Spirituality training image for Vyxréth, Ravyne, Nero, and Zysovra~
Also the Easily Influenced quest prompt, and the Spring Prompt from the Grand Re-Opening Event.
Spring is a time of great energy as new life springs forth with vigour. It is also the time of year where population booms can most readily get out of hand, and so four kiji decide to take a training opportunity to nip a potential overpopulation issue in the bud. Vyxréth, Ravyne, and Nero each have their own methods of passively drawing in energy from their environment, gentle and gradual - and thereby lowering the virility of the surrounding area, slowing the rising populations of plant and animal alike.
Zysovra, however, prefers the more direct approach, in the form of culling the creatures that're perhaps a bit too vigorous.
Collaboration with IceDragonQueen22. I did the composition, posing, flats, and shading, Icy did the sketch and lines. The background was made in FlowScape.
Submitted By Rílaméth
for Spiritual Training
Submitted: 3 years and 2 days ago ・
Last Updated: 3 years and 2 days ago