KNPC-00001: Kokoro

Owned by GaiasKijikaiaku

​Gaia's First

     Kokoro was the first Kiji ever created, and they embody fully to this day the memories and character they had when they were first created. Kokoro does not refer to themself as male or female, they just are. Their entire being is dedicated to Gaia, and they follow that to a T.
     After the Thinning came to a halt, Kokoro has never left the core, and instead acts as a middleman between Gaia and fellow Kiji. They lack empathy completely, though do not lack emotions. They still feel anger, amusement, and wonder, though any Kiji can see the tired look in the old Kiji's eye from their many years. They do not understand the trifles many younger Kiji deal with, and are very good at offering non bias, stern, and hard, factual responses and advice.
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