Changelog February 2024

Posted 1 year and 1 week ago :: Last edited 1 year and 1 week ago by Wolvenhyde


  • New Default Borders: Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter
  • New Unlockable Borders: Discord, Slime, Corrupted, Purified, Glitched
  • New Collections: Astronomical Scopes, Elemental Familiars, Pawsome Markings, Your Epidermis Is Showing
  • New Collection Category: Progression
  • New Unique Traits: Oni Horn and Beetle Horn
  • New Unique Familiar, Theologically Accurate Angel
  • New Unique non trait drops from bosses
  • New Equipment: Bone Armor
  • New Small Encounters Activity on Discord
  • Skills are now added to the site


  • Added the ability to donate many things that were unable to be before
  • Characters boosts that have tiers now all show _/_ for the tier
  • Bag of Coins credits chance increased again, this time to a 10% chance
  • Fixed loot tables for drops from treasure chests/loot bags to make familiars less common.
  • Referrals are not working properly and will be done manually for the most part for now.


  • New icons for Marking Applicators
  • Icons have been removed from Marking Traits
  • Unique Equipment and Traits can now drop from Tatsu
  • Unique Traits now say which bosses drop them
  • Changes to Lore prompts, as well as many new prompts and rewards

Hello everyone! It's been a bit but here's another changelog for you all! There's been quite a lot of recent additions and a handful of important changes (especially regarding Lore) so make sure to read through this changelog thoroughly. As always, if you have any questions, comments, concerns, or suggestions, feel free to comment below or post in our Discord.

Upcoming Features and Progress

There are a bunch of things we are still working on and that haven't yet been released. Look forward to the following things being fixed/added soon!

  1. We're offering credits to people who assist with making marking examples on the new base, reach out to Wolvenhyde for more info!
  2. Volus and Lien Base are available to use, Drakus and Racer pretty much done as well. Message a moderator or post on the Discord to get the link to the new base as it hasn't yet been linked on the import page.
  3. There are still many upcoming updates coming with the overhaul over the next few months, so be on the lookout! Make sure to read all future changelogs and feel free to ask if you have any questions or concerns!
  4. We are aware of the visual issue with crafting and collections. It will be fixed soon.
  5. We are currently invitation code only because of issues with bots. If you or a friend wants to join, join the Discord or message a mod and we can provide invite codes. If you have any issues with authorizing your account, please let Wolvenhyde know.
  6. Please report any bugs you might find. Even if you're not sure if it is or not, we appreciate the report!

Reputation and Factions

While Reputation (REP) has already been added to the game, you are now able to start gaining (or losing!) reputation points by using the newly added Lore Prompts (talked about in the next section). While there is no way to interact with the factions at this time, future activities will involve them. If you need a refresher about Factions from the last changelog, you can see the guide here

Reputation will impact future prompt availability for your character and interactions they have with specific NPCs. Additionally, the Reputation of everyone on the site is averaged, and will influence future World Events. So for example, if Gaia is unhappy with the kijikaiaku as a whole, she may punish them. Sometimes, you can also get a neutral result, where your character’s actions result in no gain or loss of your REP. However, just because there was no change in REP, that doesn’t mean your actions had no effect; you also still get rewards from the pertinent submission.

It is up to the admin rolling your Lore Submission to determine whether your actions in the prompt are favorable or unfavorable, unless you have a Skill that allows you to impact that result. Admins will be following a guide for deciding whether a submission is favorable or unfavorable to any given faction, so you don’t have to worry about an admin being biased. That being said, if you ever feel like your result was inaccurate or unfair, you can submit a request for a second opinion or ask for clarification.

Lore update and skills

There has been a large change to Lore! Lore prompts have been refreshed and overhauled as part of the site’s big update. First, we’re bringing lore front and center, with the intent of the game’s primary focus being on storytelling. Due to this, lore prompts no longer require Complex backgrounds, but have the lesser requirement of at least Intermediate backgrounds. Please see the Guide Hub under Resources and look for the Backgrounds guide to see the illustrated differences.

As you might have expected because of this update, Lore Prompts have all been expanded and new ones have also been added, and more are planned to be implemented. Each prompt provides multiple options and suggestions, as well as a choice of rewards. Unlike before, where you could complete a lore prompt multiple times for a character to build on their story, now you only get a prompt’s specified rewards once, unless otherwise stated. This is because they now offer a new game feature, called Skills, and most Skills can’t be stacked.

Repeating a lore prompt for a single character will now be rolled as generic lore, and will be given typical item, EXP, PT, and REP rewards, but no further Skill options, unless the prompt explicitly states you can repeat it for more Skills. For example, if you’ve completed the Summon Lore prompt for a character, but want to do it again to give more backstory (or say, make it a multi-part story), only the first roll will let you pick a Skill. 

