All Prompts

Where Your Heart Resides: Exploring Your Character's Habitat


This prompt invites you to explore the depths of your character's soul, uncovering the forces that shape their path and the anchors that hold them in place. Whether you crave the freedom of the open road or find solace in a familiar haven, this journey will guide you towards understanding your place in the world.

The Wanderer:

Restless Spirit: Does the open road call to your soul, the promise of adventure beckoning you with each sunrise? Do you seek new experiences, different cultures, and the thrill of the unknown?
Wandering Scholar: Are you a seeker of knowledge, forever on the quest to learn, understand, and document the world around you? Do you travel to ancient ruins, bustling cities, and forgotten corners, collecting knowledge like precious treasures?
Free Spirit: Do you crave independence and autonomy, living life by your own compass? Do you avoid binding yourself to one place or cause, preferring the freedom to roam and follow your instincts?

The Settler:

Rooted in Tradition: Do you find comfort and purpose in upholding traditions, protecting your homeland, and preserving the way of life you know and love? Do you feel a deep connection to your community and ancestors, striving to leave a legacy in their wake?
Guardian of the Hearth: Do you find solace in tending to the land, building a haven, and fostering a sense of community and belonging? Does providing comfort, safety, and stability for yourself and others bring you deep satisfaction?
Master of the Craft: Do you have a passion for honing your skills, perfecting your craft, and leaving your mark on the world through your creations? Do you find purpose in establishing yourself in a community, earning respect, and building a legacy through your work?

The Connector:

Bridge Between Worlds: Do you see yourself as a bridge between different cultures, communities, or regions? Do you thrive on building connections, fostering understanding, and facilitating communication between diverse groups?
Herald of News and Trade: Are you a natural networker, always on the move, spreading news, rumors, and goods between different settlements? Do you find purpose in facilitating the flow of information and resources, connecting people and places?
Diplomatic Wanderer: Do you navigate the complexities of diplomacy, using your charm, wit, and understanding of different cultures to bridge divides and foster cooperation? Do you travel between different factions, seeking peaceful solutions and fostering lasting alliances?

Additional Considerations
Motivation: Why does your character choose this lifestyle? What drives them to wander, settle, or connect?
Occupation: How does your character's chosen lifestyle support their occupation or goals?
Specific Location: If your character is a settler or connector, is there a specific place they call home or a region they frequently travel through? Why is this location important to them?

Remember, these are just starting points! Feel free to mix and match elements or create your own unique path that resonates with your character's personality and goals. The most important thing is to embrace your creative vision and forge a path that feels true to your character's essence.

Rules: The art/lit must be true to lore for all characters in the piece, including background characters. True to lore means not only keeping them in character, but keeping accurate to the world and species in the world. Spinoffs and AUs are not allowed to be submitted here. There is no limit to the number of characters submitted per piece or pieces submitted for lore per week.

Requirements: Art submissions must include a intermediate background, and either be in color (Shading not required) or shaded monochrome. Art must be accompanied by at least 200 word literature and all characters must be over 50%. Literature only must be at least 1000 words, and all literatures must show enough detail in the writing about the scene.

Rewards: By completing this prompt, your character's faction reputation will likely change slightly.

You can also choose one skill between the following four skills:
Loot Magnet: Never miss a valuable drop! Earn the Shinies skill, increasing your chances of finding rare and valuable items from defeated bosses.
Elemental Affinity: Bend the elements to your will! Choose one element (fire, lightning, light, dark, metal, earth, nature, water, wind, ice) and unlock the Elemental Surge skill, which boosts the effects of that element for your character and reduces the effects of its opposing element.
Inner Focus: Sharpen your mind and body! Earn the Meditation Master skill, enhancing your focus and discipline, allowing you to train more effectively and gain bonus points.
Whispers of Renewal: Hear the object's forgotten song! Earn the Mending Melody skill, allowing you to combine similar objects together into one.

