Den (D)DenCommon

D-00007: Lost Temple

Owned by Sehanbrel

Image #1061

Den Stats:
Appeal (Common) (2 +6 T:8)
Comfort (Common) (2 +11 T:13)
Functionality (Common) (2 +8 T:10)
Integrity (Common) (2 +6 T:8)
Morale (Common) (2 +34 T:36)
Range (Common) (2 +8 T:10)
Security (Common) (2 +5 T:7)

Uploaded: 2 years and 3 months ago
Last Edited: 2 years and 3 months ago
No additional notes given.

14 December 2021, 04:25:49 PST

"For the wanderers."

Location: Forest
Affiliation: Neutral
Occupation: Secluded Research Temple

Den Information: Half-destroyed, even long before it was rediscovered. Parts are in semi-repair while the denmates learn more of how to rebuild an ancient human structure. The forest is thick all around, alive and ignorant, simultaneously tempting and uninviting to outsiders.

Member Listing 5/5:
​#38 Eridanus/Leader
#21 Orchid/Member
#141 Kumiho/Bard
#58 Araliris/Member
#57 Zerisint/Member

Den Bonuses:
- x2 Loot from Raiding
- Successful raids on you get 50% more items
- You can raid yourself
- Raid loot increased 50%

Den Pets 2/2:
x1 Mimic
x1 Koi Bearer

Den Items 7/7:
x1 Mattress
x1 Bookshelves
x1 Cart
x1 Counters: (+1 Appeal, +5 Comfort, +2 Integrity, +2 Range)
x1 Display Case
x1 Garden
x1 Map

- The Scarlet Tower: Ally

No additional notes given.

Notice: user-made terms are not binding, unless you have provided an electronic signature to the designer in question. You are responsible for obtaining and recording the version of the terms you agreed to.

Sehanbrel's Terms
Sehanbrel has not submitted their terms to the site.