Den (D)DenCommon

D-00009: The Scarlet Tower

Owned by Wolvenhyde

Image #1062

Den Stats:
Appeal (Common) (0 +0 T:0)
Comfort (Common) (0 +1 T:1)
Functionality (Common) (0 +4 T:4)
Integrity (Common) (0 +0 T:0)
Morale (Common) (0 +0 T:0)
Range (Common) (0 +2 T:2)
Security (Common) (0 +1 T:1)

Uploaded: 2 years and 1 month ago
Last Edited: 2 years and 1 month ago
No additional notes given.
        Wolvenhyde (Made with AI)

24 November 2022, 17:06:26 PST

"To rebuild that which was lost, and to protect that which matters."

Location: City Outskirts
Affiliation: Neutral
Occupation: Home Base

Den Information: This Den is cozy and warm, well lit from the torches and fires around. It is a den above ground, made of a combination of natural materials such as wood, dirt, clay, and grass. The entrance is well supported and the inside is filled with supporting beams and even windows, looking akin to a mineshaft above ground. The roof is flat and sturdy, clearly for both landing and takeoff for flight, with a hatch that leads into the place. There are plans to make the house taller and get a basement in the future.

Member Listing 3/3:
#192 Izi/Leader
#150 Pikapi/Sub Leader
#260 Pai/Member

Den Bonuses:
- 2x loot from raiding
- Can Raid own den

Den Pets 1/1:
- Wolf

Den Items 4/4:
- Map
- Garden
- Torch
- Cart

- Wrath of Lilies: Ally
- Lost Temple: Ally

No additional notes given.

Notice: user-made terms are not binding, unless you have provided an electronic signature to the designer in question. You are responsible for obtaining and recording the version of the terms you agreed to.

Wolvenhyde's Terms
Wolvenhyde has not submitted their terms to the site.