And a skill between the following four skills:
Guardian Spirit: Protect your allies with unwavering resolve! Earn the Aegis of Protection skill, drawing enemy attacks towards your character so they attack them instead of allies.
Evasive Maneuver: Slip through the grasp of danger! Earn the Phantom Dance skill, allowing you to dodge attacks based on your speed vs your opponent's.
Heroic Deeds: Leave a trail of good fortune! Earn the Champion's Boon skill, allowing your heroic acts to subtly improve the reputation of those around you, including yourself.
Golden Heart: Charm your way into anyone's heart! Earn the Magnetic Persona skill, enhancing your charisma, and preventing your character from failing any interaction based activity.


No rewards.


First Impressions and Lasting Impacts


This prompt series delves into the heart of your Kiji or Tally character's initial encounters with a member of the opposite species, exploring the emotions, reactions, and consequences that shape their future interactions. Each prompt builds upon the previous one, culminating in a personal growth experience that challenges preconceived notions and fosters understanding.

Describe the first time your character laid eyes on a member of the opposite species. What were the circumstances of this encounter? What were their initial thoughts and feelings? Consider the following:

  • Initial Impression: Was your character surprised, curious, fearful, or something else? Did their expectations about the other species match reality?

  • Body Language: How did your character react physically? Did they approach cautiously, keep their distance, or even attack?

  • Misunderstanding or Communication: Did any misunderstandings occur? How did your character attempt to bridge the gap, if at all?

  • A Moment of Impact: Is there a specific moment or detail from this first encounter that left a lasting impression on your character?

Rules: The art/lit must be true to lore for all characters in the piece, including background characters. True to lore means not only keeping them in character, but keeping accurate to the world and species in the world. Spinoffs and AUs are not allowed to be submitted here. There is no limit to the number of characters submitted per piece or pieces submitted for lore per week.

Requirements: Art submissions must include a intermediate background, and either be in color (Shading not required) or shaded monochrome. Art must be accompanied by at least 200 word literature and all characters must be over 50%. Literature only must be at least 1000 words, and all literatures must show enough detail in the writing about the scene.

Rewards: By completing this prompt, your faction reputation may possibly change.

Secondarily, you can also choose between two skills:
Active Listening: Listen actively and attentively! Earn the Attentive Listener skill, which increases exp gain when there's more dialogue in literature pieces with this character.
Discerning Eye: Be aware of your surroundings! Earn the Spatial Awareness skill, lowering the chance of surprise attacks by 50%.


No rewards.

Spirit's Meeting Lore Pt 2

Category: Lore
This prompt requires you to have completed Spirit's Meeting Lore Pt 1 1 time.

You cannot view any details until you have completed the prerequisite.

Spirit's Meeting Lore Pt 3

Category: Lore
This prompt requires you to have completed Spirit's Meeting Lore Pt 2 1 time.

You cannot view any details until you have completed the prerequisite.

Facing Mortality: A Brush with the End


This prompt delves into the depths of your character's experiences, exploring their encounters with the ultimate fragility of life, whether it be their own or that of others. For Kiji and Tallies, the question becomes one of countless journeys through the vale of death, or a life nearly untouched by its icy embrace. This journey invites them to reflect on the impact these experiences have had on their life. Consider:

  • Has your character ever faced death? Whether through accident or combat, has your character crossed the threshold and tasted the bitter sting of oblivion, even if only briefly?
  • If your character has died, how many times? For Kiji and Tallies, the number of deaths may be a significant factor in shaping their perspective.
  • Has your character witnessed the death of another? A friend, loved one, or even a stranger, has your character been present at the moment another being's life extinguished?
  • How has this/these experience(s) shaped their outlook on life? Do they view it with a newfound appreciation? Do they approach danger with reckless abandon or careful caution?

Potential prompts to use for inspiration:

For Characters Who Have Died:

  1. The Fading Echo: Your character remembers the first time. The cold, crushing weight of oblivion, then a gasp, a spark reignited. How has this experience changed their relationship with life? Do they take more risks, cherishing each moment, or do they fear that finality might truly claim them one day?
  2. The Scar's Return: Each death leaves a mark, a memory of the void. Perhaps a recurring dream, a phantom pain, or a chilling detachment. How do these scars manifest in your character's daily life? Do they seek to understand them, or bury them deep within?

