Welcome to Gaia's World!
If you're new here, you can learn how to get started and some of the early things you can do by reading our Site Guide. You may adopt both a Kijikaiaku and a Subtalleon for free from the Adoption Center, or likewise if none there appeal to you we can roll one for you at random! Additionally, after you register, be sure to check out Gaia's Giveaways in the shops to pick up a bunch of free items.
Afterwards, comment on this post below to let us know you're new, and we'll give you your choice of one of the following freebies:
Design Pack: Comes with x1 Trait Edit, x1 Reality Essence, x1 White Out, x2 Trait Bundles, x1 Extensions Equipment with 4 slots.
1 Rare MYO: Comes with x1 legendary trait/marking, x3 rare traits/markings, unlimited common/uncommon traits, max of 6 total markings.
Treasure Pack: Comes with x2 Message in a Bottle, x1 Treasure Map, x3 random loot bags/chests, x1 Bag of Coins, x1 Bag of Gems.
Familiar Pack: Comes with x3 common familiars, x2 uncommon familiars, and x1 rare familiar, x1 Scroll (+Farmer).
Activity Pack: Comes with x2 of each charm, x3 common scrolls, x2 uncommon scroll, x1 rare scroll, x3 random enchanted equipment.
Crafting Pack: Comes with x25 crafting materials, x1 Weak Slime, x1 Purified Book, x1 Corrupted Tome, x3 Empty Scroll.
If you are a current member, you can get some goodies too! If someone who joins says they were referred by you, you are allowed to choose one of the freebies above as well! Those who post public announcements or journals about the event to entice new users will also get x1 Gift Box for each announcement!
If you have any questions, comments, or just want to say hi, feel free to comment below, or better yet join our Discord for an amazing community full of wonderful people!