Calico Fruity Base with Extra Energy, D. Stripes, R. Ombre, D. Dipped, D. Front Stock, O. Back Stock
D. Airplane Ears, D. Rounded Top Wings, D. Circle Tailed Bottom Wings, R. Shaved Cheeks, R. Ridged Mane, D. Eel Tail Fin
D. Roman Nose, R. Angler Lure, D. Short Horns, R. Trailing Fins, R. Wispy Leg Fur, O. Spine
Health: (15) +0 *1 +0 T:15
Speed: (7) +0 *1 +0 T:7
Stamina: (7) +0 *1 +0 T:7
Strength: (5) +0 *1 +0 T:5
Attack: (6) +0 *1 +0 T:6
Luck: (6) +0 *1 +2 T:8
Defense: (6) +0 *1 +0 T:6
Charisma: (8) +0 *1 +0 T:8(16)
Rebirth Level: 0
Rebirth Cooldown: 7 days
Able to Summon? Yes
Total Number of Summons: 0
Summon Cooldown: 7 days
Equipment Slots Totals:
Head: 0/1
Feet: 0/1
Body: 0/1
Top: 0/1
Bottom: 0/1
Tail: 0/1
Accessory: 0/1
Tool: 0/0
Familiars: 0/1
Den: None
Dungeon Progress:
Red Labyrinth: Not Started
Dry Burrows: Not Started
Turbulent Caverns: Not Started
Floating Islands: Not Started