For Characters Who Have Witnessed Death:

  1. The Haunting Image: A single image, forever burned into your character's memory. The lifeless eyes of a friend or stranger, the chilling silence after a brutal battle. How has witnessing this death shaped their actions? Do they fight to protect others with a ferocious resolve, or does it fuel a deep-seated fear of loss?
  2. The Unfinished Symphony: The world falls silent, a life cut short mid-stride. Your character witnessed the death of someone brimming with potential, a dream unfulfilled, a song left unsung. Does this ignite a passion within them to carry on the legacy of the deceased, or does it fuel a profound sense of helplessness in the face of fate?

Rules: The art/lit must be true to lore for all characters in the piece, including background characters. True to lore means not only keeping them in character, but keeping accurate to the world and species in the world. Spinoffs and AUs are not allowed to be submitted here. There is no limit to the number of characters submitted per piece or pieces submitted for lore per week.

Requirements: Art submissions must include an intermediate background, and either be in color (Shading not required) or shaded monochrome. Art must be accompanied by at least 200 word literature and all characters must be over 50%. Literature only must be at least 1000 words, and all literatures must show enough detail in the writing about the scene.

Rewards: For completing this prompt, you have a choice to make between three skills:

Nurturing Touch: Mend wounds with gentle warmth! Earn the Gentle Restoration skill which increases the potency of your healing abilities, restoring your allies' health and vitality more effectively.
Rekindled Spirit: Embrace the second chance! Earn the Resurgent Will skill, gaining a temporary boost to stats after recovering from near-death experiences.
Unflinching Resolve: Face danger head-on! Earn the Steadfast Courage skill, gaining temporary resistance to fear and intimidation, preventing flinching.


No rewards.


The Cycle of Transformation: Becoming a Stronger Being


This prompt delves into the heart of your character's journey, exploring their experiences with transformation, whether it be witnessing the rebirth of another or undergoing it themselves. For some, it may be a familiar process, a cycle of evolution and renewal. For others, it might be a single, awe-inspiring event forever etched in their memory. Consider:

  • Has your character ever witnessed a rebirth? Have they seen a Kiji or Tally undergo a profound rebirth, emerging as something entirely new and different?
  • Has your character experienced rebirth themself? Have they undergone a significant personal evolution, changing their physical form, abilities, or even their core identity?
  • If your character has been rebirthed, how many times has it occurred? Was each rebirth the same, or did they experience different changes with each transformation?
  • How has this experience impacted your character's view of the world? Do they see change as a natural part of the cycle, or do they fear the unknown that each rebirth brings?
  • Does your character embrace the potential of rebirth, or do they cling to the familiar? How does this outlook influence their interactions with others?

Potential prompts to use for inspiration:

For Characters Who Have Rebirthed:

  1. The Molting Shell: Your character remembers the first time they shed their old form, the agonizing transformation that birthed a new version of themself. What did they lose in the process? What did they gain? How does your character view their past selves, and does their memory influence their present decisions?
  2. The Evolving Dance: Rebirth is not a destination for your character, but a continuous dance. Each transformation brings new challenges and opportunities. How does your character prepare for the unknown aspects of their next evolution? Do they embrace the change, or resist the inevitable shedding of their current form?

For Characters Who Have Witnessed a Rebirth:

  1. The Witness: Your character witnessed a Kiji or Tally undergo a breathtaking transformation. From chrysalis to majestic butterfly, or from warrior to wise elder, this rebirth left an indelible mark on your character's soul. What did they learn from this experience about the nature of change and the potential for growth? How has it shaped their understanding of their own potential?
  2. The Eternal Cycle: Your character has witnessed countless rebirths, a seemingly endless dance of transformation. This constant change has instilled in them a deep sense of the impermanence of things. How has this perspective impacted their approach to life and their relationships with others? Do they find comfort in the cycle, or does it leave them feeling disconnected and numb?

