Skinned Calico Nighted Base with Energy Soul, D. Hooded, D. Bi-Colored, R. Siamese, D. Maned
D. Fluffy Ears, R. Short Whiskers, R. Claw Ends, R. Short Cheeks, D. Silken Mane, D. Fluffy Tail Fur
R. Long Bangs, D. Spliced, Lackluster Energy
Lust, Lovely, Burning, Resist Burn, Envy, Magical Energy, Diligence, Warrior, Moon-Kissed, Sun-Kissed, Kindred, Core-Blessed {C}
(Albino Base with Energy Soul, R. Overlay, R. Dipped
D. Fluffy Ears, R. Short Whiskers, R. Claw Ends, D. Wolf Cheeks, R. Short Mane, D. Fluffy Tail Fur
D. Spliced, R. Nightmare's Flaming Mane, R. Nightmare's Flaming Tail, R. Nightmare's Flaming Tread, D. Fiery Wings, Lackluster Energy
Burning V, Freezing, Weak Freezing, Resist Burn II, Warrior, Moon-Kissed II, Sun-Kissed II, Core-Blessed {C}, Star-Blessed, Counter Control)
Health: (20) +9 *1 (+0/+2) T:29/31
Speed: (8) +7 *1 (+0/+6) T:15(12)/21
Stamina: (7) +11 *1 (+0/+2) T:18/20
Strength: (6) +30 *1 (+0/+2) T:36/38
Attack: (8) +24 *1 (+2/+4) T:34(68)/36(72)
Luck: (5) -12.5 *1 (+0/+2) T:-8.5(1)/-6.5(1)
Defense: (8) +11 *1 (+0/-8) T:19(9)/11(5)
Charisma: (8) +22.5 *1 (+32/+4) T:62.5(62)/34.5(34)
Rebirth Level: 0
Rebirth Cooldown: 0 days
Able to Summon? Yes
Total Number of Summons: 2
Summon Cooldown: 0 days
Equipment Slots Totals:
Head: 0/2
Feet: 0/2
Body: 1/1
Top: 2/2
Bottom: 0/1
Tail: 0/1
Accessory: 1/2
Tool: 0/1
Familiars: 3/4
Den: The Scarlet Tower
Dungeon Progress:
Red Labyrinth: Not Started
Dry Burrows: Floor 4
Turbulent Caverns: Not Started
Floating Islands: Not Started