
Beach Towel x2
Christmas Lights x1
Christmas Tree x1
Fruit Basket x1
Garden x5
Jack 'o Lantern x2
MVP Trophy x1
Raincatcher x1
Latest Activity
Daily Gift
Shop Purchase (Purchased from Gaia's Giveaways by
for 0 Player Tokens.)
1 month and 3 weeks ago
Ruffled Belly Fur
Staff Grant (Gift from Santa)
1 month and 3 weeks ago
Daily Gift
Openable Opened
1 month and 4 weeks ago
Daily Gift
Shop Purchase (Purchased from Gaia's Giveaways by
for 0 Player Tokens.)
1 month and 4 weeks ago
Ice Banner
Openable Rewards (Received rewards from opening Daily Gift)
2 months and 3 days ago
Daily Gift
Openable Opened
2 months and 3 days ago
Daily Gift
Openable Opened
2 months and 3 days ago
Daily Gift
Shop Purchase (Purchased from Gaia's Giveaways by
for 0 Player Tokens.)
2 months and 3 days ago
Daily Gift
Shop Purchase (Purchased from Gaia's Giveaways by
for 0 Player Tokens.)
2 months and 4 days ago
Openable Rewards (Received rewards from opening Daily Gift)
2 months and 6 days ago
View all...