Rules: The art/lit must be true to lore for all characters in the piece, including background characters. True to lore means not only keeping them in character, but keeping accurate to the world and species in the world. Spinoffs and AUs are not allowed to be submitted here. There is no limit to the number of characters submitted per piece or pieces submitted for lore per week.

Requirements: Art submissions must include an intermediate background, and either be in color (Shading not required) or shaded monochrome. Art must be accompanied by at least 200 word literature and all characters must be over 50%. Literature only must be at least 1000 words, and all literatures must show enough detail in the writing about the scene.

Rewards: For completing this prompt, you have a choice to make between three skills:

Echoes of Ancestry: Tap into the power of the past! Earn the Ancestral Infusion skill, extracting and weaving ancestral energies into your rebirthing process, granting your character access to the traits of their forebears.
Evolution's Embrace: Guide the metamorphosis! Earn the Guided Evolution skill, influencing the evolution of your own body, guarenteeing any changes to your character's traits are a higher rarity.
Tales of the Past: Let the past guide your future! Earn the Transcendent Summoning skill, which allows traits, markings, and boosts that have been removed or replaced on your character from the point of gaining this skill on to have a chance of still appearing in summons.


No rewards.


A Shadow of Peril: Brushes with Danger


The winds of fate have carried your character across treacherous paths. Inevitably, they've encountered a situation that tested their courage and resourcefulness. Now, delve into the heart of that experience and explore how your character reacted. Describe the dangerous situation your character faced. Was it a ferocious beast, a treacherous environment, a tense political standoff, or something else entirely? Now, a critical decision point emerges. How does your character approach the danger?

Path A: The Warrior's Charge:

  • Your character meets the threat head-on, relying on their strength, combat prowess, and unwavering determination to overcome the challenge.
  • Prompt: Describe how your character charges into the fray. What tactics do they employ? Do they fight with raw power, strategic finesse, or a combination of both? Explore the emotions driving their direct confrontation, such as bravery, recklessness, or a desire to protect others.

Rewards: By completing this prompt, you'll adjust your faction reputation. Secondarily, you can also choose a skill between three:
Blind Panic: Let emotions push your limits! Earn the Adrenaline Rush skill, which boosts your health by 50 points for the first 3 turns of battle.
Temporary Comeback: Push beyond your limits! Earn the Second Wind skill, granting a temporary burst of speed and stamina when you're falling behind in races, allowing you to catch up and even make a last-minute comeback.
Death's Embrace: Harness the power of the void! Earn the Spectral Touch skill, allowing you to replenish your own vitality when hitting an enemy.

Path B: The Cunning Mind:

  • Your character seeks a more subtle approach, relying on their wit, stealth, or strategic thinking to navigate around or outmaneuver the danger.
  • Prompt: Describe how your character uses their intellect to overcome the challenge. Do they devise a clever plan? Outsmart their opponent through deceit? Or utilize their knowledge of the environment to gain an advantage? Explore the emotions driving their strategic approach, such as caution, resourcefulness, or a desire to avoid unnecessary conflict.

Rewards: By completing this prompt, you'll adjust your faction reputation. Secondarily, you can also choose a skill between three:
Eye for the Fallen: Spot impending doom! Earn the Vulnerability Sense skill, allowing you to identify weaknesses or vulnerabilities in others.
Lessons of Loss: Turn tragedy into wisdom! Earn the Learned Caution skill, granting you a bonus to rolls related to survival, risk assessment, and avoiding dangerous situations.
Whispers of Fate: Sense the brush of mortality! Earn the Premonition skill, granting you fleeting premonitions of danger in the next floor of a dungeon.

Rules: The art/lit must be true to lore for all characters in the piece, including background characters. True to lore means not only keeping them in character, but keeping accurate to the world and species in the world. Spinoffs and AUs are not allowed to be submitted here. There is no limit to the number of characters submitted per piece or pieces submitted for lore per week.

Requirements: Art submissions must include a intermediate background, and either be in color (Shading not required) or shaded monochrome. Art must be accompanied by at least 200 word literature and all characters must be over 50%. Literature only must be at least 1000 words, and all literatures must show enough detail in the writing about the scene.


No rewards.


