Den (D)DenCommon

D-00005: Glenside

Owned by Fogcreature

Image #665

Den Stats:
Appeal (Common) (0 +4 T:4)
Functionality (Common) (0 +2 T:2)
Integrity (Common) (0 +9 T:9)
Morale (Common) (0 +5 T:5)
Security (Common) (0 +2 T:2)

Uploaded: 3 years and 2 months ago
Last Edited: 3 years and 2 months ago
No additional notes given.

14 December 2021, 03:46:44 PST

"Come as a friend and you'll be welcomed. Come as a foe and you'll get what you're begging for."

Location: Mountains
Affiliation: Neutral
Occupation: Cozy Library

Den Information: This den lays on the foot of rocky mountains that lead into a green forest. The smell of misty forest mornings is always present within those rocky halls. From an impersonal and bland entrance, over entwined paths, you'll soon end up in one of the comfiest dens you have ever seen. There are many bookshelfes embedded in the walls around, filled with books and scrolls from every age. The wind from outside can't reach into this living and learning space that is lit up in a warm light through little orange and red crystals that are spread all over the walls and the ceiling. This is the place Kijis gather together for being around friends and learning from the writs or other Kijis around.

Member Listing 1/3:
​#31 Gihin/Leader
#65 Sillerie/Member

Den Bonuses:
- Increased Luck in Den activities

Den Pets 1/1:
x1 Cardboard Box: +2 Security, +4 Integrity

Den Items 3/4:
x1 Lamp: +2 Functionality, +1 Appeal
x1 MPV Trophy: +1 Status Point, +5 Morale, Increased luck in den activities
x1 Potted Plant: +3 Appeal


No additional notes given.

Notice: user-made terms are not binding, unless you have provided an electronic signature to the designer in question. You are responsible for obtaining and recording the version of the terms you agreed to.

Fogcreature's Terms
Fogcreature has not submitted their terms to the site.