Skills work similarly to boosts in the sense that they provide bonuses to the character for rolls or specific activities. There are multiple options of Skills that you can choose between when completing lore prompts, thus unlike boosts, which you can theoretically acquire every one of, you can not acquire every existing Skill for one character. Unlike boosts, which generally have drawbacks, most skills do not have any drawbacks, besides the effort required to obtain them in the first place. Additionally, most skills can evolve to provide a greater benefit once your character reaches Maxed Out status - provided you complete a special prompt to evolve each skill. However, the evolution prompt is not currently implemented. Please look forward to future updates!

Skills cannot be obtained outside of lore, and skills cannot be removed by any means except for using an Amnesia Tonic. However, the Amnesia Tonic will wipe all skills and lore history, thus you should be careful when choosing the skills desired for your character. Tonics are primarily intended to give a character a fresh start, especially in the case of a character being transferred between players. Tonics can be acquired from Vault’s Haven for 30 SC.

Updating lore in this fashion will hopefully help people expand upon their characters more, and help with character and world building. It will also allow for players to learn more about the characters that they own, beyond just having a design for the sake of having a design. Players are not required to participate in lore or complete said lore prompts, however, since there are unique rewards for completing the prompts, it is recommended if you wish to explore every available feature of the game.

Adjustments to markings and traits

There has been a small adjustment with markings and most traits. Most applicator and trait icons have been replaced, while marking trait icons have been removed altogether.

When it comes to traits, we have traded out most for icons on the new base. These icons are now smaller (500x500 for traits and 100x100 for applicators) which should help not only with loading speeds but also with making things look more organized. They should no longer stagger in people's inventory, and should also no longer squish in the visual trait index (Though depending on your screen size they still may). Unfortunately, we have only done most Kiji trait icons so far, so there are a bunch that are still missing, and Tally only traits still have the old icons. We will be doing icons for them as soon as the Tally bases are near completion.

Marking applicators now have simple paw print icons, and while it's harder to see what kind of range the markings have from a glance, we figure this won't cause as much an issue and will be great for loading speeds for shops and inventories. As for the marking traits, as stated above, we removed the icons altogether, as that allows more room for the marking information to show in the compendium. Information should be easier to view as well when viewing markings in the compendium.

New Borders and collections

While we added holiday borders to the site for anyone to use (And plan to add pride ones too), we also made a handful that need to be unlocked:
Discord - Unlocked by joining the Discord server.
Slime - Can be bought in Gaia's Giveaways.
Corrupted - Gotten the first time you corrupt an item when enchanting.
Purified - Gotten from using Angel's Tears on an item.
Glitched - Gotten from making us aware of a game-breaking bug or issue with the game

We plan to add more borders soon. We also made a few more collections, including a new category called Progression. Progression Collections are activity themed collections that tell a story, as well as have you do certain other game things to complete the next collection in each line. If you have any suggestions of collections we can add to the game, let us know!

New traits and items

There are a couple new unique traits added to the game, as well as some unique equipment, den items, a unique familiar, and a new craftable equipment.

The two new unique traits are both horns, the Oni Horn and the Beetle Horn. Both drop from dungeon bosses, and are single forhead horns.

The new Special Den Items are the Pile of Dragon Gold and the Cobwebs, which both provide useful effects to dens. Currently the Pile of Dragon Gold is still awaiting an icon.

The new Unique Equipments are the Reaper's Scythe, the Soul Orb, the Eye Caps (Which has a cosmetic effect), Fenrir's Chains, Genie's Lamp, the Crown of the Slime King, Minotaur's Axe, Cyclops's Club, Cerberus's Collar, Skull Helm, Pendants, and the Magatama. Only the Reaper's Scythe, Soul Orb, Eye Caps, Cyclops's Club, and the Magatama has had icons done for them, but the others should be done soon.

The last two new things is the new Unique Familiar, the Theologically Accurate Angel, which is a boss drop only from the Archangel, and a new regular equipment, the Bone Armor, which can be crafted in Krawt's Crafting.

New Discord activity

Small Encounters is a fun little minigame available to people who are on both the Discord and the site. The game takes place on the Discord server itself, but rewards are given on site.

Players can comment on the channel on Discord once a day with a single character of theirs linked. An admin will create a thread where you can have your character respond to a situation given by the admin at random and get something interesting as a reward for your participation!

Please note that the responses to these given situations do not have to be very detailed and do not have to be in the character's POV, but must be on the thread, not on the site or the channel. Responses must also be within a reasonable time. Threads will expire after a day.


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