Honing Your Craft: A Training Montage


The path to mastery is paved with dedicated practice and the guidance of skilled mentors. This repeatable prompt allows you to refine your existing skills, pushing them to new heights under the tutelage of a seasoned expert. There are a couple steps you must take to complete this prompt:

  • Skill Selection: Choose the skill you wish to evolve. Applicable NPCs for different skill types will be listed below. Some NPCs might have specific requirements you need to meet to gain their tutelage. Some potential requirements might include faction reputation or species.
  • Submission: Draw or write about your character and the chosen NPC. Show them honing their skills under their guidance. Show the series of challenges or tasks specifically tailored to test them and train them. This might involve sparring sessions for combat skills, complex puzzles for problem-solving skills, or elaborate artistic demonstrations for creative skills.

Upon successful completion of the training arc, your chosen skill evolves. Keep in mind some skills cannot evolve, and skills can only evolve once. If a skill that cannot evolve is chosen, we will deny the submission. Also note that characters must have at least 200 in their total stats (not their actual) for all stats except health at 500. If a character is under this total, they will be denied. Evolving skills is meant to be for maxed out (Or nearly) characters, after all.

Rules: The art/lit must be true to lore for all characters in the piece, including background characters. True to lore means not only keeping them in character, but keeping accurate to the world and species in the world. Spinoffs and AUs are not allowed to be submitted here. There is no limit to the number of characters submitted per piece or pieces submitted for lore per week.

Requirements: Art submissions must include an intermediate background, and either be in color (Shading not required) or shaded monochrome. Art must be accompanied by at least 200 word literature and all characters must be over 50%. Literature only must be at least 1000 words, and all literatures must show enough detail in the writing about the scene.


Applicable NPCs

Item Farming:

  • Gaia: If a Tally, must have Gaia Faction Reputation above 95, if a Kiji, must have at least 50.
  • Merchandise
  • Keep
  • Display
  • Tivity
  • Stark
  • Trifle
  • Vault
  • Ares
  • Tatsu: Must have Sophont Faction Reputation above 50.
  • CeeCee
  • Wanya
  • Krawft

Battle and Healing:

  • Kokoro: If a Tally, must have Gaia Faction Reputation above 85, if a Kiji, must have at least 40.
  • Lucitha: Must have Gaia Faction Reputation above 35.
  • Merchandise
  • Yile: If a Kiji, must have Yile Faction Reputation above 95, if a Tally, must have at least 50.
  • Shin'en: If a Kiji, must have Yile Faction Reputation above 85, if a Tally , must have at least 40.
  • Orville: Must have Rebel Faction Reputation above 85.
  • Nylon
  • Mark
  • Symphony: Must be a Tally.
  • Aeglemaere: Must be a Tally.
  • Wanya
  • Parakram
  • Daythe


  • Gaia: If a Tally, must have Gaia Faction Reputation above 95, if a Kiji, must have at least 50.
  • Kokoro: If a Tally, must have Gaia Faction Reputation above 85, if a Kiji, must have at least 40.
  • Lucitha: Must have Gaia Faction Reputation above 35.
  • Keep
  • Yile: If a Kiji, must have Yile Faction Reputation above 95, if a Tally, must have at least 50.
  • Shin'en: If a Kiji, must have Yile Faction Reputation above 85, if a Tally , must have at least 40.
  • Meld: Must have Yile Faction Reputation above 50.
  • Hopscotch
  • Silicone


  • Gaia: If a Tally, must have Gaia Faction Reputation above 95, if a Kiji, must have at least 50.
  • Kokoro: If a Tally, must have Gaia Faction Reputation above 85, if a Kiji, must have at least 40.
  • Keep
  • Display
  • Yile: If a Kiji, must have Yile Faction Reputation above 95, if a Tally, must have at least 50.
  • Shin'en: If a Kiji, must have Yile Faction Reputation above 85, if a Tally , must have at least 40.
  • Hopscotch
  • Symphony: Must be a Tally.
  • Silicone


  • Theophania
  • Discord
  • Link
  • Keep
  • Hime
  • Display
  • Trifle
  • Orville: Must have Rebel Faction Reputation above 85.
  • Monarch
  • Vault
  • Ares
  • Tatsu: Must have Sophont Faction Reputation above 50.
  • Bob
  • CeeCee
  • Vayle
  • Silicone


  • Link
  • Hime
  • Merchandise
  • Nylon
  • Hopscotch
  • Aeglemaere: Must be a Tally.
  • Wanya
  • Parakram

History and Reputation:

  • Gaia: If a Tally, must have Gaia Faction Reputation above 95, if a Kiji, must have at least 50.
  • Kokoro: If a Tally, must have Gaia Faction Reputation above 85, if a Kiji, must have at least 40.
  • Lucitha: Must have Gaia Faction Reputation above 35.
  • Theophania
  • Link
  • Yile: If a Kiji, must have Yile Faction Reputation above 95, if a Tally, must have at least 50.
  • Shin'en: If a Kiji, must have Yile Faction Reputation above 85, if a Tally , must have at least 40.
  • Orville: Must have Rebel Faction Reputation above 85.
  • Monarch
  • Vayle
  • Silicone


  • Lucitha: Must have Gaia Faction Reputation above 35.
  • Theophania
  • Keep
  • Stark
  • Trifle
  • Tivity
  • Vault
  • Ares
  • Symphony: Must be a Tally.
  • Faet: Must have Rebel Faction Reputation above 65.
  • Silicone
  • Krawft
  • Daythe

Guild Management:

  • Lucitha: Must have Gaia Faction Reputation above 35.
  • Keep
  • Hime
  • Display
  • Stark
  • Meld: Must have Yile Faction Reputation above 50.
  • Orville: Must have Rebel Faction Reputation above 85.
  • Tatsu: Must have Sophont Faction Reputation above 50.
  • CeeCee
  • Faet: Must have Rebel Faction Reputation above 65.
  • Silicone


No rewards.


Den Raids

Category: Raids

Has your Den Leader started a raid against a fellow den?


Den Leaders can trigger raids against other dens, in which the majority of den members must participate. Allies can still raid each other, but the moment one raids their allies, their relationship will be updated on their Den profile as a betrayed status. Enemies get bonuses for raiding each other.

Only leaders can start raid battles against other dens! If a leader wishes to do so, they must have the majority of their den members participating (over 50%). If only a few participate (the minority), it will not be counted as a raid battle by the admins, and will simply be counted as pvp. To avoid late art impacting this decision, it is recommended to hold off submitting the art until the group is all ready. If an art/lit is sent to corrections which impacts this, the others will still be rolled for raid rewards.

There needs to be one art/lit submission per spirit participating in the raid, and the art must have the spirit it's being submitted for in the art. Other spirits (Allies and enemies) are not required, but the art/lit must be clear in the subject.
Only one character in each submission needs to be 50%+ showing, the rest can be minimum headshots.
Color not required, but it needs a very simple background at minimum and a fairly clean sketch.
The more effort you put into the raid images, the greater bonus that will be applied to the raid for you to succeed.


No rewards.


Silicone is in the business of fair trades; if you have the coin, she'll make a deal.


Attach the needed PT and items to this prompt submission to get the following in return (Please submit a new prompt per transaction to make things easier on the admins):

33 PT - Fortune Told: Please attach one of your approved spirits. The admin processing will tell your spirit's fortune, and possibly even give an item related to it alongside it!

8 PT - 1 exp
40 PT - 5 exp
80 PT - 10 exp
400 PT - 50 exp
800 PT - 100 exp
4000 PT - 500 exp
8000 PT - 1000 exp
Silicone will trade PT for exp that you can apply to any non maxed out Kiji or Tally.

1000 PT - Random Trait or Marking: Attach a trait or marking (common-legendary) and get a random one in return!

1500 PT - Random Elemental Pack Unique Trait/Marking: Attach an elemental pack trait/marking and get a random one in return!
2000 PT - Random Universe Pack Unique Trait/Marking: Attach a universe pack trait/marking and get a random one in return!
4000 PT - Random Boss Unique Trait/Marking: Attach a boss trait or marking and get a random one in return!

5000 PT - Subtalleon <-> Kijikaiaku Transfer: Transfers a geno or character from one spirit breed to another.

10000 PT - Full Restart: Link a geno or character, get each trait/marking randomized on it.


No rewards.


Stark and Trifle need things, if you have the items, they'll trade!


Stark Prompt

"Why are you asking about web guns? Who do you think- Ugh, look. Just fetch me a few things and I'll pay you this paper, if it means you'll stop harassing me about this topic."
This is a community pool, you can donate part of what Stark wants or all of it, working together with fellow players. Once Stark gets the items he wants, he will offer the item one per player on site for free! This resets every Sunday! (SHOP IS CLOSED!)

Needed: x2 Purple Skirt, x1 Laser Detector
Giving: x3 Scroll of Radiation


Trifle Prompt

"Stark sent me out shopping but I can't figure out the market. Can you fetch some things for me? I can offer you this book."
This is NOT a community pool, and is one per person. Trifle will give you the item below if you procure what is needed for him! This resets every Sunday!

Needed: x1 Fang Ends, x1 Frilled Ears
Giving: x1 Corrupted Tome of Dragons


No rewards.


Want to give a Spirit a new home?


If you're a first-time player and don't currently own a geno, you can adopt one kiji and one tally each from the Adoption Center. Be sure to choose carefully, and link your one-to-two choices when you submit this prompt. To see all the genos available for adoption, feel free to use this link. Likewise, please use this link to see the already designed imports up for adoption.
If you find you can't decide, or are overwhelmed by options, you can ask for a geno of each species to be randomly rolled for you.

If it turns out either geno you got are too difficult for you to design or aren't turning out to be what you hoped, you're allowed to return either or both genos within the first four weeks of ownership and swap them with new genos.

If at any point in the past, you've traded or given away your sole geno/import, and haven't owned any in a year or more, you may adopt a geno or import from the Adoption Center again.

If looking to adopt Centaurians, you may claim one from the Adoption Center once every two weeks.

If you've been playing a while, or you're still relatively new and looking to expand your character hoard, you can adopt a geno once a month from the Donation Center. Be sure to specify which you're adopting from and link the geno!

You may only adopt an import or geno from the Donation Center once a month.

For surrenduring a geno or import, please specify if it's going to the Adoption Center or Donation Center. You'll get a payout according to the geno's rarity. However, you'll only get the payout for releasing a geno to the Donation Center the first time the geno is donated to it. Subsequent donations, no matter who donates the specific geno, do not get a payout. This is to prevent exploitation for endless payouts.

People that drop off their unwanted spirits will be awarded PT (Player Tokens):
Common Genotype - 500 PT
Uncommon Genotype - 1,000 PT
Rare Genotype - 3,000 PT
Legendary Genotype - 5,000 PT
Unique Genotype - 8,000 PT

Common Genotype = Common traits/markings with up to 2 uncommon trait/marking.
Uncommon Genotype = Common/Uncommon traits/markings with up to 1 rare trait/marking.
Rare Genotype = Common/Uncommon/Rare traits/markings with up to 1 legendary trait/marking.
Legendary Genotype = Any geno containing at least 2 legendary trait/marking.
Unique Genotype = Any geno with at least 1 unique trait on the geno.


No rewards.



Category: Artless

Want to enchant some scrolls or gear?


When enchanting, try to ensure you have enough PT for enchanting everything if you’re doing a massive order. If you don't have enough PT for the enchantments, the admin will reject your submission!

Enchanting scrolls is 400 PT
Books to Tomes are 800 PT.
Equipment enchants are 500 PT
Unenchanting equipment is 20 PT.
You cannot un-enchant corruption, but you may use an Angel’s Tears to purify it either here or in requests.

Aside from that, be sure to attach all the items you want to enchant, and mention whether you have any special requests (ie “please reroll a slot if it enchants into particular undesired boost” or “stop early if my PT drops to a certain range”)
We will adjust the number of enchants accordingly for special requests.


No rewards.


133 results found.